
Study Guide Middle East History

SS7H2: Standards

a. Explain how European partitioning in the Middle East after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire led to regional conflict.

b. Explain the historical reasons for the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948; include the Jewish religious connection to the land, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, and Zionism in Europe.

c. Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East.

d. Explain U.S. presence and interest in Southwest Asia; include the Persian Gulf conflict and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.


Fill out and define:


The Ottoman Empire began in what is now the country of ______.

In 1453 the Ottoman Empire conquered the city of Constantinople, which became ______.

The Ottoman Empire was in the continents of ______, ______and ______.

______Politicians decided the boundaries of the former Ottoman Empire.

The Main religion in the Ottoman Empire was ______, but ______and ______lived there too.

What did Europeans NOT consider when they decide to break up the Ottoman Empire?

Define the word Partition:


Fill in the Timeline Below to match the Formation of the State of Israel:



During the Holocaust ______Europeans died and 6 million were ______.

In Russia ______, or mob attacks on Jewish people and villages, became more common.

What are the 3 reasons Zionism became popular in Europe?




What world organization decide to give Jewish people the land of Israel and WHY?

______did not like the creation of the State of Israel.

Neighboring ______countries helped the people who used to live in Israel, because they shared a ______and Language with them and not the Jews.

The Palestinians land since the creation of the State of Israel has become ______and now all Palestinians live in the _____Strip or the ______.

Jews believe that Godgave them the land of ______during the Exodus led by Moses. The Desire to return to this land is called ______.

In the Middle East ______become refugees after the creation of the State of Israel and live in ______camps.

Define the word refugee?


The most important natural resource in the Middle East is ______, because countries that have this are rich.

Event / What caused the event? / What Countries are involved? / What key organizations and people are involved? / When did it happen?
Persian Gulf War
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq

Essay Questions:

You will need to do BOTH.

Use Your Graphic Organizers to help you study:

Question 1:

a. Explain how European partitioning in the Middle East after the breakup of the

Ottoman Empire led to regional conflict.

c. Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East.

Details to include:

  • What is the Ottoman Empire?
  • Role of “People of the Book” in Ottoman Empire
  • Different Ethnic and religious groups living in Ottoman Empire
  • Countries/Geographic regions covered
  • Events that lead to decline pre-WWI
  • WWI
  • Major effects/conflicts as a result of division.
  • Define Partitioning
  • Describe at least 2 ethnic or religious groups who suffered because of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Situation today in former Ottoman Empire today

Question 2:

b. Explain the historical reasons for the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948; include the Jewish religious connection to the land, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, and Zionism in Europe.

c. Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East.

Details to include:

  • Diaspora
  • Zionism/Exodus
  • Conditions of Jews in Europe before 1933 including Pogroms and Anti-Semitism
  • Holocaust
  • Division of Ottoman Empire briefly discussing Palestine
  • Creation of the State of Israel
  • Role of United Nations
  • Refugee
  • Hamas/ use of terrorism
  • Reasons and area in conflict between Israel and Palestinians
  • Situation today between Israelis and Palestinians