Employee Name: / Review Period: / From to (MM/DD/YY)
Employee Title: / Review Type: / Annual Performance Review
Department: / Introductory Period Review
GWID: / Transfer Period Review
Assess the individual’s overall performance based on BOTH goal achievement and demonstrated competence for all performance factors. Place the number rating that corresponds with your assessment of the individual’s performance.
(C) Consistently Surpasses Expectations - Consistently exceeds performance expectations and role requirements; achieves goals; contributions are unique and visible to the university; produces high impact results beyond role and team, to the point of being atypical.
(FE) Frequently Exceeds Expectations - Often exceeds performance expectations and role requirements; achieves goals; impactful contributions are recognized throughout the school or division; often exceeds expected results.
(FA) Fully Achieves Expectations - Achieves performance expectations and role requirements; achieves goals; solid contributions are recognized throughout the department, school, or division; produces expected results.
(D) Development Needed - Sometimes meets performance expectations and role requirements; achieves some or all goals; demonstrates inconsistent performance and/or behavior; needs development to produce expected results.
(DNM) Does Not Meet Expectations - Does not meet performance expectations and role requirements; immediate action is required to improve performance and/or behavior; performance improvement plan is required.
Performance Factors / Rating / Most
heavily weighted (X) / Performance Factors / Rating / Most
weighted (X)
Job Knowledge/Skills / Problem Solving/Analytical Skills
Productivity/Meets Project Goals / Punctuality/Attendance/Work Habits
Communication / Collaboration/Teamwork
Meets Sponsor Expectations / Supervisory/Management Skills
Innovation/Initiative / Other
Overall Rating=
Performance Factor Ratings: You may use this section to provide supporting reasons/rationale for ratings.
Describe key strengths that should be leveraged for success. Identify recommendations for training, certifications, and/or other developmental opportunities. Include developmental activities that support career growth.
(1) Supervisor
Supervisor Name: / Supervisor Title:
Supervisor Signature: / Date:
(2) Next Level Approver
Next Level Approver Name: / Next Level Approver Title:
Next Level Approver Signature: / Date:
(3) Employee
Employee Signature:
By signing above, you acknowledge that you received this review and it was discussed with you. Signature does not indicate agreement or disagreement with the content of this review. Employees may attach comments.
This review was discussed with me on the following date:
Ethical Principle Statement and GW Values
I have read and understand the George Washington University Statement of Ethical Principles and the GW Values. / INITIAL BELOW

Submit completed performance reviews to your Human Resources Representative. If you have any questions, please contact University Human Resources at 202-994-8500.

GW Confidential

The George Washington University, 2017 Version 3.0 1