Iredell-Statesville Schools Instruction Guide

Subject:Theatre IV School:

1-10 / NCSCOS
Standard and Objective / Priority
Pacing / Key
Vocabulary / Instructional/Learning
Resources and Activities
(Differentiation) / Integration with Other
Curriculum Areas
(Differentiation) / Assessment
COMPETENCY GOAL 1: The learner will write based on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature, and history. (National Standard 1) / Language Arts: contentless scene development depicts basic writing structure found in many literary works.
1.01 Read independently and analyze four plays by different playwrights in different periods. / I (3 weeks) /
  • Independent reading of four plays from different time periods.
  • Play analysis guidelines

1.02 Write a scene with three or more characters or a one-act play. / I (1 month) /
  • Write a scene with three or more characters or a one-act play.
  • Plus/delta

1.03 Research two or more playwrights or styles. / I (1 week) /
  • Research two or more playwrights or styles.
  • Shared Ideas worksheet

1.04 Write a scene in the style of a specific genre or time period. / N (6 weeks) /
  • Write a scene in the style of a specific genre or time period.
  • Play analysis guidelines

1.05 Analyze the effect of personal cultural experiences on self-created theatrical works. / M (on-going) /
  • Self-reflective journal
  • Reflective journal activities rubric

COMPETENCY GOAL 2: The learner will act by interacting in improvisations and assuming roles. (National Standard 2) / PE: Warm-ups
Language Arts: speech oral communication skills, characterization.
Science: aspects of body functions.
1 / (Self)
2.01 Examine and practice the elements of theatre independently. / E (on-going) /
  • Memorization of lines and independent characterization
  • Percentage of lines memorized / character analysis worksheet

2 / 2.02 Demonstrate responsibility and motivation for independent work. / E (on-going)
I (on-going) /
  • Independent goal setting and deadlines.
  • Leading in-class activities
  • Classroom management rubric
  • Leadership rubric

2.03 Recognize one's own individual strengths and remaining challenges.
3 / (Body and Voice)
2.04 Explore and use dialects. / I (5 weeks)
E (on-going) /
  • Performance of a short scene demonstrating mastery of a particular dialect or accent.
  • Exercises that practice diaphragmatic breathing, warm up voice, improve vocal resonance.
  • Scenes for performance rubric
  • Participation Review

4 / 2.05 Study and use stage combat techniques. / E (2 weeks) /
  • Basic stage combat techniques/demonstrations
  • Participation Review

2.06 Analyze and report on the differing approaches of master teachers in vocal production. / I (2 weeks) /
  • Research master teachers regarding vocal production, body work/movement.
  • Portfolio Checksheet

2.07 Research and examine the work of master teachers who specialize in body work/movement.
2.08 Continue to use improvisation for spontaneity and ensemble. / M (1 week) /
  • Individual and group improvisation.
  • Participation Review

2.09 Demonstrate improvisational skills in a formal setting.
5 / (Acting)
2.10 Develop original work and present as a one-act play. /
  • Develop original work and present as a one-act play.
  • Skit scoring guide

7 / 2.11 Participate in student directed works. / E (6 weeks) /
  • Participate in student directed works.
  • Participation Review

(Reading and Writing)
2.12 Study and use two or more acting methods by master teachers. / I (1 week) /
  • Explore two or more acting methods by master teachers.
  • Shared Ideas Worksheet

9 / 2.13 Research an actor’s life and/or body of work from theatre history or modern stage. / E (on-going) /
  • Report biographical information on 10 American Stage Actors
  • Peer evaluation of an Oral Presentation / Rubric for Film Prospectus/Skit Scoring Guide

COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will design and produce theatre by conceptualizing and realizing artistic interpretations for informal or formal productions. (National Standard 3)
7a / 3.01 Take a leadership role in the technical aspects of formal or informal productions. / E (7 weeks) /
  • Costume designs for characters in final in-class performance
  • Technical Skills rubric

7b / 3.02 Refine and express knowledge of assessing technical design. / E (7 weeks) /
  • Costume plot for final in-class performance

7c / 3.03 Write critiques of one’s own work / E (7 weeks) /
  • Costume list for final in-class performance

7d / 3.04 Apply knowledge of the components of technical theatre to include scenery, costumes, makeup, lighting, sound, and props. / E (7 weeks) /
  • Produce costumes for final in-class performance (pull/rent/borrow/build)

6 / 3.05 Examine and discuss the technical areas of special effects and technological advances. / E (7 weeks)
E (on-going) /
  • Makeup sketches for final in-class performance
  • Assist director in technical aspects of in-class performance
  • Self-reflection journals on technical work for in-class production.
  • Guest speaker on technical work (former students, professional technical designers)
  • Written product
  • Reflection Journals activities
  • Participation Review

COMPETENCY GOAL 4: The learner will direct through planning and presenting informal or formal productions. (National Standard 4)
9 / 4.01 Direct a one-act play. / E (8 weeks) /
  • Direct a one-act play.
  • Directing and Acting Rubric

10 / 4.02 Write a reflection of the one-act directing experience. / E (on-going) /
  • Write a reflection of the one-act directing experience.
  • Written Product

4.03 Study and report on two or more directing styles by master directors. / I (2 weeks) /
  • Study and report on two or more directing styles by master directors.
  • Shared Ideas Worksheet

COMPETENCY GOAL 5: The learner will research by finding information to support informal or formal productions. (National Standard 5) / Language Arts: contentless scene development depicts basic writing structure found in many literary works.
Social Studies: study of the evolution of theatre relates to specific historical periods and cultures.
5.01 Research a period theatre piece. / I (1 week) /
  • Research a period theatre piece
  • Product-based rubric

5.02 Research the role of a dramaturg. / N (1 day)
I (2 days) /
  • Research the role of a dramaturg
  • Analyze and perform contentless scene.
  • Product-based rubric
  • Improvisation rating scale

11 / 5.03 Research and identify cultural and historical sources of American theatre including musical theatre. / E (3 days) /
  • Assemble into groups and research dramatic works throughout theatrical history.
  • Collaborative Work Skills

COMPETENCY GOAL 6: The learner will compare and integrate art forms by analyzing traditional theatre, dance, music, visual arts, and new art forms. (National Standard 6) / Social Studies: study of evolution of theatre relates to specific historical periods and cultures.
12 / 6.01 Analyze and report on new trends in theatre performance. / E (2 days) /
  • Analyze and report on new trends in theatre performance.
  • Written product

6.02 Analyze and report on theatrical developments in technology. / I (2 days) /
  • Analyze and report on theatrical developments in technology
  • Joseph Mancusco’s Theatre History Evaluation rubric

6.03 Compare and contrast art forms in specific cultures and/or historical periods. / E (3 days) /
  • Compare and contrast art forms in specific cultures and/or historical periods.
  • Portfolio Check sheet

COMPETENCY GOAL 7: The learner will analyze, critique, and construct meaning from informal and formal theatre, film, television, and electronic media productions. (National Standard 7) / Science: Sound, electricity, and lighting technology.
7.01 Critique personal progress through the continuing use of a portfolio of theatre work. / E (on-going) /
  • Reflective journals and portfolios continuing from 2,3,4
  • Reflection Journal Activities

7.02 Use available new technology or new uses of existing technology to support the school theatre arts program. / N (4 days) /
  • Research most recent theatrical technology and how it could be implemented in school performances.
  • Research paper

COMPETENCY GOAL 8: The learner will understand context by analyzing the role of theatre, film, television, and electronic media in the past and present. (National Standard 8) / TC: career relating to theatre
8.01 Acquire and demonstrate successful collaboration skills through theatre and related media. / E (1 month) /
  • Independently work with theatre students from another program where you collaboratively develop a plan for producing a one-act play. Present collaborative plan through either presentation, or in-class performance.
  • Guidelines for Performance Analysis

8.02 Analyze, discuss and/or write about jobs in a selected theatrical field. / I (3.5 days) /
  • Independently research theatrical roles and responsibilities of theatre careers.
  • Portfolio Checksheet

Updated 06/2007

Priority Code: E- Essential I- Important N- Nice to Know M-Maintenance

Strands: Perceiving, Thinking, Comprehending, Applying, Integrating, Communicating, Creating, Analyzing, Critiquing, Performing

EC#: Essential Curriculum (1 to 10 or 12 KEY Concepts identified in PLC)