2017Curbside Recycling Grant


Please submit this report to the Solid Waste District, along with (a) photo documentation, (b) copies of paid invoices, and (c) any unused grant funds no later than November 30, 2017. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Grant Recipient:

Program Manager:

  1. Please provide a brief explanation of the overall project. What aspects of the program were successful and what things would you have changed? Include a total of the actual volume of materials collected/recycled.
  1. Provide a timeline of events in completing this project. If applicable, attached copies of all grant/match funded advertising for your curbside recycling program. (i.e. flyers, brochures, newspaper ads, etc.)
  1. Please provide a list of other organizations with whom you partnered to carry out this program. How many individuals from each group participated?
  1. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being best), please rate the Curbside Recycling Grant and provide an explanation for your rating. Would you consider applying again in the future?

2017 Curbside Recycling Grant


Grant Recipient:

Program Manager:

Please complete Questions A-D of this form for the curbside recycling program established in your community. Attach additional sheets if necessary.

  1. Program Awareness: Describe the methods used in promoting this recycling program to residents and/or businesses. What steps were taken to ensure its success and to get others to buy-in to the program?
  1. Program Challenges: What obstacles were encountered during implementation of this recycling program and how were those challenges overcome?
  1. Volumes Recycled: How many overall tons of materials were recycled throughout the course of this program?
  1. Cost Savings: What financial impact did this recycling program have on waste disposal costs for residents and/or businesses in the community? How much waste was reduced through this program by diverting recyclables from the garbage?

2017Curbside Recycling Grant


Grant Recipient:

Program Manager:

All grantees will list each piece of equipment purchased in full, or in part, with grant funds that costs $500 or more. Include the listed information for each piece of equipment. Copy this form as needed to account for all grant funded equipment purchased.

Equipment Type: /
Model Year:

Model #: /
Delivery Date:

Serial / ID #: /
Grant Year Obtained:

Equipment Location:

Total Grant Spent: $ /
Total Match Spent: $ /
Total Spent: $

Equipment Type: /
Model Year:

Model #: /
Delivery Date:

Serial / ID #: /
Grant Year Obtained:

Equipment Location:

Total Grant Spent: $ /
Total Match Spent: $ /
Total Spent: $

Equipment Type: /
Model Year:

Model #: /
Delivery Date:

Serial / ID #: /
Grant Year Obtained:

Equipment Location:

Total Grant Spent: $ /
Total Match Spent: $ /
Total Spent: $