Raising and Realising Aspirations through Parenting Support

in Newcastle Conference, 29 January 2010

Delegate List

Name / Job Title / Table No /
Adams, Jacqui / Parent Carer Participation Officer / 11
Akinfolarin, Ann / Strengthening Families Co-ordinator / 6
Alam, Reshmin / Parent Support Adviser / 1
Allan, Olwyn / Parenting Support Worker / 9
Angus, Alison / Parent Support Worker / 2
Armstrong, Anne / Sure Start Lead / 7
Armstrong, Sharon / Cruddas Park Early Years Centre / 8
Arnold, Ann / EAL Consultant, Primary / 13
Atkinson, David / Head Teacher, Mountfield Primary School / 1
Attley, Paul / Northumbria Probation Service / 1
Bedford, Helen / Regional Development Manager, NAPP / 6
Bell, Julie / Parenting Commissioner, Darlington / 14
Bland, Colette / Deputy Head Teacher, English Martyrs’ RC Primary School / 14
Borrell, Louise / Family Learning Co-ordinator / 15
Bowditch, Dave / Policy and Performance Lead, GONE / 15
Bradshaw, Adele / Family Support Worker / 18
Brown, Janette / Programme Manager / 14
Brown, Rebecca / Parent Support Worker / 16
Budden, Rebecca / Sure Start Children’s Centre Manager / 1
Bunston, Karen / Sure Start Children’s Centre Manager / 2
Burn, Martyn / Head of Support and Care, YHN / 8
Caffrey, Tracey / Acting Head Teacher, St John’s Primary School / 2
Carr, Shelly / Parent Support Adviser / 17
Carrick, Alan / LSP Alternative Provision / 9
Carroll, Lucy / Parent Support Adviser / 3
Cassie, Susan / Childcare Partnership Manager, JobCentre Plus / 16
Caswell, Jonathan / Principal Education Psychologist / 2
Chadwick, Val / Parent and Carer Participation Co-ordinator / 1
Chandra, Archana / Social Worker, CAMHS / 2
Chisman, Louise / Parent Support Adviser / 4
Chowdhury, Zakia / Minority Ethnic Worker / 3
Clark, Graham / Social Worker, Fostering Unit / 3
Clifford, Sandra / Parent and Toddler Support Worker, NAPI / 14
Collings, John / Acting Executive Director, Children’s Services
Collins, Nicola / Northumbria Probation / 4
Copley, Sylvia / Head of Service, Families Plus, Children NE / 17
Cowgill, Judy / Head Teacher, Hawthorn Primary School / 3
Curry, Sue / Team Manager, Teenage Pregnancy Team / 7
Desforges, Charles / Guest Speaker
Dixon, Brian / Housing Services Manager / 4
Dodgeon, Nick / YHN Tenancy Services Manager / 5
Doherty, Bernadette / Head Teacher, Wharrier Street Primary School / 4
Drury, Mary / Sure Start Children’s Centre Manager / 3
Dufton, Carol / Assistant Lead Sure Start / 9
Dunn, Becky / Head of Workforce Development / 17
Dunn, Mick / LSP Behaviour and Attendance / 10
Eatock, Jess / Deputy Head Teacher, Beech Hill Primary School / 15
Eedle, Simon / Acting Children’s Services Manager, Barnardo’s / 10
Elsy, Cath / Senior Parenting Practitioner / 2
Fabian, Louise / Acting Deputy Head Teacher, Kingston Park Primary School / 16
Fegan, Grainne / CAF Co-ordinator / 11
Findlay, Madeleine / Parent Education Co-ordinator – Maternity Services / 18
Fleming, Louise / Parent Support Adviser / 5
Flowdy, Amy / Social Worker, Assessment and Monitoring / 7
Foreman, Steve / Senior Performance Monitoring Officer / 18
Furness, Sue / Early Years Foundation Leader / 9
Gittins, Stephen / Head Teacher, Tyneview Primary School / 5
Gledson, Lisa / PEIP Manager / 4
Gollan, Martin / Newcastle Council for Voluntary Service / 2
Gray, Pam / Head of Team, Children and Learners’ Group, GONE / 10
Green, Rachel / FIP Manager / 12
Griffin, Lorraine / Information and Communications Officer / 11
Haigh, Richard / Project Manager, Children’s Society / 8
Hall, Keith / Inspector, Partnerships, Northumbria Police / 12
Hall, Susan / Head Teacher, Lemington Riverside Primary School / 6
Hann, Rebecca / SENCO / 12
Hepple, Barbara / Parent Support Adviser / 6
Hetherington, Wynn / Training and Development Consultant / 5
Hopper, Laura / Parent Support Adviser / 7
Horwood, Kerry / Senior Performance Monitoring Officer / 13
Humble, Anne / Head Teacher Monkchester Nursery & Family Centre / 10
Hutchinson, Lesley / Service Manager, Children North East / 13
Ineson, Lesley / Team Manager, National Probation Service / 5
Ions, Julie / Family Intervention Project Worker / 14
Jackson, Carol / Incredible Years Co-ordinator / 11
James, Fiona / Sure Start Children’s Centre Manager / 4
Johnston, Jane / Service Manager, NHS Newcastle and North Tyneside / 15
Jones-Lee, Hazel / 15
Kadleck, Julie / Head Teacher, St Anthony’s C of E Primary School / 7
Lally, Dave / Team Manager, Initial Response Service / 16
Lathbury, Simon / Northumbria Probation / 6
Latimer, Elaine / Parent Support Adviser / 8
Levey, Kath / Deputy Sure Start Lead / 18
Ley, Susan / Service Manager, Action for Children / 1
Lishman, Susan / Parent Support Adviser / 9
Livingstone, Sarah / Information Officer, Families Information Service / 17
MacDonald, Sharron / Parent Support Adviser / 10
McBride, Ruth / Assistant Principal, All Saints College / 17
McDougall, Jeanette / Family Support Worker / 11
McGready, Kevin / ASB Co-ordinator / 7
McGregor, Claire / Parent Support Adviser / 11
McNicholl, Una / Family Learning Adviser / 16
Metcalfe, Christine / Senior Parenting Practitioner / 9
Miller, Alison / Head Teacher, St Mark’s RC Primary School / 8
Miller, Claire / Acting Head Teacher, Behaviour Support Service / 18
Miller, Steve / Children’s Services Manager, Barnardo’s / 3
Miller, Sue / LSP Family Support and Parenting/Parenting Commissioner / 1
Morgan, Dave / Team Manager CAMHS (Social Care) / 1
Morrison, Karen / Community Involvement Co-ordinator / 2
Moules, Jayne / Integrated Services Manager / 6
Nelson-Taylor, Nicola / Head Teacher, Beech Hill Primary School / 9
Nicholson, Craig / Commissioning Officer, Adult and Culture Services / 3
Noon, Joanna / Team Manager, Changing Trax / 13
Oglethorpe, Andrew / Deputy Head Teacher, Kenton School / 18
O’Sullivan, Mary / Children and Family Centre Officer / 5
Pendleton, Glenn / Area Manager, Community Facilities / 16
Penrose, Ian / Acting Deputy Manager & Community Fostering Scheme Co-ordinator / 4
Phelps, Emma / Social Worker, CAMHS / 5
Pike, Ian / Team Manager, Youth Offending Team / 8
Priestley, Alison / Sure Start Lead / 6
Race, Eileen / Parent Support Adviser / 12
Ramanandi, Andrew / Head Teacher St John Vianney RC Primary School / 10
Renwick-Hall, Liza / Parent Support Adviser / 13
Riches, Steven / Parent Support Adviser / 15
Robertson, Di / North East Child Poverty Adviser / 6
Robson, Gail / Project Manager, PROPS / 4
Rogan, Ruth / Head of Strategic Partnerships / 7
Roger, Alison / Parent Support Adviser / 14
Rose, Loraine / Early Years Family Development Co-ordinator / 12
Russell, Ann / Senior Provision and Partnership Manager / 8
Ryle, Julie / Parent and Toddler Support Worker, NAPI / 13
Sammut-Smith, Fiona / Education Psychologist / 10
Scott, Julie / Head Teacher, Thomas Walling Primary School / 11
Scurr, Michael / Head Teacher, St Bede’s RC Primary School / 12
Shields, Lorraine / Education Welfare Officer, Hawthorn Primary School / 18
Sirs, Jacqui / Assistant Director, Children’s Services, Barnardo’s / 5
Slack, Caroline / Parent Support Adviser / 16
Spence, Jamie / Integrated Services Manager / 9
Stafford, Sandra / Northumbria Probation / 10
Sutton, Jane / Head Teacher, Simonside Primary School / 13
Talbot, Nova / Senior Parent Practitioner / 11
Thompson, John / Acting Head SEN Assessment, Provision and Review Service / 12
Tulip, Anne / Cluster Co-ordinator, Health Visiting / 17
Venosa, Claudia / Senior Parenting Practitioner / 3
Walker, Helen / School Improvement Adviser / 13
Wallis-Clarke, Miles / Head Teacher, Hotspur Primary School / 17
Walmsley, Hilary / Head of SENTASS / 14
Webb, Susannah / Assistant Head Teacher, Gosforth Central Middle School / 15
Wilcox, Rose / SBM, St Mark’s RC Primary School / 17
Williams, Sharon / Assessment and Monitoring Services Manager / 16
Wilson, Sharon / Project Social Worker, Your Homes Newcastle / 18
Wood, Lesley / Sure Start Children’s Centre Manager / 7
Woods-Waters, Helen / Integrated Services Manager, Childhood Services / 8
Yeldham, Susan / Parent Support Worker / 14