Ch 16 Terminology – Vital Signs

Apical pulse- Pulse taken with a stethoscope and near the apex of the heart.

Apnea - Absence of respirations; temporary cessation of respirations.

Arrhythmia- Irregular or abnormal rhythm, usually referring to the heart rhythm.

Aural temperature- Measurement of body temperature at the tympanic membrane in the ear.

Axillary temperature – Temperature taken in the armpit

Blood pressure- Measurement of the force exerted by the heart against the arterial walls when the heart

contracts (beats) and relaxes.

Bradycardia- Slow heart rate, usually below 60 beats per minute.

Bradypnea- Slow respiratory rate, usually below 10 respirations per minute.

Character- The quality of respirations (for example, deep, shallow, or labored).

Cheyne-Stokes respirations- periods of difficult breathing (dyspnes) followed by periods of no respiration


Dyspnea- Difficult or labored breathing.

Fever- Elevated body temperature, usually above 101ºF, or 38.3ºC, rectally.

Homeostasis – A constant state of natural balance within the body

Hypertension – High blood pressure

Hyperthermia – Condition that occurs when body temperature exceeds 104ºF (40ºC)

Hypotension - Low blood pressure.

Hypothermia- Condition in which body temperature is below normal, usually below 95ºF (35ºC) and often in

the range of 78ºF-95ºF (26ºC-35ºC).

Oral temperature–temperature taken in the mouth

Orthopnea – severe dyspnea in which breathing is very difficult in any position other than sitting erect or


Pulse- Pressure of the blood felt against the wall of an artery as the heart contracts or beats.

Pulse deficit- The difference between the rate of an apical pulse and the rate of a radial pulse.

Pulse pressure- The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Pyrexia- Fever.

Rate- number per minute, as with pulse and respiration counts.

Rectal temperature – temperature taken in the rectum

Respirations – the process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide

Rhythm- Referring to regularity; regular or irregular.

Sphygmomanometer(sfig-moh-ma-nam-eh-ter) - Instrument calibrated for measuring blood pressure in

millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Stethoscope- Instrument used for listening to internal body sounds.

Systolic – pressure occurring in the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle of the heart is contracting and

pushing blood into the arteries

Tachycardia- Fast, or rapid, heartbeat (usually more than 100 beats per minute in an adult).

Tachypnea – Fast, or rapid breathing (usually more than 25 respirations per minute)

Temperature- The measurement of the balance between heat lost and heat produced by the body.

Temporal temperature- Measurement of body temperature at the temporal artery on the forehead.

Tympanic thermometer- electronic thermometers that record the aural temperature in the ear.

Vital signs- determinations that provide information about body conditions; include temperature, pulse,

respirations, and blood pressure.

Volume- The degree of strength of a pulse (for example, strong or weak).

Wheezing – difficult breathing with a high-pitched whistling or sighing sound during expiration.