You will have until Friday to create at least 1 power point slide about a Hindu god or goddess. On your slide you must have:

At least 1 picture (dealing with the god or goddess)

At least 5 facts (in your own words)

*Describe the god or goddess and what the items symbolize.

*What is the story that goes with the god or goddess?

*Why is the god or goddess important in Hinduism?

Be Creative (with your design on the power point)

Your name and class period

You can choose from any of these gods or goddess.

Choice of gods Choice of goddess

Brahma Saraswati

Vishnu Parvati/Durga

Shiva Ganga

Ganesh Kali

Rama Meenakshi

Krishna Lakshmi

Hanuman Gauri

Satyanarayana Gayatri

Venkateshwara Kamakshi


find your god and click on it

scroll down and click on your god’s name

pictures of gods click on “by subject”

click on pictures

type in the name of your god or goddess

use on any of the gods!

Type in your god’s name

When project is completed submit this project and save it to the shared folder for your specific class period. The file name is YOUR name!!


How to save in a shared folder: 2 Ways to do this:


1. Click on the H drive (your files) 1. Click on File at the top left corner

2. Find your Hindu God powerpoint 2. Click on “save as”

3. Right click and rename as YOUR LAST NAME 3. Click on the pull down arrow next to “save in”

4. Then Right click again and copy 4. Click on Common (I)

5. Minimize your H drive 5. Find the folder with your SS teacher name & period

6. Click on “my computer” 6. Click on that folder

7. Click on the I drive “common” 7. Click on the file name box

8. Find the folder with your SS teacher name & period 8. Rename is as YOUR LAST NAME

9. Click on your teacher and period 9. Click on Save

10. Right click and click paste

***WARNING*** once this is saved to the shared folder, it cannot be changed.

Rubric (keep these items in mind)

At least 1 picture 2 1 0

At least 5 facts 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

(in your own words)

Creativity 3 2 1 0

Your name 1 0

S, G, and P 2 1 0

Saved it in the correct location & on time 2 0

Total ____/25