Southampton Women’s Aid

PO Box 20 Southampton SO14 6BA

Tel. Office: 023 8033 8881

Help Line: 080 88 01 03 34

Fax. 023 8063 3751


Registered Charity No. 1119798

Company Reg. No. 6162995

Thank you for your interest in the posts we have available. Southampton Women’s Aid has been working in the City with women and children affected by domestic abuse for over thirty years. This year we are extending our work with women and children/young people. This will include developing our work within schools and other community settings, as well as extending our women’s service to include groups and drop in sessions.

We hope you find the attached information helpful. When deciding whether to apply for a post, please consider carefully the requirements of the person specification and job description. Please give any information you feel will help the short-listing panel, and state clearly how you will meet the requirements of the role. Try to use examples that demonstrate your experience and ability to do this work, and give us as much information as possible. Please do not enclose a CV.

Southampton Women’s Aid

PO Box 20 Southampton SO14 6BA

Tel. Office: 023 8033 8881

Advice Line: 0808 801 03 34

Fax. 023 8063 3751


Registered Charity No. 1119798

Company Reg. No. 6162995


Post applied for:

Number of hours you would like to work

Where did you see this post advertised?

Telephone number
E mail address
Present occupation
Current employer
Current salary
When would you be available to begin in post with SWA?
Do you have a current driving licence?
Do you speak any languages other than English? If yes-please give details


(Please start with the most recent ,and continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Employer: / Weekly hours worked and major tasks / From: / To: /

Reason for leaving

Education and training: (including any qualifications)

(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

Name of establishment / From / To / Course undertaken / Qualification/certification awarded


Please give us the names of two people, who are able to comment on your work and suitability for the post. One must be your current or most recent employer.

Name / Name
Address / Address
Tel No: / Tel No:
E mail: / E mail:
Capacity in which known / Capacity in which known
Length of time you have known the referee / Length of time you have known the referee

If you are shortlisted your referees will be contacted prior to interview.

We may want to contact other employers or agencies mentioned in this application. We would contact you to let you know if so.

Please tell us why you are applying for this post and how you match the person specification. Please also give details of the skills and attributes you would bring to the role and organisation. (please continue on a separate sheet)

I confirm that the information I have given on this form is correct, and understand that misleading statements may result in an offer of employment being withdrawn or dismissal.

Signed Date

Please note that all posts are subject to enhanced CRB check

Please return this form by 4th January 2010

By post to: Southampton Women’s Aid,

P.O. Box 20, Southampton SO14 6BA

(Please mark envelope- Job application)

By e mail to: info@


Thank you for your interest in this post.

(December 2009)

Equal opportunities monitoring

As part of our commitment to equality of opportunity, we need to obtain information about the ethnic origins of our employees and job applicants.

This information enables us to examine, by ethnic origin, the distribution of employees across the organisation, and the success rate of candidates for jobs.

We hope that employees and job applicants will co-operate by completing the information overleaf, which will help us to assess whether the distribution of staff and the success rate of applicants reflects equal opportunities.

Any information provided will be kept confidential and will only be used for the purposes detailed above.

Please send this form in, separate from, but in the same envelope as your application form and covering letter

What is your ethnic group? Choose ONE section from A to E, and then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background.
A White
Any other White background, please write in
B Dual heritage
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other dual heritage background, please write in
C Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background, please write in
D Black or Black British
Any other Black background, please write in
E Chinese or other ethnic group
Any other background, please write in

April 2009