
To: CDLPA Presidents

County and District Law Library Staff

From: Martha Foote, Board General Manager

Date:July9, 2014

Re.:Conference for Ontario Law Associations’ Libraries 2014

This year the Conference for Ontario Law Associations’ Libraries (COLAL)will be held in Toronto from October 16 to 17. It is the primary vehicle for continuing education for the library staff in the 48 county and district law libraries in Ontario.

While we are still finalizing the educational program, we have confirmed some excellent topics and speakers to date. They include:

•Keynote address by Kim Silk, Data Librarian at theMartin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto

•Organizing and Presenting CPD and Mentoring Programs

•Ready, Set, Grow! Part 3 by Steve Lowden, Steve Lowden & Associates

•LibraryCo Update and Board of Directors Q&A

In addition to the educational program, library staff will have opportunities to network with their colleagues at meals and during refreshment breaks. There will be a dinner on October 16th.

LibraryCo will pay the travel expenses, two breakfasts, two luncheons and three breaks on October 16 and 17 and the cost of thedinner on October 16. The association is responsible for covering the two nights’ accommodation costs, other meals and any other expenses incurred for staff who participate.

A block of rooms, at $141.00*per night, has been booked at the Eaton Chelsea Hotel,33 Gerrard Street West, Toronto. Rooms have been set aside for the 15th through the17th. You must make your own reservations using one of the following options:

  • Call (416) 595-1975 or 1-800-243-5732and refer to “Library Co – COLAL 2014” for the special rates
  • Send an e-mail to nd refer to “Library Co – COLAL 2014” for the special rates
  • Utilize the online booking link where you will receive an instant confirmation number (this link will be encrypted with your corporate rates so no need for codes): Library CoCOLAL 2014

Reservations at this rate and against this block will be held until Monday, September 15, 2014.Please mention that you are with LibraryCo (COLAL) when you make your reservation. For further information, map and directions, please check the hotel web site at:

I look forward to welcoming you to COLAL in October. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact LibraryCo at 866-340-7578 or by e-mail at .

*Rates are quoted in Canadian funds, are net, non-commissionable and subject to current applicable 13% Harmonized Sales Tax and $8.00 per day, per room facilities fee.

LibraryCo Inc., Osgoode Hall

130 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N6

Toll Free 1-866-340-7578 ● Tel (416) 947-3950 ● Fax (416) 947-3948