Immunization Sub-Committee of MOCC

November 30, 2006: Meeting Notes

  1. Answers from Dr. Shekleton: Data Clean-Up
  1. Compliance issues:
  1. RUT + ROT + (MR or MU) = not compliant; the student must provide evidence of 2nd MMR or mumps shot
  1. RU2 + RO2 + MU = possibly compliant; interpretation will depend of DOB
  • 1978 and after: interpret as 2 MMR’s; follow up by either adding MU2 OR removing RU, RU2, RO, RO2, and MU and adding MR and MR2
  • 1957 to 1977: need additional information to assess compliance status – follow up by accessing student immunization records for exact information
  1. RU2 + RO2 = possibly compliant; see b above
  1. HF = not compliant; follow up by researching student immunization status and updating Colleague record
  1. Follow-Up With Students:
  1. RU + RO: does this student need 1 MMR or 2? Again, follow-up will be driven by DOB
  • 1978 and after: 1
  • 1957 to 1977: 2
  1. Student immunization documentation indicates a second MMR, but not a first. Does the student need another MMR? No, we won’t question a reputable clinic – document as MR2
  1. Student immunization documentation doesn’t include dates of administration – does the student need to follow up with the clinic? No, accept the information and code appropriately
  1. Coding Issues:
  1. Distinguish between medical exemptions for adverse reactions to first MMR and other scenarios
  1. Students enrolled in main campus section of a class, but plan to complete all work off campus: no waiver code for this – obtain written verification of the student’s situation, notify me (Trudy) – I will account for these students in my data summary of non-compliance:

Campus / Non-compliant students / Students coded as main campus, but completing work off campus / Adjusted figure / Students who received 1st MMR / Final adjusted figure
  1. Students attempting to become pregnant: need to complete form for temporary medical waiver and secure physician’s signature
  1. Other:
  1. TB – possible requirement for international students: not in the immediate future – BOR aligns policy with CDC recommendations; currently, TB testing is not included. Campuses can use discretion to establish university-specific policy
  1. Immunization compliance for individuals participating in summer workshops, seminars, etc. Those admitted to the regental system enrolled in credit-bearing classes will need to be compliant with the immunization policy – others will not
  1. Pointers for form related to religious objection: none
  1. Coding Proposal: Feedback from Suzanne and Carla
  1. XM – split into 2 – 1 for adverse reaction to MMR (excuses student from MMR); 1 for other serious medical conditions (excuses student from all vaccinations – current and future)
  1. Changing MUM to MUD – fine, if we also change RUM to RUD and ROM to ROD

2 options:

a. Keep disease codes as they are, but change descriptions

b. Change all 3 codes and clean up data

  1. Okay to use obsolete description to avoid extensive coding clean-up – on a minimal basis. Caution: this won’t prevent someone from using obsolete codes
  1. Next steps:
  1. Data clean-up: The report for RUT + ROT, but no MUT was distributed prior to the meeting; the report for RU2 + RO2, but no MU2 was sent the day after the meeting. Please email me if you have any questions – watch carefully for odd routes to compliance.
  1. Proposal for coding: sent out to the group last Friday for one more review
  1. Documentation of end user who inputted immunization information – after the meeting, we exchanged emails about this – I also visited with Carla about the matter – she will join us for the next call to brainstorm options
  1. Additional discussion with Dr. Shekleton regarding the off campus student who enrolls in a main campus section
  1. Cory is generating reports pertaining to HF and codes for disease states – I will send them out when available
  1. Meet after the holidays – I will contact everyone for date options

Thank you for your interest and hard work! I am grateful!