Division of Addiction Services
Citizens’ Advisory Council (CAC)
Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2010
§ CAC members Nasar Mahmud, Catherine Rapiciano, Jon Baum, Kathleen Dennis, Barbara Gilmore, Joanne Cole,
§ Prospective CAC member, Donna Gallup
§ DAS Consumer Recovery Advocate/CAC Chairperson, Lisa Mojer-Torres
§ DAS Staff, Alicia Meyer and Dennis Donovan
§ CAC Facilitator, Kathy Wiener
A motion to approve the February 18, 2009 meeting minutes was made by Nasar Mahmud and Catherine Rapiciano seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
CAC Chairperson Report
Lisa Mojer-Torres introduced Donna Gallup to the CAC members. She is observing today’s meeting because she is considering becoming a member of the CAC.
Facilitator’s Report
Kathy Wiener briefly summarized the results of February’s meeting highlighting two major items (1) CAC’s plans for creating and adopting their own By-Laws and (2) the CAC’s initial plans for a community linkage event to be held in September which is Recovery Month. The event will provide the first opportunity for the CAC to introduce itself, recruit new members and create a dialogue with consumers and consumer groups. The CAC remains interested in partnering with DAS to conduct a full scale consumer conference at some time in the future, if and when DAS has resources available to support such an event..
Mission Statement
Lisa made some minor grammatical edits to the draft Mission Statement after the February 18, 2010 meeting so it could be posted on the DAS website. The CAC members reviewed and discussed the changes and a motion to approve the Mission Statement was made by Barbara Gilmore, Kathleen Dennis seconded the motion. The Mission Statement was approved as amended.
CAC By-Laws
Barbara Gilmore suggested that the CAC devote this meeting to the by laws and defer discussion about September’s community linkage event to another time. Members agreed to discuss the event only briefly at the conclusion of the meeting so that Lisa can update DAS as to the general direction the council would like to take.
Kathy Wiener provided the CAC with a working draft by laws document that consists of existing CAC policy and sample language from the Massachusetts BSAS By-Laws. The CAC members began reviewing the document and made the following changes which Alicia will incorporate into the working draft:
The CAC approved Section I: Mission as amended at today’s meeting:
The Citizen’s Advisory Council (CAC) is composed of consumer and citizen members representing the voices of New Jersey residents at risk for, struggling with, or otherwise affected by the chronic disease of addiction. The CAC supports education, prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery from alcohol, drug, and other addictive disorders and the elimination of associated stigma. The Council provides input and guidance to DAS in furthering its mission, linking the Division with consumers and advocating for the needs and interests of individuals, families, and communities.
The CAC made some minor grammatical edits to Section II: Values Statement
The CAC believes:
§ In the rights of all citizens to access and receive quality prevention, treatment, recovery, and support services without stigma;
§ In quality, holistic, comprehensive, affordable, client-centered treatment services within a continuum of care that recognizes the need for life long management;
§ In informed consumer choice; and
§ That our collective voices are integral to DAS in fulfilling its mission.
The CAC made some changes to Section III: Composition
The CAC shall consist of no less than 7 members and no more than 22 members, as defined in the selection criteria.
The CAC added a sentence to Section IV: Meeting & Attendance
A member’s absence(s) may be excused at the discretion of the CAC.
The CAC agreed to defer discussion of Sections V and IV which will require significant discussion.
The CAC made some changes to Section VII: Terms
Each membership term is for two consecutive years, from January 1 to December 31 of each year. A CAC member may serve up to 3 consecutive 2 year terms.
The CAC made some changes to Section VIII: Leadership
The CAC shall elect a Chair who will be responsible for facilitation of each meeting and working with DAS to develop monthly meeting agendas. The Chair may have other duties as necessary or assigned. The Chair and Vice Chair must be active member of the CAC and must be elected by a majority of the CAB membership. (Kathy will add Chair and Vice Chair notes)
The CAC added the following to Section IX: Council Job Description
DAS will provide in-kind services of a recording secretary/clerical support.
The CAC added Section XII: Committees
Membership Nominating Committee/Terms of Office (Kathy will add language)
By-Laws Committee (Kathy will add language)
Consumer Conference
The CAC is interested in a scaled down version, perhaps a luncheon or possibly a breakfast/brunch with a smaller population. This event would serve the purpose of introducing the CAC to existing and potential constituents and organizations who are aligned with consumers as well as recovery communities. The event would seek feedback as to what consumers, families, organizations of consumers and recovery communities believe the recovery zone/s should look like, etc.The CAC would like input as to what consumers believe its priorities should be,
Continue to review CAC draft by-laws, develop thoughts and draft language for Membership/Vacancies and Conflict of Interest sections for next meeting.
Parking Lot Issues & Ideas
(1) Partnering addiction services with mental health services to strengthen
advocacy efforts
(2) CAC Budget
(3) Describe existing continuum of care, what does client centered mean?
(4) What does client centered mean?
(5) Web site for consumer information and education
(6) Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Abuse Services System document
Closing and Adjournment
Kathy Wiener asked Donna Gallup if she had made a decision about joining the CAC. Donna responded that she has decided to join and was enthusiastically welcomed by the members. The meeting concluded at @11:30 am. The next meeting of the DAS CAC will be held on Thursday, April15, 2010 from 9:30am-11:30pm in the Large Conference Room at DAS.