Tuesday 6 September 2016

To be held at Berri Resort Hotel, Berri at 6.15pm for 6.30pm start

  1. Welcome by President Julie Radloff
  1. Acknowledgment of Country, Objects and Thanks: Toni Beviss
  1. Members Present: Toni Beviss, Jenny Boyd, Margot Kranich, Elma Mason, Julie Radloff, Dianna Schulz, Joy Sweet, Josie Nelsson, Nita Thom, Desiree May On Leave: Lynn Long, Jenni Trewren
  1. Member Apologies: Lorraine Charity, Kay Sando, Helen Soteriou
  1. Guests Present: Hayley Ramsay, Arunika Hamden, Beverly Bauer
  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting:

Moved that the minutes from the meeting held on Tuesday 2 August 2016 be accepted as a

true and accurate record. Moved: Elma Mason Seconded: Nita ThomCarried

  1. Correspondence In and Out (as collated and circulated by Kay Sando)

Feedback from Government Domestic Violence Discussion Paper 2016

  1. Financial Report – nothing significant this last month
  1. President Report: In Z to A Newsletter
  1. CommitteeReports
  2. Service

-nil report


-Will start writing letters to the schools for next term


-Jane Klausman Awards is about studying business – report in Newsletter from Margot

-Discussion held about Riverland Women in Business award application process – Margot to start looking at changing this application process

-Process needs to revised by end of November this year.

-RDA could assist in the review of the application process

-Julie talk to some past winners

-Toni, Julie and Margot and Hayley to look at application process


-no report

10.5.Public Relations and Communications

-no report


-BBQ at Bunnings – 16 October –

Morning – Bob and Lorraine, Julie and Kym, Toni

Afternoon – Elma, Jenny Desiree, Josie and Arunika

-The other BBQ dates 11th December 2016, 26th February 2017

-Change to the Berri Merri Christmas event – Julie to confirm date and times

  1. GuestSpeaker: Hayley Ramsay
  1. GeneralBusiness
  2. Christmas Dinner ideas

–BMS boats – Josie check out prices

–Murray River Queen in Waikerie – Toni check out deals to include a bus

–Berri Club – Joy to check out deals

12.2.Guest Speaker for November – Lynette Nitschke – Desiree to ask

12.3.Happy Birthday to Nita

12.4.Margot gave a history lesson of giving reports to Board meeting – to put in the

newsletter. Please consider giving a report to Margot for our newsletter.

12.5.Feedback to the SA Government’s Domestic Violence Discussion Paper 2016

-focus on domestic harmony

-focus on rural women’s issues and the centralizing of services

  1. Raffle Draw: Provided by: Josie Nelsson Won by: Jenny Boyd
  1. Next Meeting: Tuesday 4th October 2016

Objects: Jenny Boyd

Raffle: Julie Radloff

Guest Speaker: Arunika Hamden

  1. Meeting Closed: 8.45pm
  1. Next Board Meeting 27th September –usual time and place