PSEO Info Sheet
What is PSEO? Taking high school classes on a college campus.
Do I need apply?Yes – typically done online at college website
How do I get there? Need to have transportation (i.e., car, city bus)
When can I go?Fall and/or Spring.
Top 4 PSEO institutions for SLP students
PSEO 11th and 12th
- Incoming 11th grader
- top 1/3 of class (about 3.5 GPA)
- or at or above the 70th percentile on any nationally standardized (ex: ACT, SAT, PSAT, PLAN)
- example: ACT = 24
- Incoming 12th grader
- top ½ of class (about 3.0 GPA)
- orat or above the 50th percentile on any nationally standardized (ex: ACT, SAT, PSAT,PLAN)
- example: ACT =21
- Deadline for applying
- July 1st - Fall Semester
- Dec 1st - Spring Semester
- If the student needs to complete placement testing (i.e., no ACT), additional information on how to complete this requirement will be provided by Normandale
- Incoming 11th grader
- GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Incoming 12th grader
- GPA of 2.5 or higher
- Deadline for applying
- April 15th Priority/Early – Fall semester
- June 1st - Fallsemester
- Dec 1st - Spring semester
- Application, placement-test results and all required documents need to be in to MCTC’s Admissions Office by these deadlines. No exceptions. No faxes.
- fyi – Accuplacer must be taken before submitting application
- Highly competitive
- 500 new PSEO students are admitted each year out of approximately 1,100 applicants.
- Average GPA of admitted students is 3.9 unweighted.
- Student with a 3.6 GPA are encouraged to apply.
- February 1st
- Online application opens.
- March 31st
- Priority deadline for applications to be reviewed for completeness. Students will be e-mailed if documents are missing.
- April 6th
- Postmark deadline (all application materials must be postmarked by April 1).
- Late applications will be reviewed on a space-available basis only.
- May 30th
- Admission decisions sent to students no later than this date.
- If you don't plan on attending fall semester, or can't, you may defer your admission to spring semester. However, you still must apply by the April 1 postmark deadline.
- Incoming 11th graders
- top 1/3 of class (about 3.5 GPA)
- or 1/3 nationally on a standardized test.
- Example: ACT = 23
- Incoming12th graders
- top ½ of class
- or top ½ nationally on a standardized test.
- Example: ACT = 21
- Deadlines for applying
- Fall Semester
Priority: April 15
Final: July 1 - Spring Semester
Priority: November 1
Final: December 1 - ** ACCUPLACER testing must be completed before the deadline **
10th grade PSEO Career & Technical Education (CTE) Courses
some classes may be available for 11th and 12th graders
- Must apply with college – typically online
- Must meet the course prerequisite
- Must have passed the 8th grade reading MCA test
- take one approved Career and Technical Education course (will substitute for elective at H.S.)
Please know and remember:
any PSEO grades earned will be permanently posted on your college transcript(s).
PSEO Top #6Questions
Is PSEO right for me?
- Am I ready for college academics and a much faster pace?
- Have I shown that I’m a responsible person who can get to classes and complete assignments on my own?
- Will I miss not being as involved at my high school with friends?
- How will I get there?
- Since transportation isn’t covered by the program you should also consider how long will it take to travel from one school to the other.
- The cost for all course tuition, required fees and required textbooks arecovered under PSEO.
- Textbooks paid for through PSEO become the property of the college and MUST be returned to the college due to policies established in law by the State of Minnesota.
Are there summer options to take classes?
- Possibly at some locations for regular tuition cost
- High School Non-PSEO Program
- Students admitted under this option are responsible for payment of all tuition, fees, books and supplies associated with their enrollment.
- must meet PSEO Eligibility Requirements to be eligible
How many classes can I take?
- Depends on your placement tests or ACT score
- Depends on what you need for graduation
- Depends if PSEO institution has course limits
Which classes can I take?
- Depends on your placement test
- Typically, students will take their English, Social Studies and/or electives at PSEO
- Examples –
- Take PSEO American Literature instead of English 11
- Take PSEO General Psychology instead of AP Psychology
- Take PSEO Freshman Composition instead of English 12
- Take PSEO Art instead of Elective at high school
When will there be more meetings to help me with the process?
- After registration for next school year, which always takes place in February
- Important to know next years’ course plans when navigating PSEO
- Watch for PSEO Informational Meetingsthe first two weeks in March
Essentially 1 hour of class time = 2 hours of homework
You cannot call in to excuse yourself from class – if you’re not there, you’re not there to get information
Must mustmust have excellent time management
You must seek out help; professors will not check to see if you understand
Access on-campus tutoring labs
Science classes come with science labs, which these labs are offered at different times and in long chunks of time
You need to be a good reader, expect at least 40 pages of reading a night
Be ready for discussions