Tuesday 26thJuly 2016 at 7:30pm

Councillors present: Cllr R Crisp(Chair);Cllr A Collins (Vice Chair);Cllr C Anderson; Cllr G Gillett; Cllr S Gillett;Cllr SLeet;Cllr A Muir;Cllr CPointeer

Others Present: Judith Taylor, Clerk; one member of the public

Absent: Cllr Peake

/ Public Forum
No members of public made comments.
Accepted apologies for absence (LGA 1972, Section 85(1) & (2))
Cllr Eglington (unavailable); Cllr Jenkinson (on holiday).
Members’ declaration of interests
Cllr Leet declared on Item 4ii: Planning; Cllr Muir declared on Item 4iii: Planning.
Planning Applications and Updates
i. Tree Preservation Order, Woodlands, 11 Little London Rd, Northwold: confirmed.
ii. 16/01209/F: Temporary portacabin at Woodlands, 11 Little London Rd, Northwold: Cllr Leet left the meeting. It was agreed to offer no objection. Cllr Leet returned to the meeting.
iii. 16/01118/F: Conversion of existing garage to self-contained annex and erection of open fronted cart shed at Chalk Barn, 2 Pooly Farm Barns, Thetford Rd, Northwold: Cllr Muir left the meeting. It was agreed to offer no objection. Cllr Muir returned to the meeting.
iv. 16/01171/F: Gym and swimming pool with home office and store above, and 2 bay car shed at 15 Little London Lane, Northwold. It was commented that Little London Lane was an unadopted road, in a poor state, and with no turning circle. The latter means that lorries accessing the site would need to reverse onto the highway. The road is likely already not suitable for HGV’s and extensive repairs would be needed to put it back into a useable state for other residents along the road. It was agreed to offer no objection, but with a condition attached that the road must be made good at the expense of the owners of 15 Little London Lane after building works are completed; and that Highways should confirm that access is suitable.
v. 16/01151/FM: Installation of an anaerobic digester (AD) plant and associated infrastructure at Wellington Lodge Farm, Thetford Rd, Northwold. It was agreed to offer no objection.
To consider commissioning a tree survey for Whittington Recreation Ground
A quote from CGM of £350.00 plus VAT was presented. Subject to confirmation that the fee would be rebated from any future bill if work were recommended and CGM contracted to do such work, it was proposed that the quote be accepted. Proposed: Cllr Pointeer; seconded: Cllr Leet. All in favour. Agreed.
Other items for noting only
Northwold Recreation Ground: swings: Cllrs Collins and Eglington reported that Chris Stocking of Bonnetts, Stoke Ferry, had been able to shorten the chains on the swings thus making them safe to use again. Invoice to be provided for consideration at the next meeting.
Item for next Agenda: Review of Cemetery maintenance contract, with reference to damage to headstones – Cllr Muir to review and record damage. Other areas under maintenance should also be considered.
A member of the public noted that children had been playing in the Cemetery: it was confirmed that a safety check of the headstones had been carried out in 2015.
Item for next Agenda: Normandy Drive: consideration of acquiring the piece of land intended as a recreation area.
Item for next Agenda: review of noticeboards.
The repair by Highways of potholes in Hall Lane was considered unsatisfactory. Mr Wallace to be contacted for a report for the next meeting.
Cllr Crisp reported that the litter pick organised on 14th July had been a great success: all the children involved enjoyed the experience.
The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 6th September 2016 at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.35pm / Action