Robotic Minemap Log Day 2 020827

Chuck led a field experiment to gather range data from the Bruceton, PA

coal mine. Sebastian's team, including Mike Montemerlo, deployed a Sick

laser aboard a small diff-drive robot, and Nicolas led the gathering of

images with the Z&F scanner. The experiments were both successful. The

data is impressive. Results will be incorporated into our research

archives, and will be presented visually at our event with Senator Specter


The preparations and dry run for tomorrow's event are spectacular. We will

demonstrate mapping, sensing, locomotion, historical technology and

intentions for our research and development. The posters and displays are

highest standards. The setup is great, but the prediction is that the

early hour (0830 Wednesday, tomorrow) will thwart press participation and

casual audience. Please don't let that or anything thwart your own

participation or the participation of those who might join us. The event

needs your support. Please arrive a little early. We do not know the

senator's guest list. President Cohon, Dean Morris and Chuck Thorpe will

represent CMU. This will be a great interaction.

Two course candidates communicated that they will not be aboard for the

duration, and two others expressed intent to join. Please continue to

enroll talent and to align on our common goals. We are seeking expertise

from survey to art, video, writing, electronics, software and mechanics.

A television special on the Quecreek accident will air tomorrow night on

the Discovery Channel at 9:00 PM. The team will organize a location from

which to watch this together (We may be the only Americans without TV and

cable). Please set this up as a party to savor our success with Senator

Spector, as a requirement to watch the program, and as taping for anyone

who misses the airing or who joins us along the way.

Spare nothing.tomorrow. Carpe Diem.
