McDowell County Compliance Checklist

LEA: McDowell 590 School: Current Date: _____

Student Name:DOB: Age:

Disability Category: Primary Secondary If SLD: RtI Yes No

Most Recent Action/s: Initial Reevaluation Transfer from NC LEATransfer from Out of StateOther ______

Compliance Area *Form Date Required / DECforms / NA / C / NC
Record is in a secure place w/access sheet included in the record
II. Referral
  1. Invitation to Conference contains required components including required participants/excusal(s) and reasonable response time for meeting (Date of invitation to date of response from parent) Best practice – 10 days. Sent date- _____, Meeting date-______
/ Invitation
  1. Handbook on Parents’ Rights provided
/ DEC1,2 / * / *
  1. Review of Existing Data, determine strengths and needs
/ DEC 1
  1. Written Referral on file (Date received by the school)
/ DEC 1 / * / *
  1. IEP team determination, additional data if needed.
/ DEC 1
  1. Documentation of required members’ attendance: LEA, Reg. Ed., Special Ed., Parent

  1. Prior Written Notice contains required components for proposal/refusal
(no Evaluation – special education process ceases) / DEC 5
  1. Parent given/sent copy of prior written notice (no eval, special education process ceases)
/ DEC 5 / * / *
III. Informed Consent for Initial Evaluation - Date Signed / DEC 2 / * / *
  1. Evaluation data requested, consent to evaluate match
/ DEC 1,2
IV. Initial Evaluation (Eligibility Determination)
  1. Invitation to Conference contains required components including req. participants/excusal(s) and reasonable response time for meeting Best practice –10 days. Sent date- _____, Meeting date-______
/ Invitation
  1. Review data, Required eligibility documentation primary disability
/ DEC 3 WS
  1. Review data, Required eligibility documentation (only for secondary disability category)
  1. Required eligibility documentation reports included
/ reports
  1. Eligibility Determination completed and signed
/ DEC 3
  1. Documentation of required members’ attendance: LEA, Reg. Ed., Special Ed., Parent
/ DEC 3, 5
  1. Prior Written Notice contains required components for proposal/refusal and WHY
/ DEC 5 / * / *
  1. Parent given/sent copy of prior written notice
/ DEC 5 / * / *
V. Informed Consent for Provision of Services – Marked in Folder / DEC 6 / * / *
VI. Reevaluation – Review most current
  1. Invitation to Conference contains required components including participants/excusal(s) and reasonable response time for meeting Best practice – 10 days Sent date- _____, Meeting date-______
/ Invitation
  1. Review of existing data
/ DEC 7
  1. Determination of needed additional data, if any
/ DEC 7
  1. Informed Consent to Evaluate (if applicable)
/ DEC 2 / * / *
  1. Evaluation data requested, consent to and collected match (if applicable)
/ DEC 7,2,3
  1. Required eligibility documentation [Review of existing data, & written report]
/ DEC 3, report
  1. Eligibility Determination
/ DEC 3
  1. Current IEP revisited ______or new IEP developed at time of reevaluation______
/ DEC 4
  1. Documentation of required members’ attendance: LEA, Reg. Ed., Special Ed., Parent
/ Dec 7,3
  1. Prior Written Notice contains required components for proposal/refusal and WHY
/ DEC 5 / * / *
  1. Parent given/sent copy of prior written notice DEC 5
/ DEC 5 / * / *
  1. Current reevaluation completed within the past 3 years
(Past DEC 5 date- ______to current DEC 5 date ______) / DEC 5 / * / *
VII. IEP Development and Implementation – Current / DEC 4
  1. Invitation to Conference contains required components including participants/ excusal(s) and reasonable response time for meetingBest practice – 10 days Sent date- _____, Meeting date-______
/ Invitation
  1. IEP developed with required components
/ DEC 4
  1. Initiation and duration of services/IEP reviewed within one year
(Date of end date of last IEP -______to begin date of current IEP- ______) / DEC 4
  1. Student Profile-strengths, assessments, parent concerns and vision
/ DEC 4
  1. Special factors considered (If yes, look for a goal that addresses special factor)
/ DEC 4
  1. Student informed of his/her rights 1 year prior to age 18
/ DEC 4
  1. Present Level of Performance (functional and academic) Addressed functional performance, data driven, strength, need, effect on general ed. participation
Goal 1 ____, Goal 2 ____, Goal 3 ____, Goal 4 ____, Goal 5 ____ Goal 6 ____ / DEC 4
  1. Annual Goals (functional and academic goals) Observable and Measurable
Goal 1 ____, Goal 2 ____, Goal 3 ____, Goal 4 ____, Goal 5 ____ Goal 6 ____ / DEC 4
7 Benchmarks/Short Term Objectives (required for Extend 1 students) Measured? / DEC 4
8 Description of how progress toward annual goal(s) will be measured / DEC 4
9Accommodations in General Education / DEC 4
10State wide assessment program(s) addressed-all state accommodations used in gen. ed. / DEC 4
11. District wide assessment program(s) addressed / DEC 4
12.Why reg. testing is not appropriate
13. Special education, related services, time in each & location / DEC 4
14. Continuum of alternative educational placements selected on current IEP
15. Least restrictive environment justification (Why) on current IEP - Includes information specific to child’s disability / DEC 4
  1. For preschool, describe involvement in General Education program
/ DEC 4
16. Explanation of when student progress will be reported / DEC 4
  1. Extended school year addressed
/ DEC 4
  1. Documentation of required members’ attendance LEA, Reg. Ed., Special Ed., Parent
/ DEC 4
  1. Documentation of IEP amendments (if applicable)
/ DEC 4
G Prior Written Notice contains required components for the most current proposal/refusal / DEC 5 / * / *
1.WHY the proposal / DEC 5
2. WHY the refusal / DEC 5
3. Description of evaluation procedure / DEC 5
4. Other relevant factors / DEC 5
5.Parent given/sent copy of prior written notice / DEC 5 / * / *
VII.Transition - Student invited to the IEP meeting
(when transition is beingdiscussed) / Student Invitation
IX. Transition for students aged 14 and 15 / DEC 4a
  1. Documentation of the child’s needs, preferences, and interests (Dream sheet, CFNC, Inventory?)
/ DEC 4a
  1. Course of study
/ DEC 4a
X. Transition - (Age 16 and above)
  1. Post-Secondary Goals education/training____, employment____, independent living____
/ DEC 4
  1. Up dated annually
/ DEC 4
  1. Based on appropriate assessment
/ DEC 4
  1. Transition services
/ DEC 4
  1. Course of study to support goals
/ DEC 4
  1. Annual Goal related to transition Goal # ____
/ DEC 4
XI. Discipline Processes (Within the current school year)
  1. Parents sent notification (Prior Written Notice Discipline)
/ DEC 5a / * / *
  1. Handbook on Parents’ Rights provided
/ DEC 5a / * / *
  1. Manifestation Determination Meeting held within 10 schools days
/ WS#4 / * / *
  1. Functional Behavioral Assessment (When Applicable)
  1. Behavior Intervention Plan (When Applicable)
  1. Prior Written Notice contains required components for proposal/refusal
/ DEC 5 / * / *
  1. Parent given/sent copy of prior written notice
/ DEC 5 / * / *
XII. 90 Day Timeline (For Initial Only)
  1. Date School Received Written Referral
/ DEC 1 / * / *
  1. Date of initial placement
/ DEC 5 / * / *
  1. Initial placement decision within 90 days of receipt of written referral (includes
the development of the IEP to the Prior Written Notice) / DEC 1 to DEC 5
XIII. Preschool-Part C to Part B
  1. IEP developed and implemented by 3rd birthday
/ DEC 4
XIV. Handbook on Parents’ Rights provided (during current school year) / * / *

Compliance ChecklistStudent name: ______DEC Form NA C NC

Reviewed By: ______
