Language Arts Stem Question Grid for Grade 1, Avenues Level B, Volume 2

Prepared by Debbie Barr for Guilford County School System ESL Department, November 2009

Number / Stem Question and Foils / Goals
Objectives / Correct
All Kinds of Children
4-11 / Children do not need ___. (knowing)
A. food
B. clothing
C. cars
D. love / 2.03 / C
All Kinds of Children
6-12 / Boys and girls don't wear ___. (knowing)
A. shirts
B. hats
C. shoes
D. toys / 1.02 (contraction) / D
All Kinds of Children
22-25 / Everyone starts life as a ____. (knowing)
A. baby
B. boy
C. girl
D. grownup / 2.03 / A
This is the Way We Build Our House
16 / What is NOT used to build a house? (analyzing)
A. leaves
B. wood
C. air
D. stone / 2.03, 2.07 / C
This is the Way We Build Our House
17-19 / Paint can make a house ____. (applying)
A. bigger
B. colorful
C. warmer
D. colder / 3.03 / B
This is the Way We Build Our House
23-25 / Which is not in the United States? (analyzing)
A. Mexico
B. Texas
C. Florida
D. New York / 2.04 / A
Mouse House
32-33 / What did Mouse have too much of? (knowing)
A. cheese
B. friends
C. things
D. money / 2.03, 2.07 / C
Honza's Little House
36 / What was Honza's job? (knowing)
A. teacher
B. fireman
C. singer
D. farmer / 2.07 / D
Honza's Little House
37-38 / What was Honza's problem? (knowing)
A. His house was too big.
B. His house was too little.
C. His house was on fire.
D. His house was falling apart. / 2.07 / B
Honza's Little House
36-52 / Who came to live with Honza and his family? (knowing)
A. pigs, geese, hens
B. pigs, dogs, hens
C. geese, hens, cats
D. friends, hens, pigs / 2.03 / A
Honza's Little House
42-43 / How many hens came to live with Honza? (knowing)
A. ten
B. one
C. more than ten
D. two / 2.08 / C
Honza's Little House
52 / At the end of the story, Honza thought his house was ___. (knowing)
A. too small
B. bigger than before
C. smaller than before
D. too big / 2.03 / B
Honza's Little House
52 / Why was Honza happy with his house at the end of the story? (analyzing)
A. When the animals left, the house seemed big enough.
B. The animals built a room onto his house.
C. Some of Honza's family moved out.
D. Honza remembered that he was not using all of his rooms. / 2.08 / A
Honza's Little House
40-51 / Which of Honza's animal guests had four feet? (analyzing)
A. geese
B. none of them
C. hens
D. pigs / 2.03 / D
58-59 / What word rhymes with cake? (analyzing)
A. mama
B. treat
C. bake
D. eat / 1.01 / C
Waiting for Wings
4-33 / What comes first in a butterfly's life? (analyzing)
A. being a caterpillar
B. being in an egg
C. being in a case
D. getting wings / 2.03 / B
Waiting for Wings
12-16 / What happens to a caterpillar while it is inside the case? (knowing)
A. it has babies
B. it turns into an egg
C. It turns into a butterfly.
D. it dies / 2.07 / C
Waiting for Wings
21-31 / What do butterflies eat? (knowing)
A. nectar
B. leaves
C. bugs
D. tree bark / 2.07 / A
Waiting for Wings
21-24 / How do butterflies find flowers? (knowing)
A. They look for pretty colors.
B. They ask bees where the flowers are.
C. They follow the sweet smell.
D. They listen for sounds. / 2.07 / C
72 / Where do box turtles live? (knowing)
A. water
B. land
C. trees
D. under the ground / 2.07 / B
73 / What is the last thing a mother turtle does after she lays her eggs? (ordering)
A. sits on the eggs
B. covers them with water
C. carries them to a safe place
D. covers them with dirt / 2.07 / D
76 / How many eggs does a leopard frog lay? (knowing)
A. thousands
B. hundreds
C. ten
D. one / 2.03 / A
77 / What hatches from frogs' eggs? (knowing)
A. small frogs
B. tadpoles
C. big frogs
D. more eggs / 2.07 / B
78 / Where does a mallard duck lay her eggs? (knowing)
A. water
B. land
C. trees
D. under the ground / 2.07 / B
79 / How does a mallard duck keep her eggs warm? (analyzing)
A. She sits on the eggs.
B. She covers them with water.
C. She carries them to a safe place.
D. She covers them with dirt. / 2.07 / A
69-81 / Which sentence is not true? (knowing)
A. Ducklings can swim.
B. A box turtle can dig a hole with its back legs.
C. It takes about a month for duck eggs to hatch.
D. Frogs lay their eggs on land. / 2.03 / D
Come Along, Daisy!
92-118 / What did Daisy learn to do in this story? (identifying central element)
A. stay close to fish
B. stay close to a frog
C. stay close to Mama Duck
D. stay close to the reeds / 2.03
3.07 (proper names) / C
94 / What did Daisy watch under the water? (knowing)
A. fish
B. frog
C. dragonflies
D. butterflies / 2.07
3.07 (proper names) / A
Come Along, Daisy!
110 / Where did Daisy hide? (knowing)
A. in the water
B. in the reeds
C. on a lily pad
D. behind Mama Duck / 2.07
3.07 (proper names) / B
Come Along, Daisy!
113-114 / What was coming closer and closer to Daisy? (knowing)
A. fish
B. frog
C. dragonflies
D. Mama Duck / 2.07
3.07 (proper names) / D
Social Studies Words
130 / Where do people buy food? (applying, comparison)
A. supermarket
B. school
C. post office
D. hospital / 2.03 / A
Social Studies Words
130 / Where do boys and girls go to learn? (applying, comparison)
A. supermarket
B. school
C. post office
D. hospital / 2.03 / B
Social Studies Words
130 / Where can people mail a letter? (applying, comparison)
A. supermarket
B. school
C. post office
D. hospital / 2.03 / C
From Here to There
4-33 / What is the biggest? (comparison)
A. county of Liberty
B. town of Splendora
C. continent of North America
D. state of Texas / 3.02
3.07 (proper names) / C
From Here to There
4-33 / What is the smallest? (comparison)
A. solar system
B. United States
C. planet earth
D. 43 Juniper Street / 3.02
3.07 (proper names) / D
From Here to There
4-33 / Which place has no air? (comparison, prior knowledge)
A. Western Hemisphere
B. planet earth
C. Milky Way galaxy
D. state of Texas / 2.03
3.07 (proper names) / C
From Here to There
4-33 / Which place includes North Carolina?
A. state of Texas
B. United States
C. county of Liberty
D. town of Splendora / 2.03, 3.02
3.07 (proper names) / B
Mama Talks Too Much
136 / What day of the week do Celeste and Mama shop? (knowing)
A. Saturday
B. Sunday
C. Monday
D. Tuesday / 2.07
3.07 (proper names) / A
Mama Talks Too Much
138-156 / What does Celeste think her Mama does? (Choose the best answer.) (knowing)
A. walk too slowly
B. walk too fast
C. talk too much
D. walk too slowly and talk too much / 2.07
3.07 (proper names) / D
Mama Talks Too Much
138-156 / What does Mama think Celeste does? (knowing)
A. walk too slowly
B. walk too fast
C. talk too much
D. walk too slowly and talk too much / 2.07
3.07 (proper names) / B
Mama Talks Too Much
138-160 / Which of Mama's friends has a puppy?
A. Mrs. Walker
B. Mr. Chan
C. Mrs. Castro
D. Mrs. Green / 2.03
3.07 (proper names) / C
Mama Talks Too Much
140-145 / What does Celeste think will happen when she thinks, blah, blah, blah?
A. Mama will talk too much.
B. Mama will walk too slowly.
C. She will not be able to pet the puppy.
D. The market will close before they get there. / 2.05
3.07 (proper names) / A
Mama Talks Too Much
162 / Who talks and talks with Mama all the way to the supermarket?
A. Mrs. Green
B. Mr. Chan
C. Mrs. Castro
D. Celeste / 2.03
3.07 (proper names) / D
What is a Map?
184 / Look at the map on page 184. What is to the north of the United States? (integrating)
A. Mexico
B. Canada
C. Pacific Ocean
D. Atlantic Ocean / 2.03
3.07 (proper names)
2.09 / B
What is a Map?
184 / Look at the map on page 184. What is to the west of the United States? (integrating)
A. Mexico
B. Canada
C. Pacific Ocean
D. Atlantic Ocean / 2.03
3.07 (proper names)
2.09 / C
What is a Map?
187 / A map is flat. A globe is ____. (comparison)
A. square like a box
B. also flat
C. round like a ball
D. shaped like an ice cream cone / 2.03 / C