Marshall Child Development Center

November Newsletter 2015

From the Director…!

I’m so excited for the upcoming holiday season!! We will do our best to communicate about all of the activities we have planned to avoid any additional stress that knowingly comes along with this time of year. Please be sure to read your emails, check our website and look for signs in your child’s classroom. I loved the idea I saw a parent doing one day and that was taking a picture of the signs/announcements with their cell phone. That way they could pass along information to their spouse who doesn’t normally drop off and pick up.

MCDC is closed for all federal holidays. The two days we will be closed in November are the 11th for Veteran’s Day and the 26th for Thanksgiving. We will be open all additional weekdays. We will place signup sheets in each of the classrooms for you to let us know if your child will be in attendance those days surrounding the Thanksgiving Holiday. Please note, we are open except for Thanksgiving Day. We are only collecting this information for staffing purposes and for those wishing to drop in previous students who are in Kindergarten. If you are not sure if your child will be in attendance any of the days surrounding the holiday, just leave the sheet blank. We would rather have too many staff members working than not enough.

Our annual Budget Vote will be taking place on Tuesday November 17th from 11:30am to 12:30pm in building 4220/1103. If you do not have access to this building and would like to attend, please contact me. We have to have a quorum for this vote, so please make plans to attend. You do not have to stay the length of the meeting. You can just drop by and place your vote. The Board of Directors will be sending out a letter explaining the proposed changes to next year’s budget prior to the vote.

Our annual Thanksgiving Lunch will be taking place on Thursday November 19th at 11:00am. MCDC will be providing turkey, paper products and tea. We ask parents to sign up for side items and desserts. The signup sheet will be located on the parent table in the front lobby. Please sign up no later than Tuesday of that week so we can have an accurate count of how many adults will be attending. Friends and family are welcome! The food will be set up buffet style in the cafeteria. You will fix your plate and then join your child in their classroom. The children will be served lunch as normal from the kitchen and will be ready for you eat with them. Please keep in mind that we will not have the capability to warm or cook items that you bring. So please make arrangements to either bring your items in a container that will stay warm, or keep them with you and warm before arriving. Please also be sure to provide a serving utensil with your dish. We look forward to spending this special time with you all! We are truly grateful that you have chosen to share your precious children and families with us!

Have a great month!

Kelli Wright, Director

Upcoming Events:

November 11th= Center Closed for Veteran’s Day

November 17th= Budget Vote 11:30am-12:30am Bldg 4220 Rm 1103

November 19th= Thanksgiving Lunch 11am

November 26th= Center Closed for Thanksgiving

Coming Up in December:

MSFC Tree Lighting 4:45pm (preschool asked to participate)

Holiday Store on the 3rd (Explorers & Preschool)

Holiday Program 5:30pm on the 10th

Classroom Parties on the 11th

Center Closed on 25th for Christmas

Hello from Infant A

Several pumpkins from our pumpkin patch have rolled away to the creeper rooms leaving several new little turkeys that have come to join us just in time for more fun fall activities. A big welcome to our new families and a returning family.

Parents, don’t forget to keep jackets and hats in your child’s cubby. We will be taking sunny, fall buggy rides and outside blanket play.

This month we will focus on the fall colors, brown and orange, for painting and play dough play. Turkey songs will be included while on the floor for tummy time and pumpkin dumping.

Please come join us at MCDC for our “Fall Feast” lunch, November 19th at 11am.

The Beautiful Babies (Infant B)

Time just keeps flying and the class has blossomed before our eyes. Physical development refers to gradually gaining control over large and small muscles. Gross motor skills allow a child to do such things as roll over, sit, crawl, walk, run and throw a ball. Fine motor skills, such as holding, pinching, and flexing fingers, eventually enables children to do such things as draw, write, eat with utensils, and cut with scissors. The development of new motor skills allow young children to make discoveries. As they explore, they begin to make since of their environment. Although they develop at different rates, infants learn to control their bodies in the same progression. Control develops from head to toe, and from the center of their bodies out through their arms and legs to their fingers and toes. You can see general pattern as you watch a child learn to lift his head and then sit, crawl, walk and run. Young infants move primarily by reflex when they are newborns. They move automatically in response to various stimuli. Some reflexes help ensure that infants will get what they need to survive. For example, when you touch the cheek of a newborn. She starts moving her mouth to search for the nipple. Young infants have other reflexes too, for example, reciprocal kicking occurs when an infant kicks first one foot and then the other. During the first eight months, however, infants change from having little control over their muscles to developing motor skills such as rolling over, reaching for and grasping objects, transferring items from hand to hand, sitting without help from an adult, and beginning to crawl. Have a great month!

The Jammin Babies (Creeper A)

Greetings to you from your friends that dance.

Just in case we didn’t get the chance

To wish you the perfect start to the giving thanks time.

We didn’t want you to think we were out of line.

We are gearing up as little ones to partake of the feast,

We will not be ungrateful, no, not in the least.

We have lost two of our little friends to toddle away,

Playing with big boy and girl toys and singing the toddler way.

Two birthdays that we had go past,

Sure these will not be the last.

We will do our dance training and singing Nursery Rhymes,

It’s that much more fun, when done even a million times.

We will keep guiding them and watching them grown big and strong,

You are the wonderful parents that have supported us all along.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and be safe!

The Little Owls (Creeper B)

We have been enjoying fall here in our room. The leaves are very pretty. We are lucky to have a good view from our room of the leaves. I hope everyone has been enjoying our little turkeys outside the room. Mrs. Michele has been working hard with your children doing art activities.

We are coming to a very busy time of the year. So please be safe and wash hands a lot. We want our babies to stay well where they can enjoy all the activities that will be happening. Speaking of things that are coming up, we will be having our Thanksgiving Feast, November 19th at 11am. We hope that all of our parents can join us!!

Thank you for letting us work with your babies!!

The Busy Bees (Toddler A)

The weather is starting to change and fall is in the air! We have had a wonderful month filled with pumpkins, spiders, and parties! We want to thank our parents for providing shirts and pumpkins for us to decorate and for participating in our Harvest party!

This month we are going to be talking about farm animals, turkeys, and leaves! We will also be having our Thanksgiving luncheon on November 19th, starting at 11. Everyone is welcome to come and eat!!

Please remember to check your child’s cubby for weather appropriate clothing. Make sure that when it gets cold that your child has a thick jacket since we do go outside!

The Rockets (Toddler B)

2015 is just two short months away from being over. It has been a busy year in Toddler B. Your child has learned new words, done lots of art, and had many new sensory experiences. Circus animals, circus foods and pumpkins filled October. Your child roared like a lion, tried cotton candy and got messy while exploring what the inside of a pumpkin is like! November is sure to be a fun time as we look at leaves and their many different fall colors. We will also talk about turkeys and Thankfulness. We are very excited about heading into the holiday seasons.

As the weather is changing. Please remember to check your child’s cubby to make sure their clothes are the correct size and weather appropriate.

The Safari Explorers (EA)

In October, we learned all about things that happen in fall. We visited the county fair! We made cotton candy with shaving cream, glue, and food coloring. We also made caramel apples with paint and bird seed.

Next, we learned about fall leaves. We painted leaves to put on our fall tree and were visited by the firefighters for fire safety week. We made candy corn using our feet and tissue paper. Decorating pumpkins and making jack-o-lanterns with tissue paper was a lot of fun! We had a fall party and a fall festival.

In November, we will be closed November 11th for Veteran’s Day. We will have a Thanksgiving luncheon on the 19th starting at 11am. We will be closed November 26th for Thanksgiving.

We will learn about nocturnal animals, turkey, Thanksgiving food, Pilgrims and Native Americans, and scarecrows.

Please dress your child for the weather and check their cubby’s for weather appropriate clothing. Thank you!

Underwater Explorers (EB)

Hey Y’all from Explorer B! We can’t believe it is already November. This year is sure flying by. We had a fun, eventful October with our fall festivities.

The annual Thanksgiving lunch will take place on Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 11am. We are super excited to have you all for lunch! Hope to see you there.

For November, we will be learning about Pilgrims and Native Americans, Veteran’s Day, Turkeys, and Thanksgiving! We are planning tons of fun with these topics.

Please remember the center will be closed November 11th and 26th for holidays!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!!

The Perky Preschoolers (Pre-C)

We had quite an eventful October with all of our fall festivities and Field Trips. We would like to thank the parents for making these events fun and successful! We are looking forward to many more learning experiences in November.

Our themes this month will be shapes, Turkey’s, Giving thanks, corn and cornfields, and Author Eve Bunting. We will also be doing our letter bags, along with letter activities. We will continue to implement writing and sensory, counting as well.

We welcome our new students and will focus this time on socialization skills by providing numerous small group activities. We are very pleased seeing them getting along with their classmates.

Weather permitted, we will try to go outside at least once daily, even if only for a few minutes. Please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothing, such as a jacket or coat. Tennis shoes are strongly encouraged to prevent injuries.

Our events for this month are, November 11th the center is closed for Veteran’s Day, November 19th is Thanksgiving lunch starting at 11am, and November 26th the center will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.

If you have any questions and concerns regarding your child, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you again!!

The Teddy Bears (Pre-B)

November 2015

(To the tune of “On Top of Old Smokey”)

The Month of November

Has Thanksgiving Day.

We gather for dinner,

Watch football and play!

With turkey and stuffing

And cranberries, too,

We’re thankful for family

And friends just like you!


What a great beginning we have had! Already into the 3rd month and the classroom schedules and activities are well under way. Children are happy and have adjusted nicely to the routine of school. Looks of “I can’t do it” are turning into looks of “I DID IT!” It is very rewarding for us as teachers to witness this transition.

Along with the children’s accomplishments, you parents have been wonderful also. Your response to volunteer for the many activities and parties at our preschool has been overwhelming. We are so grateful for all your support and willingness to take an active role in helping make Pre B the “second happiest place on earth:” We have many busy days ahead of us and we all look forward to sharing them with you and your children.

We would like to welcome our new teacher to Pre B. The center will be closed on Wednesdays, November 11th for Veterans Day. We will have our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon on Thursday, Nov19th @ 11:00a.m. The center is closed on Thursday, November 26th in observance of Thanksgiving

Child Health

Mommy I Don’t Feel Good

When your child mutters those five words in the morning before school, please don’t pass it off as an attempt to stay home from school. Flu season is here! If your child has a fever, sore throat, diarrhea, vomiting and/or congested cough, please be considerate of the sick policy. This is for the safety of all the children as well as the teachers. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Remember, your child must be free from fever, diarrhea and related symptoms for at least 24 hours before they will be allowed to return to school. Thank you again for your efforts in assisting us.