“Reforming the French Presidential Election System:

Experiments on Electoral Reform”

June 15-16, 2009

Sciences-Po, 98 rue de l'université (Metro: Solferino)

Conference sponsored by

The Jack W. Peltason (Bren Foundation) Chair


The Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)

University of California, Irvine

CEVIPOF, Sciences-Po, Paris

GAEL (l'Association française de Science politique) .


Bernard Grofman (Director, CSD, UCI;and Visiting Researcher, IRGEI, University of Paris, II)

Annie Laurent ( CNRS- CERAPS- Lille2)

Bernard Dolez (University of Paris, XIII)

Monday June 15

10.00 am Welcoming remarks

10.30 am Panel I. French Presidential Elections: Voter and Party


Jean Chiche and Elisabeth Dupoirier. “From Volatility to Strategy: Two Measures of the Dynamic of Electoral Behavior in French
PresidentialElections from 1988 to 2007"

Bernard Lemennicier and Honorine Lescieux-Katir. “Median

Voter Choices in French Presidential Elections"

Michael Lewis-Beck, Christine Fauvelle-Aymar and Richard Nadeau."French Electoral Reform and Turnout:A Quasi- Experimental Design"

Chair and Discussant: Iain McLean

12.15 am Lunch Break

2.00pm Panel II: Experiments onFrench Presidential Elections

Under Various Voting Rules, part one

Michel Balinski and Rida Laraki. "The Majority Judgment: Experimental Evidence"

Annie Laurent and Bernard Dolez. "Measuring the Psychological Effects of the French Majority Runoff System with Laboratory


Lionel Ragot, Etienne Farvaque and Hubert Jayet. "A Winner

Under AnyVoting Rule? An Experiment with the Single

Transferable Vote.”

Chair and Discussant: Remzi Sanver

3.45 pm Break

Monday June 15 (cont.)

4.00 pm Panel III: Experiments onFrench Presidential Elections

Under Various Voting Rules, part two

Antoinette Baujard, HerradeIgersheim-Chauvet, and Thomas

Senné "An Analysis of the French Political Supply

Based on Experimental Data "

Jean-Francois Laslier. ""Lessons fromField Experiments
during French Elections"

Chair and Discussant. Michael Lewis-Beck

5.45 pm End of Day 1 Sessions

Tuesday June 16

10.30 am Panel IV. French Double Ballot Rules in Comparative Perspective

Nicolas Sauger "Two Round Electoral Systems and Structures of Electoral Competition: A Comparative Perspective."

Michael Lewis-Beck and Jill Wittrock. "The Electoral Effects of the Double Ballot: American Experiments."

Daniel Bochsler. “Testing V. O. Key in Serbia: The Mediating

Effect of Ethnic Context on Electoral System Effects on Support

for Ethnic Radicalism”

André Blais, Jean-François Laslier, Nicolas Sauger, and Karine Van der Straeten :Sincere, Strategic, andHeuristic Voting under

Four Election Rules: An Experimental Study”

Chair and Discussant. Jean Lainé

12.30 am Lunch Break

2.30 pm Panel V. Formal Models

Michel Balinski and Rida Laraki. "The Majority Judgment: Theoretical Foundations"

Eric Maskin. "Voting and Elections"

Iain McLean. “Effects of Alternative Divisor Rules on 2009

European Parliament Elections in Great Britain

Chair and Discussant:Maurice Salles

4.00 pm Break

4.15pm ROUNDTABLE: Should the French Presidential Election

System be Changed, and If So, How?

Participants: Michel Balinski, Bernard Grofman,Annie Laurent

Michael Lewis-Beck,

Chair:Michael Laver

5.00 pm Concluding General Discussion

5.45 pm End of Conference
