The Rewards of God
January 9, 2008
Memory verse: "But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body."
Joke—3 men and deaths?
Eph. 2:8-9 God created us to do works!
God seeks to reward us for our works! Wanting rewards is not greedy—God made us to respond to them, and wants to give us them. Ex. of father offering daughter money for work, and lunch with him. Her attitude on doing the work, and joy in receiving the reward, and spending time with her, is important to the father. If her attitude in the work or about the reward and time spent are not good, or if she does the work but rejects the reward, it makes the father sad. And the father enjoys the good response of the daughter.
Two judgments
Salvation (regeneration)Rewards (Works)
1. Past I John 3:21. Future Rev. 22:12, Mat. 16:27
2. Free Eph. 2:8-92. Earned I Cor. 3:8
3. Can’t be lost John 10:28-29 3. Can be lost 2 John 8
4. Equal for all Rom. 3:224. Differs between Christians
I Cor. 3:12-15
5. For those who believe John 3:165. For those who work I Cor. 9:25
In this class we focus on the judgment of works, which bring rewards.
The Bible strongly teaches that we should work, and that work brings rewards.
Prov. 24:12, Eccl. 12:14, Matt. 19:21, Matt. 25:14-30, Luke 14:13-14, Rom. 14:10-12, I Cor. 9:24-25, I Cor. 15:58, 2 Cor. 5:10, Gal. 6:9-10, Eph. 6:5-9, Heb 6:10, James 2:17-18, 22, 24, 26, 3:13, 2 Pet. 1:10-11, Rev. 14:13
Mark 12:41-44Jesus and God see, treasure, and reward each good thing we do
A conversation that changes a life
A word of encouragement and a listening ear
A cup of water
A floor swept or chairs put up after church activities
A diaper changed in the middle of the night
A meal taken to the sick
A child comforted
A present bought at Christmas for a needy family
Alcorn, Heaven, p. 134, Milne quote
Resurrection of physical things from deeds?
Think of how your mom or others save every little thing, and then one day you find the box—your first shoe, your first score card in golf, a picture of a birthday party, the tassel from your high school graduation, an article about you in the paper.
“Picture the kind of things done by his children that God, the ultimate Father, would put on display.” Alcorn, pp. 135-36 Following the line of God restoring his creation-- if other things are restored or resurrected, then what about our physical things related to our deeds?
A child’s story about Jesus in school?
Works of art or literature or music (Handel’s Messiah?)
Things made by Jesus in his shop in Nazareth?
Things made to honor Jesus?
A quilt made by a grandmother for her grandchildren?
A letter of encouragement?
A photograph album?
Sermons and classes?!!
What kind of rewards are promised us?
A. Crowns (Not the beer!)
- Of life for faithfulness in persecution, loving God James 1:12, Heb. 10:34-36
- Incorruptible for determination, discipline, and victory I Cor. 9:24-25
- Of joy for evangelism and discipling of others I Th. 2:19, Phil. 4:1
- We reap fruit some times I Cor. 6:3-8
- We reap fruit from others’ labors John 4:38
- Sometimes we don’t see the harvest, but it’s there. Acts 8:26-40. Philip, eunuch, Ethiopia, Africa, slaves, to US, to us, to you! Philip didn’t see it.
So don’t grow weary in doing good, because your reward with come. Gal. 6:9
- Of glory I Pet. 5:1-4 for representing Christ as a leader.
- Of righteousness for purifying and preparing to welcome Jesus when he comes back 2 Tim. 4:6-8.
What is done with the crowns? Give glory to God with them. Rev. 4:10 It’s a prize for us, and at the same time gives glory to God.
What kind of crown do you have?
B. Economic rewards Mat. 25:14-30, Prov. 19:17
C. Rewards of other currencies Luke 14:13-14
1.Kevin—football game, hit in heart, nurse in stands does CPR, he becomes paramedic, goes to restaurant, rescues lady from choking, it’s the same nurse.
2.Profit of 10000% Mark 10:30 (on earth and in heaven)
3.In heaven Matt. 6:1-21 Do you want crumbs now, or the whole cake later?
4.Heavenly wardrobe Rev. 19:7-8 Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints. What are you wearing to heaven?
Differences in rewards?
Differences in hell? Matt. 11:20-24 degrees of punishment, by contrast, could there be degrees of reward?
Differences in heaven?
Matt. 6:19-21 not all will have treasure in heaven
Matt. 19:30 First, last, last, first, Luke 22:24-26 greatest, least, ruler, servant.
Perhaps question of differing capacities. Two glasses may be full, but because of different sizes they will contain different quantities. Some who have suffered much and learned much through it will be rewarded much. Matt. 5:11-12
“What we do in this life is of eternal importance. You and I will never have another chance to move the hand of God through prayer to heal a hurting soul, share Christ with one who can be saved from hell, care for the sick, give a cup of water to the thirsty, comfort the dying, invest money to help the helpless, rescue the unborn, further God’s kingdom, open our homes and share food and clothes with the poor and needy.
What you do with your resources in this life is your autobiography. The book you’ve written with the pen of faith and the ink of works will go into eternity unedited, to be seen and read as is by the angels, the redeemed, and God himself.” Alcorn, Money, Possessions, and Eternity, pp. 119-120.
Scene from Schindlers List, when he realized he could have sold his car for 10 more people, the watch for two, the ring for one, and those people perished.
What kind of rewards are you storing up for yourself in heaven?
You can begin today.
Resource chart about relationship and rewards
CondemnationPastAs sinner2 Cor. 5:21,
or new life(Regeneration)Rom. 6:1-23
DisciplinePresentAs sonHeb. 12:5-11
or rewards(Sanctification)James 1:2-4
Loss or rewardsFutureAs stewardI Cor. 3:10-15
(Glorification)2 Cor. 5:10
The only work not rewarded
Work done to earn salvation Is. 64.5, Eph. 2:8-9
Work done to impress others Matt. 6:1ff
Work not dedicated to God, with no Christian motives Haggai 1:5-9.