Announcements for September 26, 2014 School Day 27 Day 1

Students will report to advisor 5th period after they return from lunch at 12:47 or their 5th hour class.

Any South Winn FFA Member wishing to attend National FFA convention needs to e-mail Ms. Brincks by Monday so she can make a tentative list of students who can go.

Picture day is coming up! September 30th. Please make sure to bring your picture form along with payment on Tuesday. If you need another form stop by the office to pick on up!

Join us at Turkey Valley for some great tailgating action. Tailgate will start at 5:30 o'clock Friday night before the varsity action. Menu will include BBQ pork from Polashek's locker, cheesy potatoes, beans, and lemonade. A lot of great food for $5 dollars. Come out and support the Trojans who take on the Springville Orioles.

Reminder to move your vehicles right after school on Friday so we can make room for the fans for the football game. If you have practice after school your vehicle should be moved to faculty parking lot.

If you plan on bringing an outside guest to the homecoming dance you can stop by the office to sign them up..

SW FFA members who are Turkey Valley Students there is an FFA meeting at 6:30p.m. on Monday night. Free Brats from Fareway for those who show up. Bring your chromebooks.

Any South Winn FFA Member wishing to attend National FFA convention needs to e-mail Ms. Brincks by Monday so she can make a tentative list of students who can go.

Waucoma is sponsoring a 5K run/walk on Oct. 25th. If you need a registration form stop by the office to pick up… Forms need to be turned in with payment to the office by Sept 29th to receive a t-shirt. They are also looking for zombies contact Mrs. Balk.

Juniors and Seniors - John Holland from Iowa College Access Network will be here on September 30th (Tuesday) in our high school media center. He will present COLLEGE PLANNING and FINANCIAL PLANNING sessions. A COLLEGE PLANNING presentation will be from 5-6pm in the high school media center. This is targeted towards junior students and parents, but would also be good for those seniors and parents that are unsure. The FINANCIAL PLANNING session will follow from 6-7pm. This is good for those seniors and parents getting ready for post-secondary education for next summer or fall, and for juniors to hear before their big senior year.

If you are signed up for the PSAT in October, you have the opportunity to receive a $25 gift card by being part of a pilot test. This test does not affect your October score, but is used to 'test out' new questions. Please email Mrs. Lawless Anderson by this Friday, or see her in person as space is limited.


Monday, September 29 at 10:30--Luther

Thursday, October 2 at 2:00--Clarke University

Thursday, October 9 at 1:00--UNI

Wednesday, October 15 at 12:30--University of Dubuque

Friday, October 17 at 10:30--Hawkeye Community

Please sign up in advance and let teachers know if you will be missing part of their class. A sign-up sheet for visits is posted on the bulletin board in the commons. Thanks!

Results from yesterday’s activities: JV and Varsity volleyball both recorded wins last night...

Activities today: Varsity football against Springville

Saturday - Cross Country at Independence at 9:30 bus leaves at 7:30

Volleyball at Dunkerton bus leaves at 7:45

Birthdays for the week:

Sunday - Elli Winter

Monday -

Tuesday -

Wednesday - Sam Kout

Thursday - CJ Kuhn, and Seth Huinker

Friday - Shaylee Brincks

Saturday -

Lunch: Stuffed cheese sticks, marinara sauce, fresh carrots, and apple salad

Breakfast: Pancake on a stick