“Down-to-Earth Natural Horse Care”
Book Off the Presses!

Author Lisa Ross-Williams shares her experiences and wisdom

September 20, 2010—Cornville, AZ

After a decade of research, dedication and practical application, author Lisa Ross-Williams is pleased to announce that her new book, “Down-to-Earth Natural Horse Care,” is available on the website www.down-to-earthnhc.com.

Deemed by noted authorities to be the ultimate reference book about natural horse care, Down-to-Earth Natural Horse Care is an all-inclusive guide with easy-to-implement natural suggestions for the horse’s healthy body and mind. Lisa Ross-Williams, one of the horse industry’s leaders in natural horse care, provides the reader with an easy-to-follow road map for creating a natural approach toward everything we do for our horses.

The first topic in the book, “A Natural Way of Living,” includes chapters on the horse’s environment, how to adapt to seasonal changes, why hydration is so critical to a horse’s overall health, and which plants are poisonous to horses.

From there the reader ventures to “Equine Nutrition and Feeding.” This section sweeps away all the mystery of feeding our domestic horses, including how to assess feed labels.

“Equine Health” is the next heading. Lisa offers solutions to natural parasite control, equine dentistry, and traveling issues, in addition to the serious topic of colic and how to prevent it. Raising a naturally-balanced foal, basics for senior health, and iridology are covered in this section of the book, along with complementary therapies and alternatives to chemical use.

The reader is then guided to “Natural Hoof Care.” What a natural, healthy hoof truly is and how to maintain it is covered here, along with what to expect from a natural trimmer. Over the years Lisa and her husband Kenny have rehabbed a significant number of horses with laminitis, and the laminitis chapter contains their experiences and advice about this debilitating condition.

“Natural Horsemanship” is the next subject matter. Topics include just what is ‘natural horsemanship,’ and how does it fit into the natural horse care program. This section of the book talks about playing with your horse with balls, cones, obstacles, etc., and how that playtime helps develop them mentally and physically, as well as building a solid relationship with them.

The final section, “Myths and Facts,” is a fun read, with logical advice about what to believe and what not to believe! A question and answer segment follows, allowing the reader to tidy-up any last pieces to the puzzle.

The pages of this book bring to light how horses are our teachers, and why we as their stewards and caretakers owe it to them to provide the most caring, healthy, natural environment and lifestyle possible for these magnificent animals.

For more information, including a table of contents, sample chapters, info about the author, endorsements by noted authorities, a special page for the media, and to order, visit www.down-to-earthnhc.com, or call 928.634.5797 (Mountain time zone).