Nevada Academic ContentStandards- Resource Page

The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.

CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: W.K.8 -With guidance and support from adults, recallinformation from experiences orgatherinformation from provided sources toansweraquestion.
W.CCR.8 Gather relevant information from multiple printand digital sources, assess the credibilityand accuracyof each source,and integrate theinformation while avoidingplagiarism. / Questions to FocusLearning
How canyoufind an answer to aquestion?How can asourceleadyou to the correct answer?
Information is located inasourceor from aperson's experiences to answeraquestion. Writers use and citemultiple sources to writeaccurateinformation.
Student FriendlyObjectives
With guidance and support from adults:
Iknow mypast experiences can beimportant when answeringaquestion. Iknow aquestion is asentencethat asks for information.
Iknow an answer provides informationrelevant to aquestion.
Iknow howtogatherinformation from differentplaces andsources.
Reasoning Targets
With guidance and support from adults:
I can determinewhat information is beingasked in a question.
I can decide which sourcesmight provide information that answers aquestion. I cangather informationto help me answer aquestion.
I can determineif mypast experiences can help answer aquestion.
Product Targets
With guidance and support from adults:
I can answeraquestion usingpast experiences ornew information.


determinegather experiences question relevant source

Teacher Tips

ELA-Language and WritingCrosswalk-Kindergarten

Vertical Progression

W.1.8 -With guidanceand support from adults, recallinformation from experiences orgather information from provided sources to answer aquestion.

W.2.8 -Recallinformation from experiences orgatherinformation from provided sources to answer aquestion. W.3.8 -Recallinformation from experiences orgatherinformation from printand digital sources; takebrief notes on sources andsort evidenceinto provided categories.

W.4.8 -Recallrelevant information from experiences orgather relevant information from print anddigital sources;

takenotes and categorizeinformation, and providealist of sources.

W.5.8 -Recallrelevant information from experiences orgather relevant information from print anddigital sources;

summarizeor paraphraseinformation in notes and finished work, and providealist of sources.

W.6.8 -Gather relevant information from multipleprint anddigital sources;assess the credibilityofeach source; and quote orparaphrasethe data and conclusions of others while avoidingplagiarism and providingbasicbibliographic information forsources.

W.7.8 -Gather relevant information from multipleprint anddigital sources,usingsearch terms effectively; assess the credibilityandaccuracyof each source;and quoteor paraphrasethedataand conclusions of otherswhile avoiding plagiarism and following astandard format forcitation.

W.8.8 -Gather relevant information from multipleprint anddigital sources,usingsearch terms effectively; assess the credibilityandaccuracyof each source;and quoteor paraphrasethedataand conclusions of otherswhile avoiding plagiarismand following astandard format forcitation.

W.9-10.8 -Gatherrelevant information from multiple authoritativeprint and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively;assess the usefulness of each sourcein answeringtheresearchquestion; integrateinformation into thetext selectivelyto maintain the flow ofideas, avoiding plagiarism and following astandard format forcitation.

W.11-12.8 -Gatherrelevant information from multiple authoritativeprint anddigital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess thestrengthsand limitations of each sourcein terms ofthe task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectivelytomaintain the flow ofideas, avoidingplagiarism and overrelianceon anyonesource andfollowingastandardformat for citation.

The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: W.K.8