Windsor High School Parent Teacher Association

Windsor High School is very lucky to have an active PTA. Much of the funding raised by the WHSA PTA is

through events such as the Christmas Fayre and Summer Fun Day. Both events attract our local and school

community, a fantastic time is had by all and together we raise hundreds of pounds which goes back into

school to the benefit of all our students. Previously the PTA have supported your children by funding sport,

dance, music, art, resistant materials, ICT software, local and overseas school trips and international projects,

rewards and prizes, maths, puzzles, games and much more.

Another reliable and exciting fundraising activity run by the WHSA is the 50/50 Club. This operates like a ‘Lottery Club’

members ‘buy’ a number for £1.00 each month, per number. Each person can ‘buy’ up to a maximum of five numbers (or £5.00) each month. (When you first join up your number(s) will be allocated by the Club Co-ordinator)

The monthly prize fund is 50% of the money collected from members for that month, with the other 50% going directly to

the Parent Teacher Association Fundraising Account (which is a registered charity and operated by the PTA committee).

Each calendar month, all the numbers are entered into a draw and three numbers are drawn. 1st prize (25%), 2nd prize (15%) and 3rd prize (10%)

We are actively looking for new members of our 50/50 Club. IT IS SIMPLE TO JOIN. All you have to do is fill out the

payment response form below.

Sign up now for your opportunity to be a winner and support your children's school.



50/50 CLUB

Members Joining-up Form

Please complete ALL details below and return the WHOLE form to: Mrs S Wilkinson/Mrs D Sketchley

Number of Share required (1 to 5) ……………… Cost per month: ………………………

Name: ………………………………………………… Student Name…………………………… Tutor Group…………….

Address :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Payment method preferred: by cheque  ** Cheque enclosed for £ …………………..

** If payment by cheque (minimum period 6 or 12 months) make cheques payable to “WHSA 50/50 club”

By standing order  (if by standing order please complete the section below)

Banks Name and Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………




To: - (Your bank/building society) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………….

Branch Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Sort Code No…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please make payments and debit my account in accordance with the following details:-

Pay: WHSA 50/50 Club c/o Lloyds/TSB Bank, Blackheath Birmingham Branch, 153 High Street, Rowley Regis, West Midlands. B65 0EB

Sort code: 30-90-88 Account No: 0527256

Amount (in words) ……………………………………… Pound(s)

To be paid on the 5th ……………………… and on the 5th day of each month thereafter until this order is cancelled.

Name of Account: ………………………………………………….. Account Number: ………………………………

Signed: ………………………………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………….

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