Section 1: Assessment Details
Assessment No. / Directorate: / Location:
Assessment Date: / Review Date: / Assessor/s Name:
Activity to be Assessed:
Persons at Risk: (Delete as appropriate) / Employees / Children / Public / Provider Staff / Others, (Detail)
Section 2: Risk Assessment
See checklist at section 4
Identify the Hazards: / How Could Harm Result from the Hazard: / Control Measures:
Section 3: Review
Revision: / Reason for Review: / Reviewed By: / Date of Review:
Section 4: Checklist of Potential Hazards / Risks
Utilise Checklist to complete assessment (i.e. identification of hazards, risks and potential control measures) then complete Section 3
Potential Hazard: / Guidance: / Assessors Comments:
Psychological Capability /
  • Some off site visits could be beyond a young person’s mental and emotional coping ability. Previous experiences and interpersonal relationships such as dealing with violent and aggressive behaviour and decision making in stressful situations.

Physical Capability /
  • Young people may not be physically capable for some off site visits and they may not have the strength to participate fully for example more adventurous activities based

Immaturity /
  • Young persons may not adopt an appropriate responsible attitude to off site visits and being away from home and are more likely to be the victim or participate in horseplay.

Inexperience /
  • Young person’s cannot be expected to readily identify off site visits and residential hazards and risks.

Lack of Awareness /
  • Young persons and staff may not be not be aware of all the potential hazards and risks associated with off site visits and residential i.e. those hazards / risks in which experience and / or expertise are required to anticipate the potential for harm and its severity and the likelihood for it to occur.

Exuberance /
  • Young persons may take on off site visits in excess of their physical and / or psychological capabilities whilst trying to create a good impression and / or obtain an excellent report or reference.

Control measures /
  • Young persons will be given a comprehensive and clear induction explaining thoroughly all the hazards and risks present ion their residential. Understandable information and instructions will be given in relation to all tasks undertaken by them. Appropriate training and supervision will be given based on their abilities and maturity by a suitable responsible qualified member of staff.

Employee/volunteers/staff /
  • Any person attending and working in a supervisory capacity should have the relevant experience of working away from establishments with groups, consideration should be given to the attending adults ability to participate physically and mentally in the activity being undertaken by the young people. It is important that all adults understand their own capabilities. All staff should have a clear understanding of their role and what action to take should any incident arise.

Staffing young people ratios /
  • Consideration should be given to staffing ratios taking into account, type of group, activity being undertaken, other staff experience, environment trip taking part in, distance from base location, complexity of trip.

Manual handling /
  • All participants should be clearly briefed on manual handling. Visit leaders are to ensure that BPS 4.3.3 manual handling procedures are followed and that all young people involved are given clear directions on a manual handling that may take place for instance carrying bags and supplies.

Slips and trips /
  • Consideration must be given to slips and trips hazards, every effort should be given to ensure that action is taken to reduce this hazard. This hazard may be covered in associated Risk Assessments e.g an accommodation RA.

Transportation /
  • A separate Risk assessment must be completed

Accommodation /
  • separate Risk assessment must be completed

Additional Comments:
Section 5: Benefits for this activity going ahead.