Insurance Professional of Greater Orlando

Board Meeting
Date: April 5, 2010
Place: CNA Insurance

This board meeting will come to order at: 5:45 PM.

Tonight’s voting strength is 22. We have 14 voting board members present, 2 of which are executive board members. A quorum is present.

Betty appointed Paula Keyes as parlimentarian in Debbie's absence.


We have received thank you notes from 3 winners of door prizes at Regional and a note from Jan Rauch for the card and support. We sent Jan a card when her mother passed away.


Copies of the board minutes were posted on the website.

A motion was made by Paula Keyes to accept the minutes of the March board meeting, seconded by Fran Brown. There being no corrections to the minutes, the motion carried.


Are there any questions on the Treasurer’s report? Fran Hitchcock gave the report was given verbally. At the Fairwinds account the regular checking has $713.87, savings $4,000.33, scholarship checking $124, scholarship savings $1,342.63, cd $1,364.69. At Wachovia checking has $3,056.99 and scholarship has zero. We had a problem with the EIN number (trying to obtain it from Wachovia was difficult) as we are unable to provide the original documents. The IRS link was sent to Fairwinds and that was acceptable.

Committee Reports

Audit Committee: Fran Brown, CPIW The February and March audits need to be done, date to be determined.

Awards Committee: Paula Keyes, CPCU, ARe, AIR, CPIW, DAE

Paula hasn't received any awards applications to date. We need Rookie of the Year, Young Professionals, Insurance Professional, Claims Professional and a non-member for VIP. Does anyone have any suggestions? Yes Char had a suggestion see the notes under the Technology Committee section. The applications are all available online.

Budget Committee: Frances (Fran) Hitchcock, AAI, PIAM, CPIW

No report

By-Laws Committee: Paula Keyes, CPCU, ARE, AIR, CPIW, DAE

There are 3 changes that need to be made. One is the frequency of the newsletter (Article VII.B.5), how many votes does each board member have if they hold multiple board positions (Article VIII.C) and what month should the nominating committee be selected by the board (Article IX.A.1). There was much discussion about how to re-work the wording and the discussion will be presented to the general membership at the April meeting for voting.

Career Opportunities (formerly Employment Committee): Kerri Raines

No report given

Communications: Danelle Dannhardt, PIAM, CPIW

The deadline for the monthly newsletter is April 19, please be sure you get all articles needed for publication to Danelle by that date.

Fellowship Committee: Rebecca Gaige

No report

Legislation Committee: (No Chairman)

No Report

Long Range Planning Committee: Char Duprat, CPIW

No Report

Membership Committee: Patricia (Patti) French, ARM, AIC, PIAM, CPIW

Where do we stand on corporate partners? ESR Irving Green, CRDN? No more information received. They have the forms. Patti will follow up with them and report back at the next meeting.

Nominations Committee: Paula Keyes, CPCU, ARe, AIR, CPIW, DAE

Char recused herself as a board member tonight so she could take Pat's place interviewing candidates. Pat was stuck on I-4 in traffic and couldn't get to the meeting. We do have an applicant for each position, and interviews will be conducted after the board meeting this evening. Karen Ramsey - President Elect, Patty French as Vice President, Fran Hitchcock at Treasurer, Barb Kogut as secretary.

Professional Development Committee (formerly Education Committee: Debbie Folendore, AAI, AIS, ACS, CPIW

Debbie was unable to attend the meeting due to a death in her family. The PIAM is Personal Auto, May 8th 8-4 at Crump. Location - 240 E. Central Parkway, Ste 3000 Altamonte Springs FL 32701. Lunch is up to each person however the kitchen has vending machines, a microwave, refrigerator so you can bring your lunch. The class is limited to 24 people. The cost will be $110 for members, and $125 for non members. This counts as 7 hours of CE even without taking the exam. Send registration and check to Debbie at 479 Newhope Dr., Altamonte Springs FL 32714 payable to IPOGO. If you wish to call - her numbers at work (407) 681-2366 or cell (407) 493-5617. A flyer will be sent shortly for distribution.

Public Relations Committee: - Sheryl Galloway, AIS, CPIW, CPSR, ACS;

Sheryl discussed more details on the VIP meeting. Gigi's grandson is unable to perform that day. There was discussion about entertainment and what to do for background music. A save the date has been sent out to members, CPCU, Claims Professionals and will also go to SCOPE for the independent agents, and to PIA. The proclomation has been requested from the City of Altamonte Springs. There was a discussion about certificates. What will they be awarded for her, who will prepare them, etc. Karen Ramsey and Patti French offered to work on preparing the certificates for the 5 and 10 year members.

Reservations Committee: Chris St. John, CPIW, CIC & Gwen Smith, Pat Fitzgerald

There will be a new location for the April meeting - Cafe Murano in Altamonte Springs will be a trial for the April general meeting. Also it was mentioned there was new management at the Clarion again.

Safety Committee: Dorothy Willson

No report

Scholarship Committee: Helen Wright, AAI, CIC, CPIW, PIAM:

The deadline is April 21st. Helen has received nothing yet. Helen questioned what would happen if no applications were received. That will be discussed at the May meeting if the board needs to discuss it.

Scrapbook Committee: Elaine Garceau, CPCU, ARE, ALAF, ARC

No Report

Social Committee: Jeanette Gonsalves, CPIC, CPIW, ASLI, AIS

No report

Ways & Means Committee: (No Chairman)

No report

Technology Committee (formerly Webmaster Administrator): Charlene (Char) Duprat, CPIW

Char has agreed to remain on the technology committee but has determined that maintaining a website is a very difficult task. Cheryl and Char will be happy to train a new member (if we have one that wishes to take on the adminstrator duties) to keep the website updated. Discussion followed about who should maintain and manage the site, should we hire a professional, etc. Char brought up 3 items = can we pay Cheryl to maintain the site -would be a conflict with the bylaws to pay Cheryl. Have we budgeted for this? Can we pay her $75 for the remainder of this year to perform the duties? We need to have a backup person, or have Cheryl as a backup to someone else. And since Cheryl is not a member could we nominate her for VIP of the Year?

Young Insurance Professionals: (ad hock committee): Karen Ramsey, ACSR, CPIW, DAE

Karen met someone at Regional who she will be getting information from about developing a young professionals group. Most local chapters are having difficulty developing Young Professionals as National hasn't provided any kind of guidelines.

Programs: Mindy Bander-Habib, ACSR, PIAM, CPIW

Mark Santa Domingo and Lori Jickell will talk about Project Invest at the April meeting.

Unfinished Business:

Claire go her 30 key finders and the check has been deposited. It was brought up that in December we had asked for suggestions for a new logo. No responses were ever received and no further action was taken. Another flyer will be sent regarding development of a new logo.

New Business:

It was determined that 50% of the people that attended the March meeting completed the survey. There was a discussion about the results and there will be a hard copy at the next meeting. Blank copies will provided at the April meeting for anyone who didn't complete a survey in March and would like to. Also there was a discussion about the proposed by law changes that were announced at Regional. The changes can still go the National floor. Betty was unaware of these proposed changes until she arrived at a meet the delegates meeting at Regional and voted to not send it to the floor. It appears that National wants to re-allign regions and that could have an impact on Region 3. a 9/10ths vote is required to pass it at National.

Are there any announcements/Discussions


Our next General Meeting is Spril 21, 2010 at Cafe Murano Inn in Altamonte Springs, FL

The next Board meeting is on Monday, May 3, 2010 here at CNA at 5.45 PM

If there is no further business to come before this Association and there is no objection, this meeting will now adjourn. (Pause) Hearing no objection this meeting is officially adjourned at 7:03 PM.

Insurance Professional of Greater Orlando

Board Meeting
Date: April 5, 2010
Place: CNA Insurance

Members in Attendance

1. Betty Ribeiro

2. Gwen Smith

3. Helen Wright

4. Paula Keyes

5. Danelle Dannhardt

6. Karen Ramsey

7. Patti French

8. Barb Kogut

9. Chris St. John

10. Mindy Bander-Habib

11. Fran Brown

12. Char Duprat

13. Sheryl Galloway

14. Jeannette Gonsalves

15. Frances Hitchcock




