Autumn Term 2017(2)

What a very glittery term we have had!

Thanksgiving week

During this week the children watched a show which was about Plymouth Rock, it told the story of how thanks- giving came about. We tried some homemade pumpkin pie which was a hit with some of the children.

Our role play area was a post office, where the children had great fun covering adults in parcel stickers and sending us off to foreign countries.

In the messy room we made cardboard tube turkeys and leaf wreaths, some can be seen displayed in the main room.

Remembrance week -
This week we learnt about how poppies are made and why we wear them. We watched a short film; the children listened really well and were able to answer questions about the film. We also made lots of poppies in various sizes, from small cake case poppies to the giant poppies which can be seen on the wall in the messy room. Many thanks to those who purchased items from the Royal British Legion. The campsite role play area was put to great use with queues forming to use the sleeping bags.

Children In Need
This week’s topic was Children In Need. We did lots of baking in preparation for our coffee and cake events. Thank you for all of your cake/biscuit donations, they were greatly appreciated. The children also made lots of Pudsey Bears either by collaging or painting. We talked about how some children were less fortunate than us, perhaps being poorly or not having nice homes and toys.

Christmas Fun

The children wrapped presents in Santa's workshop. They built snowmen using cotton wool pads, jewels, hats and ribbon for scarfs. We painted the Children’s hands silver and gold to print on their calendars. Decorating ice-cream cones as Christmas trees was a firm favourite; quite a few decorations were consumed before making it to the cone!! We mixed the ingredients for their individual Christmas cakes and decorated them with marzipan, icing and cherries, I hope they taste good, they looked amazing.

I would like to thank all of the parent/carers for attending our coffee mornings/afternoons. We raised an amazing £156 for Children in Need.

Ely Christmas Light switch-on

Thank you to all of the volunteers and parents who made donations to our Tombola stall. We made £169.00.

Ely Methodist Church

We had a lovely afternoon with three of the ladies from the Methodist Church. The children decorated large pebbles with glittery stars, they looked beautiful. These were then displayed at a nativity weekend in the Church.

Nativity service at Ely Cathedral

We had a lovely afternoon at the Cathedral. The children sang lovely and loud and behaved impeccably. It was nice to sit back and watch another pre-school perform the nativity for a change!

Next term's topic is Life Cycles,

Week beginning:

8th January Butterflies

15th January Chickens

22rd January Humans

29th January Frogs

5th February Plants and Trees

Parent Helpers

Thank you to all of the parents who have offered to help us in session with 'particular skills' and at home doing cutting etc. We would love to see more parent helpers in the setting; this enables us to take children on nature visits to collect leaves etc. If you would like to volunteer, the calendars will be on the wall in the cloakroom, (one parent per session)

We all send you best wishes for a lovely Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2018.

Rainbow opens again on Monday 8th January 2018.