So You’re Planning a Provincial Event…
Part A: Preliminary Information
To be completed before in-depth planning begins - min 3 months before the event, ideally by September 30 for anything in the following calendar year.
Be sure to connect with the relevant advisor/coordinator. We’re all here to help!
Responsible Guider:
iMIS #:
Team Leads (with iMIS #):
Preliminary Event Name:
Preliminary Location:
Proposed Date:
Audience Targeted: Sparks Brownies Guides Pathfinders Rangers Guiders External
Target number of participants: Guiders: Girls:
Purpose of the event:
Approximate cost to participants: Guider: Girls:
Do you foresee this event being: Revenue-generating Cost-recovery
Needing to be subsidized
Please send this form and part B to Lizzie and copy your adviser/coordinator and .
Part B: Budget
Revenue# of girls: / Amount charged:
# of Guiders: / Amount charged:
# of Organizers: / Amount charged:
Total Revenue: / $ 0.00
Venue / $ 0.00
Cost per participant: / x participants
OR Honorarium:
OR Flat price:
Transportation / $ 0.00
Per participant: / x participants
OR Flat fee:
Program materials / $ 0.00
Per participant: / x participants
Flat fee:
Food / $ 0.00
Per participant: / x participants
OR Flat fee:
Total Expenses:$ 0.00
Net profit (loss): $ 0.00
Part C. What can the office do to help you?
Office Support / Details / Things to keep in mind/think about / When?Registration Form / An online registration form using Google Forms that will send the details to a spreadsheet you’ll have access to.
It can be set up so that automatic confirmation goes out to whoever fills it out with the information they entered. / ●Going to girls and families or just Guiders?
●Registration by patrols or individually
●Do you need to know about allergies? Image releases? Health concerns?
●Who needs access?
●Do you want automatic confirmation? / 2-3 months before event (depending on the complexity)
Translation / Translation of forms, eblasts, registration, etc. / ●Anything going to girls and families needs to be in both languages / Text needed 3-5 days ahead of time
Email / An @guidesquebec email specific to your event / ●The beginning part should be bilingual
●Who should have access?
●Does anyone want forwarding?
●Is there a particular password you’d like used? / Before the registration goes out through Piccolo or eblast
Website / Safe Guide templates should be up on the website with the online registration form / Takes 24 hours
Payment / Can be set up through the registration form as payment by calling in a credit card or mailing in a cheque / ●Who will be confirming the payment to parents/Guiders? / Decision made before the registration form goes out
Eblast / An eblast can be sent out to let people know about an event and/or to remind them to register / ●How many, when and to whom? / Schedule needed as soon as possible.
Content needed at minimum 3 days ahead of time
Social Media / Postings on Facebook, Instagram and the blog before and after the event
Facebook pages are:
-Closed GGC-GduC Québec group
-Open page
-Wa-Thik-Ane page
-DC Hub group
-Young Women’s closed group
-Ranger group
-PC page / ●Is there a picture representing the event that should be used in posts?
●When would you like posts?
●Tell your story after the event through a blog
●Remember that you can always post in any of the Facebook groups you are a member of without office assistance. / Schedule of posts needed as early as possible.
Content at least 24 hours ahead of time.
Piccolo / Let people know about your event through our monthly newsletter. It goes out to adult members and Rangers. / ●When and what information?
●Don’t forget about the recap after the event / 1st Thursday of every month (except July)
Photocopying / Send us your printing or come do it yourself during office hours / ●PDFs work best so that the formatting doesn’T change between computers / Minimum 24 hours before pickup
Cash Advance / Request to be sent by the Guider in Charge or the Project/Event Lead to . / ●Event Name and an amount required. / min 2 weeks notice to the office to produce a cheque
Meeting Space / The boardroom in the office is available for team meetings / ●Email to check availability. / Until reserved by someone else
Enter adults in IMIS / Enter all of the adults who helped/led the event. / ●Fill out the form / As soon as possible after the event
Part D: I’d like help with:
Action / ⌧ / Target Date / Who/What / CommentsCreating a registration form / ❏Access
Translation / ❏Documents
Getting an @guidesquebec email / ❏Email
Getting information up on the website / ❏Documents
Payment through the office / ❏Who will send confirmations
Eblasts / ❏Topic
Social Media Posts / ❏Content
❏Page to post on
The Piccolo / ❏Promo
Printing or photocopying / ❏Documents
Cash advance / ❏Amount
Meeting Space / ❏Meeting dates
Signatures (or iMIS number if submitted electronically):
Responsible Guider: Date:
Advisor: Date:
Coordinator: Date:
Please send this form to Lizzie and copy your coordinator, and .
*Remember that Safe Guide considerations are the responsibility of the Responsible Guider*
Girl Engagement: -- For Program, International and Camping
Member Services: -- For Training and PR
GGC - Québec Council So You’re Planning a Provincial Event March 2018 Page 1