Lesson Plan Template
Student Teacher Amanda Hamilton Grade Level 4 Date of lesson______
Content Standards/Relationship to Standards: State the appropriate curriculum standard(s) and how this lesson aligns with the standard’s outcomes.
4.1: Collect, organize, and display data using appropriate statistical and graphical methods.
4.2: Analyze data sets to form hypotheses and make predictions.
Technology standard:
2. a: Communication and collaboration. Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
Learner Background: Discuss prior learning that has occurred that will support the lesson’s learning objective and how this lesson supports subsequent lessons.
In previous lessons students have learned that there are 360 degrees in a triangle. Students have also learned and practiced measuring and drawing angles with a protractor which they will need to understand when graphing their data on a pie chart. Students know how to find percentages and will use their knowledge of percentages to find the percentage for each category in their pie chart. Students will have studied pie charts in previous lessons so they understand pie charts show the percentages of each category. Students also understand how to read a pie chart and have been practicing interpreting the data from various pie charts and other types of graphs. Students have learned the parts of graphs including the title and key. Data for this graph was collected from the lesson from the previous day.
Specific Learning Objectives: Meeting the Needs of Learners
Student Learning Objective(s):State the intended learning outcome of this lesson. Be sure it is observable and includes clear criteria. *NOTE – cooperative learning lessons must include a social skill objective in addition to the academic objective / Objective(s) for most/all students
By the end of the lesson students will understand how to create and interpret a pie chart by creating their own pie chart from individual data collected and interpreting the pie chart with 90% accuracy. / Modification/Accommodations of Objective(s) if needed for struggling and/or advanced groups
Assessment: Meeting the Needs of Learners
Assessment: State the specific strategy (ies) and tools used to collect the data for each SLO. (Examples: essays, projects, quiz, exit slip, worksheet, etc.) / Assessment tool(s) for most/all studentsStudents will create their own pie charts on a provided circle. Students will organize their own collected data from their classmates, find the percentages for each category of data, and find the degree measurement for each category for their graph. All graphs must include a title, key, and labeled percentages for each category. / Modifications/Accommodations of Assessment (if needed for struggling and/or advanced groups)
Classroom Learning Environment: Cite positive strategy (ies) that will be utilized to support student learning and increase student engagement throughout the lesson based on your evaluation from previous lessons/observations. Include response strategies for off-task behavior and/or conflict. Provide detail for each checked items (minimum of 4 checked strategies).
X / Standards of Behavior Students will know and understand what is expected of them when doing independent work. Students know the noise level is to be kept low to allow for concentration. Talking with one another is acceptable as long as the noise level stays low and work is completed in a reasonable amount of time.X / Routines/Procedures Students will know that if they have a question and the teacher is busy helping another student they can go to a friend for help. If their friend isn’t able to help they are to put their name on the board for teacher assistance. Students will know how to log onto the classroom blog, post a comment, and post responses to complete their homework assignment. Students will know if a student is being disruptive they are to remove themselves from that student because they don’t want their learning to be disrupted.
Group Work
X / Transitions Teacher will set a timer for 45 minutes to complete graphs. A fifteen, ten, and five minute warning will be given. Teacher will tell students where they should be on their projects so students stay on time. When the timer goes off students will know it is time to clean materials up and gather on the rug area to share work. Students will know when sitting on the rug they are to create a circle so everyone can see and hear what is being shared.
X / Student Engagement Students will be encouraged to volunteer as teacher uses direct instruction for creating pie charts. Students will be reminded to do their best work in creating their pie charts since they will be displayed for the whole class to look at in a class book. Students will be excited to learn what pet is the most popular and what the class’s favorite food is. Shy students will share their thoughts in the classroom blog for homework.
Instructional Arrangement
Instructional Model/Strategy: State the rationale for the chosen model(s). Explain how you will best facilitate student learning through a specific model of instruction. You may check more than one.
X / Direct Instruction Teacher will demonstrate in front of the entire class how to create a pie chart. She will go step by step for the process.X / Cooperative Learning – specific strategy Peers will help each other. Especially students who finish early.
Concept formation/Concept Development
X / Discussion Students will discuss why knowing how to create a pie chart is important. Students will share and discuss interpretations of the graphs they created. Students will also discuss their interpretations of the same graph in a classroom blog for homework.
Materials/Resources: Meeting the Needs of All Learners
Materials/Resources: Materials/resources used in each learning activity including modifications for individual students in order to facilitate learning / Materials/Resources for most/all students.Protractor, Worksheet with circle, crayons, pencils, classroom blog, classroom Wiki, classroom Moodle website, calculator. / Modification/Accommodations and/or Differentiation of resources if needed for struggling or advanced groups or students identified with specific needs.
Initiation: Meeting the Needs of All Learners
Modifications/Accommodations ~ Note specific modifications and accommodations for students with specific needs based on your evaluation from previous lessons.and./or
Differentiation ~ Note specific strategies to be employed during lesson to address differentiated learning needs (ex: learning styles, modalities, interests, readiness, etc.) based on your evaluation from previous lessons.
Briefly describe how you will initiate the lesson by:
1) motivating
learners to focus on
expectations for
learning and
2) explaining:
a) what they will be doing and learning in the lesson;
b) how they will
c) why it is
important. / Teacher will log onto the classroom Wiki to view student’s homework from the prior lesson. Students will volunteer to read their paragraphs posted on Wikispaces for why they think pie charts are important to use in the real world. Students will be welcomed to comment on the paragraphs.
Teacher will ask students to take out the data students collected from the lesson before. Teacher will tell students that today we will be our own pie charts like the pie charts they looked at the other day. Teacher will tell students their pie charts will be displayed in a classroom book since their data represents the students in the class. Teacher will tell students she is going to demonstrate how to make a pie chart using the data she collected first. Then the students will have time to make their own pie charts and interpret their data. Teacher will ask students why they think it is important to learn how to make a pie chart with their own data. Students will discuss responses. Teacher will stress that it is important to understand how to make pie charts because it is another way to display data so that the data can easily be interpreted.
Lesson Development: Meeting the Needs of All Learners
Modifications/Accommodations ~ Note specific modifications and accommodations for students with specific needs based on your evaluation from previous lessons.and/or
Differentiation ~ Note specific strategies to be employed during lesson to address differentiated learning needs (ex: learning styles, modalities, interests, readiness, etc.) based on your evaluation from previous lessons.
Lesson Development
A. Describe
sequentially how
you will:
1) develop the lesson;
2) model and guide practice;
3) engage students in learning experiences to enable them to meet learning outcome(s);
B. Identify the instructional groupings you will use in each phase of instruction (whole group, small group, pairs, individuals, etc) / Teacher will write out her own set of data on the board so all students can see. The data is what type of pet do you have at home? Six students have cats. Eight students have dogs. Four students have fish. Two students don’t have any pets at home. A circle will be drawn on the board. Teacher will ask students what they think is the first step in creating a pie chart after having studied them in previous lessons. Finding the percentages for each category will be the correct answer. Teacher will ask students to find the percentages for each category and have volunteers come up to the board to show their work. Teacher will then explain we need to find the corresponding angle measurements for each categories percentage so we know exactly how much of the circle that category will take up. Teacher will tell students we could estimate the percentage of the circle but we want to be exact. Teacher will ask students how they might find the angle measurement for cats that is 30 percent of the entire circle. Teacher will ask in other words how do we find 30 percent of 360 degrees. Students will share their ideas. Student who suggests multiplying 360 by .3 put the work up on the board. Students will then be asked to find the angle measurements for the rest of the categories. Volunteers will come up to the board to write out their work. Teacher will then ask volunteers to come up to the board to draw the angles for each category on the circle. Students will also color in each category a different color. Teacher will demonstrate how to label the graph, create a title, and draw a key.
Students will then be asked to work independently to create their own pie chart with their own data. Teacher will review what is expected when we work independently and remind students that if they need help they can ask their friends if the teacher is busy helping another student. Teacher will walk around the room to make sure students stay on task and understand what they are doing. As students finish the teacher will ask them to write a three to five sentence interpretation of their pie chart. / Students who finish early will be asked to walk around offering assistance to students who need extra help.
ClosureDescribe how you will enable the students to;
1. 1. question and apply learning by reviewing lesson content
2. analyze by
connecting this lesson to previous and subsequent learning
3. see relevancy by understanding purpose/importance of the learning / When all students are finished teacher will have the class come back together at the rug. Students will be asked to share their pie charts on a voluntary basis with the class. At least four volunteers will show the class their pie chart and offer their own interpretation of their data. After each own interpretation is shared the teacher will ask the rest of the class if they have a different interpretation for the same set of data. After all volunteers have shared teacher will ask the class if they noticed different interpretations of the data for the same graph. Teacher will say sometimes the same set of data can mean different things for different people.
Teacher will then explain for homework everyone will log onto the class Moodle to download a graph to interpret. All students will download the same graph to interpret. Students will write their interpretations on the class blog which they will get to by following a link on the class Moodle. Students will post their own interpretation and respond to at least one classmate’s for homework.