Biology Midterm Review

Chapter 1

  • What are the parts of the scientific method?
  • What is the difference between independent, dependent, and control variables?
  • What are the eight characteristics of all living things?
  • What are the three main metric measurements?

Chapter 2

  • What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion?
  • What is the importance of surface tension?
  • Why is water important for life?
  • What is the difference between a solute, solvent, and a solution?
  • What is the pH scale?
  • What is the difference between an acid and a base?
  • What are the 4 organic macromolecules of biology?
  • What is a carbohydrate? What are some examples of carbohydrates?
  • What is a lipid? What are some examples of lipids?
  • What is a protein? What are some examples of proteins?
  • What is a nucleic acid? What are some examples of nucleic acids?
  • What role do enzymes play in the cell? What are some examples of enzymes?
  • What factors can effect an enzyme’s function?
  • What is the importance of homeostasis in this chapter?

Chapter 7

  • What are the three parts of the cell theory?
  • What are three differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
  • What are two similarities and differences between plant and animal cells?
  • What are two differences between plant and animal cells?
  • What relationship do ribosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum have?
  • What relationship do the endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus have?
  • What specific purpose do mitochondria have?
  • What is the purpose of the nucleus?
  • What is the purpose of the cell membrane and the cell wall?
  • What is the relationship between osmosis and diffusion?
  • What is the difference between active and passive transport?
  • What is the difference between isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic?
  • In what ways are cells organized in multicellular eukaryotes?
  • What does selectively permeable mean?
  • What is the importance of homeostasis to this chapter?

Chapter 8 and 9

  • What is ATP?
  • What is the difference between autotrophs and heterotrophs?
  • What major organelle is involved in photosynthesis? Cell respiration?
  • What is necessary for photosynthesis? What are the products of photosynthesis?
  • What is necessary for aerobic cell respiration? What are the products?
  • What are the specific parts of photosynthesis? How are they different?
  • What are the specific parts of aerobic cell respiration? How are they different?
  • What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic cell respiration?
  • What is the difference between lactic acid and alcohol fermentation?
  • What is the importance of homeostasis to these chapters?

Chapter 10

  • What are the names of the 4 phases of mitosis?
  • What happens in each phase of mitosis?
  • What is cytokinesis?
  • What are cancer cells?
  • What happens during the cell cycle? Be specific about each phase.