March 2015doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0396r1

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group
Date: 2015-03-09
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / BlackBerry Ltd / 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK / +44 1753 667099 /

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #150

Estrel Hotel, Berlin, Germany

March 9th – 13th, 2015

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 9th March 2015

The chair: Adrian STEPHENs (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:30 Central European Time (CET).

Jon ROSDAHLVice-chair 1 (VC1)CSR

Dorothy STANLEYVice-chair 2 (VC2)Aruba Networks

Stephen MCCANNSecretaryBlackBerry

There are 353 voting and 10 ex-officio members of IEEE 802.11

  1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-15-0218r2)

1.1.This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots. There are also some other documents this week to consider, which are on the server.

1.2.There is a new item from IEEE 802.19 regarding Licensed Assisted Access (LAA).

1.3.Chair: Any modifications to the agenda?

1.4.Move to approve the agenda

1.5.Moved Mark Hamilton, 2nd Jon Rosdahl

1.6.No objection to the approval of the agenda.

  1. Notices

2.1.There is one IEEE staff member present (Kathryn Bennett)

2.2.Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please.

  1. January 2015 WG Minutes

3.1.Move to approve the Atlanta January 2015 minutes document 11-15-0019r0

3.2.Moved: Stephen MCCANN, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl

3.3.Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

3.4.Move to approve the Xiamen January 2015 minutes document 11-15-0212r0

3.5.Moved: Stephen MCCANN, 2nd: Dorothy Stanley

3.6.Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

  1. Attendance

4.1.Chair: I would like to announce that we have quorum at this meeting.

4.2.Please can you remember to login and register your attendance.

4.3.9 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 235 people in the room.

4.4.Secretary: I will run a new member’s meeting today at PM1 today, in room 30441.

  1. Policy and Procedures (11-15-0223r1)

5.1.Regarding patent information, please view for IEEE-SA patent information.

5.2.The VC2 called for essential patents information.

5.3.No statements were made.

5.4.Other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings were also described.

5.5.IEEE-SA Patent Policy updates (slide #11)

5.6.There have been some recent updates to the IEEE-SA patent policy. These become effective on 15th March 2015. Therefore this meeting is using the existing rules.

5.7.There are also some changes proposed for the Executive Committee (EC) Policy and Procedures (P&Ps) as described in slide #14.

5.8.Proposed changes to the IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual (OM) are shown in slide #16. These will be considered for approval during the Friday closing plenary.


5.10.To have write access to email reflectors and the document server, you have to attend 75% of all sessions in this meeting to obtain the attendance level, which allows you to do this.

5.11.No questions

  1. Announcements


6.1.1.NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Networks): There will be a discussion about this within the REG SC meetings this week.

6.1.2.No questions

6.2.Letter from IEEE-SA PatCom (11-15-0260r2)

6.2.1.Chair: This email has been received from IEEE-SA regarding patents within IEEE 802.11ah. Please look at this document if you wish.

6.2.2.Chair: Any questions regarding this document must be sent to IEEE-SA PatCom

6.2.3.No questions

  1. Privacy EC SG (privesg-15-0007r0)

7.1.The chair of this study group introduced the MAC Address Privacy experiment taking place this week at this meeting.

7.2.The presentation includes details of how people can participate in this trial.

7.3.The SSID for this trial is “ieee802_privacy_trial” and there is also a tiny URL which provides extra help:

7.4.There will also be a similar trial at the IETF Dallas meeting in two weeks’ time.

7.5.Question (Q): Will the raw data be available?

7.6.Answer (A): No, as the results need to be anonymized, so that people’s identities are removed.

7.7.Q: But what’s the point of the privacy trial then?

7.8.A: Sure, but we need to know who is participating in this particular trial

  1. IEEE 802.19 (19-15-0019r0)

8.1.The IEEE 802.19 chair introduced a liaison exchange between IEEE 802.19 and 3GPP regarding LAA. In January 2015, the 3GPP TSG RAN chair presented a liaison to IEEE 802. He also volunteered to attend a future IEEE 802 meeting possibly in July 2015.

8.2.Additionally in January 2015, the IEEE 802 EC approved a response liaison back to 3GPP by electronic ballot.

8.3.On Wednesday AM1, IEEE 802.19 will be discussing this topic.

8.4.No questions

  1. IEEE 802.11 liaison to IEEE 802.19

9.1.I’d like to make a call for an IEEE 802.19 liaison from IEEE 802.11 as we have not had one for a while.

9.2.Chair: Ok, I think that’s reasonable. If anyone is interested please talk to me later.

  1. Announcements

10.1.Joint Meetings (11-15-0219r3)

10.1.1.Chair: Please note the joint meetings that we are having this week. Note that if you attend these meetings, you will receive reciprocal credit.

10.2.Tutorials (11-15-0227r0)

10.2.1.VC1: There are three tutorials this evening in the Estrel Conference Centre (ECC).

10.3.Hotel Floor Map (11-15-0227r0 slide #6)

10.3.1.VC1: This diagram shows the floor map of this section of the hotel where most of the IEEE 802.11 meetings are held. Note that each door has a QR code which will send you to the latest room information

10.4.May 2015 interim (11-15-0227r0 slide #8)

10.4.1.VC1: Please note that the next meeting is the May 2015 interim in Vancouver, Canada.


10.5.1.VC1: Please remember to register your attendance including affiliation for each meeting that you attend. This still applies, even if you do not want to gain voting rights.


10.5.3.Q: regarding slide #9, how many people need to attend a meeting to do business?

10.5.4.A: At plenaries, there is no quorum requirement, although a quorum declaration needs to be made.

10.5.5.Q: Ok, but I note that some groups have a very low attendance, so what happens with them?

10.5.6.A: Yes, ok. The level of interest is discussed at the EC.

10.5.7.Q: So what happened earlier then, regarding the quorum statement.

10.5.8.A: Adrian was applying the rule of stating that the meeting has quorum. Counting the people in the room is just a separate thing that we do and put it in the minutes.

10.5.9.Q: So, do we have automatic quorum at the interim meetings?

10.5.10.A: Yes, as they are announced 30 days in advance.

10.5.11.Loss of Voting Rights

10.5.12.Chair: There are potentially 12 members that will lose their voting rights at the end of this meeting because they did not respond to the 11aq letter ballot.

10.5.13.Chair: additionally you can only vote “Abstain: lack of expertise” in a letter ballot. Please read the rules.

10.5.14.Q: Why cannot you change the options on ePoll?

10.5.15.Chair: I’m not allowed to access the ePoll source code, so I can’t change it.


10.6.1.VC1: Please can you use the local server, to save the bandwidth coming to and from the hotel.

10.7.Breaks and Wednesday social (11-15-0227r0 slide #13)

10.7.1.Breakfast is provided by the hotel room this week and is included in your room rate. Also note that Value Added Tax (VAT) and all other similar extra charges are already included in your room rate.

10.7.2.Lunch is provided in the foyer this week.

10.7.3.Please note that break times will be strictly kept by the hotel staff.

10.8.Social (11-15-0227r0 slide #14)

10.8.1.The social comprises a dinner and a show here in the ECC. There is a cost and you have to reserve and collect a ticket by 16:00 on Wednesday. Therefore you can still register for this social before then.

10.8.2.There are still 100 tickets remaining at the moment.

10.9.Mid-week Plenary topics (11-15-0220r0 slide #7)

10.9.1.Chair: This slide shows various topics for this week’s mid-week plenary.

10.10.IEEE-SA PARs (11-15-0220r0 slide #7)

10.10.1.Chair: There have been no PAR approvals since the last meeting, which effect IEEE 802.11

10.11.Missing Officers

10.11.1.Please note that Clint Chaplin is not here for WNG and Jim Lansford is helping out. Additionally Xiaoming Peng is not here this week, so Haiming Wang is running the TGaj session.

  1. Treasurer’s Report (11-15-0226r0)

11.1.VC1: Presentation of the current financial situation.

11.2.Q: So what happened at the Atlanta meeting. I don’t understand. Why did we have to give IEEE 802 money back?

11.3.VC1: Originally IEEE 802 was going to host a plenary in Atlanta, but then had to move it, so we ended up with an IEEE 802 hosted interim in Atlanta instead. Therefore they took the risk and also took the surplus.

11.4.VC1: There will be a similar situation in 2016.

11.5.Q: I thought we went to Dallas twice in 2003?

11.6.A: Yes, but this slide only shows the Interim meetings, so the two visits to Dallas are not captured here as one was a Plenary.

  1. Status of all groups (11-15-0222r1)

12.1.The status of each group was presented.

12.2.Some extra notes not covered in the slides:

12.2.1.Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning

12.2.2.ARC: Please note that the joint meeting with IEEE 802.1 is no longer required, so it is now a normal ARC meeting.

12.2.3.Publicity SC

12.2.4.WG Chair: just to let you all know that I have been asked to make a presentation to the Wi-Fi Forum South African conference this week. Stephen McCann will make the actual presentation later this week, as I am busy elsewhere. He will use the current slide deck that the Publicity SC has been working on.

12.2.5.WNG: There is one meeting on Tuesday morning to consider future topics for IEEE 802.11. There is currently one presentation.

12.2.6.JTC1/SC6: This standing committee (SC) will be meeting twice this week.


12.2.8.Q: When do you expect your next re-circulation ballot?

12.2.9.A: I expect it will be in May 2015.

12.2.10.TGax: Several ad-hoc meetings will start this week, which will help to allow more presentations to be made. Please note that these meetings will occur in parallel, so please select which ad-hoc you wish to attend.

  1. Any Other Business

13.1.Meeting recessed at 12:18 CET

Wednesday, 11th March 2015

IEEE 802.11 Mid-Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Adrian STEPHENS (Intel Corporation) opened the meeting at 10:31 CET

250 people present.

  1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-15-0218r4)

14.1. Chair: I have updated a couple of extra items to this agenda. If we run out of time today, then agenda items will be move to Friday’s closing plenary.

14.2. Q: What is the document number of the motions please?

14.3. A: 11-15-0294 is the RG SC presentation including the text of the proposed motion and also 11-15-0224 which is the motion deck for this session.

14.4. Any objection to accepting this change to the agenda.

14.5. Moved: Marc Emmelmann, Second: Jon Rosdahl

14.6. No objections, so moved and approved.

  1. Call for Essential Patents

15.1. Call for essential patents

15.2. No statements were made.

16.CAC (Chair’s Advisory Committee)

16.1. Reminder about the CAC meeting at 19:30 on Thursday. Need to consider documentation for the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) meeting on Friday.


17.1. IEEE 802.19 Reciprocal Credit

17.2. Chair: Any attendance in IEEE 802.19 until further notice will gain reciprocal credit for IEEE 8021.11

17.3. Room Planning

17.4. VC1: I’d like to make sure that we have a suitable room for the Friday closing plenary, so please can I count people who will be staying. Total: 66

17.5. Privacy EC SG from last night

17.6. If you attended the Privacy EC SG meeting last night and signed their attendance sheet, you will received reciprocal credit in IEEE 802.11

18.Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) / IEEE 802.11 Leadership Summit (11-15-0220r0 slide #12)

18.1. Chair: This is a summary of the meeting that the IEEE 802.11 leadership had with the WFA leadership following the WFA members’ meeting in Seoul a few weeks ago. This is a new activity, which has not occurred before.

18.2. Q: Thank you for doing this. Should the WFA review the IEEE 802.11 documents? They have a different way of working.

18.3. Chair: I’d like to create a summary of the IEEE-SA public review process, possibly on Friday.

18.4. Comment (C): I think this is a good idea and should be encouraged going forward. Could the WFA send a liaison to either IEEE 802.11 or IEEE 802.19, regarding LTE-U.

18.5. Chair: We’d prefer that the WFA sends liaison on this topic directly to IEEE 802.11 and not to IEEE 802.19, to avoid confusion.

18.6. Q: So would IEEE 802.11 then become involved in any liaison response?

18.7. Chair: That’s not clear at the moment

18.8. Straw Poll: Do you believe that there is value in the 802.11 leadership continuing to meet with the Wi-Fi Alliance leadership in “leadership summit” meetings?

18.9. Yes: 131

18.10. No: 0

18.11. Abstain: 2

19.IETF Liaison (11-15-0337r1)

19.1. No questions

20.IEEE 802C (11-15-0426r0)

20.1. No questions

21.Room Changes(11-15-0227r1 slide #22)

21.1. Please can all remaining TGaj, TGmc and JTC1 slots be cancelled?

21.2. Please can TGax have the Wed PM2 slot.

21.3. Please can TGah and TGak have Wed PM1 slots.

21.4. Please can TGai have the Thurs PM2 slot.

21.5. Please can TGak have Thurs PM1 slot.

21.6. Chair: All these are possible.

21.7. Motion to approve these changes

21.7.1.Moved Mark Hamilton, 2nd Jon Rosdahl

21.7.2.No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

22.NG60 (IEEE 802.11ay) comments on PAR and CSD(11-15-0271r4)

22.1. This is a summary of comments received from the other 802 WGs on the draft IEEE 802.11ay PAR and CSD documents.

22.2. The updated PAR itself is in document 11-14-1151r8 and shows updates based on the comments received.

22.3. The updated CSD document is 11-14-1152r8 and also shows updates based on comments received.

22.4. No questions

22.5. Believing that the PAR contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, Request that the PAR contained in 11-14/1151r8 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for EC approval to submit to NesCom.

22.5.1.Moved by: Edward Au, 2nd by: Rakesh Taori

22.5.2. [NG60 SG vote: Moved: Carlos Cordeiro (Intel), Second: Yan Xin (Huawei), Results: 37/0/0]

22.5.3. For: 119, Against: 0, Abstain: 6 (Motion passes)

22.6. Believing that the CSD contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, Request that the CSD contained in 11-14/1152r8 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for EC approval to submit to NesCom.

22.6.1.Moved by: Edward Au, 2nd by: George Calcev

22.6.2. [NG60 SG vote: Moved: Carlos Cordeiro (Intel), Second: Yan Xin (Huawei), Results: 37/0/0]

22.6.3For: 116, Against: 0, Abstain: 7 (Motion passes)

23.IEEE 802.24 Report

23.1. Chair: This is now deferred until Friday

24.Working Group Motions (11-15-0224r1)

24.1. IEEE 802.11REVmc re-circulation letter ballot

24.2. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB206 on P802.11mc D4.0 Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11mc D4.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

24.2.1.Moved by: Dorothy Stanley on behalf of TGmc

[TG Result: Moved: Edward Au, Seconded: Mike Montemurro, Result: 12-0-1 Motion Passes]

24.2.2.For: 126, Against: 0, Abstain: 3 (Motion passes)

25.PAR Standing Committee (SC) Review (11-15-0229r1)

25.1. VC1: This is the report of comments received about the WG PARs for this week.

25.2. No questions

26.MAC Privacy EC SG (11-15-0432r0)

26.1. This is a summary of activities within this group.

26.2. Chair: How will you circulate your report?

26.3. A: it will be circulated to various groups including IEEE 802.11.

27.IEEE 802.11 Old Documentation Project (11-15-0220r0 slide #18)

27.1. Chair: This is a summary of the IEEE 802.11 old documentation project.

27.2. The newly recovered files are now available on the IEEE 802.11 documentation web-site.

27.3. No questions

28.DSRC report(11-15-0294r0)

28.1. REG SC Chair: This document summaries the REG SC DSRC Tiger Team report.

28.2. Believing that the report in document 11-15/0347r0 represents the work of the DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team, forward it to 802.18 for approval to send to the EC for its approval and submittal to the FCC.

28.2.1Moved by: Richard Kennedy, 2nd: Dick Roy

28.2.2 Chair: I would like to have limited debate on this issue.

28.2.3.C: I speak against the motion, from a procedural point of view as it is a personal motion and is not on behalf on the REG SC. There was a specific preference for one solution based on a straw poll in REG SC.

28.2.4.C: I speak for this motion. I think the document is a fair representation of the work done in the Tiger Team.

28.2.5.C: I speak against the motion. The document has not been approved by the REG SC. It will give the wrong impression coming out of IEEE 802.11

28.2.6.C: I speak in favour of this motion. I think we should continue to update the FCC on this issue. Indeed the tiger team was established to do this at the end of their work.

28.2.7.C: There was a lot of work done on this over the last 18 months and is a fair reflection of the work done.

28.2.8.C: I speak against the motion. The straw poll in REG SC was against doing this.

28.2.9.C: I speak against the motion. The report is biased towards the ITS community.

28.2.10. C: I speak against the motion. I’m concerned that the report gives an erroneous impression of the work within the REG SC.

28.2.11. C: I speak against the motion. The straw poll within REG SC was against doing this and is not beneficial to the WLAN community. It would be better to say that there was no agreement with the REG SC DSRC Tiger Team.

28.2.12. REG SC chair: I did not wish to have a motion in REG SC, as I wanted the whole of the IEEE 802.11 members to vote on this.

28.2.13. C: I speak against the motion. The work in the Tiger Team was admirable. However, there is a feeling among many people that this report is not a fair reflection for IEEE 802.11 members.

28.2.14. C: I speak in favour of the motion. This report does not state a position. It is a fair report of the work done by the Tiger Team.

28.2.15. C: I think this is calling the integrity of IEEE 802.11 into issue. Just because some people don’t like the report, shouldn’t stop this document going forward.

28.2.16. C: Staff from the FCC participated in this activity. However, I don’t think that all the initial promises within REG SC about this topic were not upheld.

28.2.17. C: I think procedures were followed. You should vote yes or no based on the technical content of the report.

28.2.18. C: I find that some of the data is missing from the report. I think IEEE 802.11 should correct this.

28.2.19. REG SC chair: from the start of the Tiger Team activity, I always wanted to bring the opinions of the DSRC and IEEE 802.11 communities to all of the IEEE 802.11 membership.

28.2.20. Chair: This is a procedural motion (50%), as the motion states that the document will go to IEEE 802.18.

28.2.21. For: 53, Against: 48, Abstain: 34 (Motion passes)

29.Any Other Business

29.1.Meeting recessed at 12:20 CET

Friday, 13th March 2015

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary