Catholicism 101: Is Catholicism a denomination?
- Intent of sessions: initiate a discussion. Much more informal that TOT or other like things
- Format:
- Three things:
- List of suggestions to read
- Short talk
- Lots of Q&A! Opportunity for you to speak on things on your minds related to the topic, conscious that many people don’t get that chance today
- Especially helpful for catechists, but we should recall today that every Christian is a missionary; we are intrinsically so by baptism. Faith is not private! But…can’t give what don’t have, whether at home or elsewhere
- Bibliography
- Some brief things to consider, and some essentials we should all have
- Introduction:
- Why are you a Catholic?
- Scandals among priests
- Scandals among laity
- Gospel is not for the faint of heart
- More entertaining places to be on Sunday!
- What is God’s will?
- To reveal Himself…that all may have access to the Father
- DV2 (John 17:3; 1 Tim 2:4; 2 Pet 1:4).
- How does this happen? Where does one find access to the Father?
- In Scripture – the history of His saving deeds (although remember that Revelation is not limited to the words but includes the things He has done – more on that in two months)
- Old Testament: God initiates a relationship; breaks into people’s lives; calls certain folks to friendship with a two-fold intent
- To grant access to Himself
- To send out to tell others
- This culminates in Christ (cf. Heb 1:1f)
- How do I meet Jesus?
- Lots of places:
- Scripture
- Community
- Ordained
- But in a particular way in the liturgy, and above all in the Eucharist
- This is the actual place of God’s revelation: not merely reading and commentary but hearing and responding and becoming what God intends: the Body of Christ, i.e., the Church
- The Old Testament has a center – the Exodus – the Passover – received from God (Ps 111:4). This defined them.
- New Testament has a center – Paschal Mystery – Eucharist – received from Christ (“Do this in memory of Me”)
- Define some terms
- Catholic
- Not merely universal, if by that mean “open to all ideas”. OK if mean open to all, no matter race, origin, or condition. For the early Church had to do with being spread abroad over the whole world, so, on Pentecost, it was already Catholic
- Has to do with drawing all together, because the Church offers to all the desires of our hearts
- Church
- Ecclesia/qahal: called together, gathered.
- Means there is an Initiator, a Gatherer.
- Means there is a plan – an ultimate one, and, because of that, a plan for here and now