TO: Parents/Guardians of Washington D.C. field trip participants
DATE: March 10, 2016
RE: Reminders
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Included you will find a copy of the itinerary for our trip to Washington, along with emergency-contact phone numbers.
Should your child need to take any medications (even over-the-counter) while on this trip, they must have proper documentation on file with the school’s nurse. Please be sure to check with our Health Office if you have any questions.
All medications (that need to be given by chaperones) and medical forms must be brought to the nurse immediately.
Health Office Phone Number: 860-487-0877 ext. 4912
If your son or daughter has a fever or does not feel well before we depart, please strongly consider whether he or she should attend the trip. We have trip insurance that will refund most of the cost of the trip, so long as a doctor’s note is provided.
Your child should arrive at the Mansfield Town Hall/Community Center parking lot by 6:30 am (4 South Eagleville Road, Storrs, CT) on Thursday, March 17th. Please be sure to get here on time. In case of sickness (or other reason to miss this trip), please leave a message on Megan Magner’s voicemail as soon as possible. Her number is 860-833-1441. We plan to begin loading the buses at 6:30 am and to leave by 7:15 am.
Any child required to carry an EpiPen cannot board the bus without it.
(860) 487-0877 E.O. Smith High School
(703) 416-4100 Doubletree Hotel (Arlington, VA)
(888) 863-8048 Travel Kuz (bus company)
We will be returning to E.O. Smith at about 10:00 pm on Saturday, March 19th. As this time may vary, your child may have the opportunity to call you earlier in the evening to indicate if we are running late.
Chaperones remain at school until the last student is picked up; please be considerate of these volunteers and pick up your child on time.
What to pack: Pack as lightly as possible. However, you need to be prepared for inclement weather: bring an umbrella, extra shoes/socks, rain jacket, warm coat, etc; it may be very cold or rainy. Comfortable walking shoes are a must!
Clothing should be appropriate; you are representing our school and the school dress code will be upheld on the trip. Students will have time (but are not required) to get dressed up for the dinner cruise.
Students will not be able to access their belongings under the bus until we arrive at the hotel late Thursday evening. Students should bring money for lunch and any other small items they wish to access during the day onto the bus.
E.O. Smith High School cannot be held responsible for items that are lost or stolen. Please do NOT bring valuable items.
Security will be very tight in some of the places that we visit. Any items that might be considered a security risk may be confiscated, prevent admission, and cause delays for everyone on the trip.
All items are subject to search if there is concern that a student is carrying inappropriate items. All bags may be searched before boarding the bus.
Behavior: It is fully expected that all students will be on their best behavior. A matrix highlighting expected behavior and the E.O. Smith Core Values was sent home with the permission slip. Disciplinary measures will be administered, if necessary, according to school policy.
While in the hotel, there will be no visiting of other students’ rooms. However, there will be opportunities for students to socialize with all their friends throughout the trip.
Chaperones have the right to enter any student room if deemed necessary. Security personnel have been hired to be present in the hotel for both nights.
Money: Do not bring a large amount of cash. You will need to bring enough money for four meals (all other meals are paid for); $45-50 should be sufficient for most students. You might also want to have enough to buy a souvenir or for some snacks.
Please be advised that you should NOT leave cash or any valuable items in your hotel room while you are out.
Washington D.C. Itinerary 2016
Day 1
March 17 - Thursday
6:30 am Students and busses arrive at the Mansfield Town Hall Parking Lot (4
South Eagleville Road, Storrs, CT) Parents- Please do not park in the fire lane as we need this space to load the buses.
7:15am Depart Storrs, CT. Stop en-route for lunch (own expense)
3:45pm Arrive in Washington, DC and travel to Arlington Cemetery
4:00pm Board buses to visit the Kennedy Gravesites, the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Changing of the Guard, and Arlington House. (90 minute tour)
(Changing of the guard every 60 minutes on the hour)
5:45pm Board buses and travel to Pentagon City Mall for dinner
6:00pm Dinner (coupon provided)
7:00pm Following dinner, meet with Washington guides, board buses, and begin tour of the monuments including: Pentagon, Air Force, WWII, MLK, FDR and Jefferson. We will see as many monuments as possible in the allotted time
10:00pm Arrive at the hotel and check into rooms.
Doubletree Hotel
300 Army Navy Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
10:30pm Security comes on duty for the evening.
Day 2
March 18 - Friday
7:00am Breakfast at the hotel (included)
8:00am Board buses and depart for the White House and picture opportunity.
8:15am Stop at White House
9:00am Board buses and depart for the Newseum- the museum about the history of
9:15am Self-guided tour of Newseum: films, news casting, and many special exhibits.
11:30am Group by buses, and walk to the U.S. Capitol for a group photo.
12:00pm Board buses and travel to Union Station for lunch
12:15pm Lunch (own expense)
1:30pm Board buses and travel to Smithsonian of choice
Day 2 continued
1:45pm Students will choose from the National Holocaust Memorial Museum, American Indian, Air and Space, and Natural History Smithsonian Museums. Students will board bus designated to chosen museum.
5:00pm Finish touring museums, board buses, and return to hotel. Free time to change and freshen up for the Spirit cruise.
6:45pm Board buses and travel to the docks of the Spirit of Washington.
7:00pm Board the cruise
7:30pm Cruise with Dinner and DJ
10:00pm Board buses and return to hotel
10:30pm Security comes on duty
Day 3
March 19 - Saturday
7:00am Breakfast at the hotel (included)
8:15am Check out of hotel, load luggage and depart for more monuments. Meet guides at Vietnam Memorial. Tour Vietnam, Nurses, Soldiers, Lincoln, and Korean War Memorials and finish by Capitol
10:30am Board buses and depart for the Washington National Zoo. Arrive at the zoo,
home of the world famous pandas and many more exotic animals.
12:30pm Board buses and travel to the Smithsonian Museum of American History for a
self-guided tour. Lunch at the museum (own expense)
2:30pm Board buses and depart for E.O. Smith. Stop en route for dinner (own expense).
10:00pm Tentative arrival at E.O. Smith. Busses will drop students off in front of the
school. (Students are encouraged to call parents to update their
parents/guardians regarding any delays.)
PARENTS/GURADIANS- Please do not park in the fire lane. This prevents the buses from parking and unloading. Please use parking spaces in the lot in front of E.O. Smith.