The Family Ministry Plan
The mission of Homes Devoted is to come alongside churches to help them equip and encourage families to live the adventure of faith in the home;to authentically and intentionally “impress” the faith at home (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
We do this through ongoing teaching, encouragement and practical ideas of how to impress, apply, and live out the Word of God daily. We are able to work within the structure, resources and time frame that will best minister to the majority of yourfamilies (Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, during the week, etc.).
The intention of Homes Devoted is not to take the place of the pastor or leadership in the church, our focus is to come alongside them with effective tools and resources to reinforce and encourage what is already being taught. In our experience, we have seen that when it comes to cultivating faith in the home, good intentions die hard. We hope and pray to see faith at home become the cultural norm within families, "so the next generation might know."(Psalm 78:6)
Many churches decide to promote faith in the family with conferences and retreats. Although there is a place for that, many times a conference or retreat can be well attended and initially received with enthusiasm, but, sadly, the effects are often times short lived. The things learned during a one or two day conference are often drowned out and forgotten by the business of life. New habits are hard to develop and parents tend to slip right back into their normal patterns. This is why we want to come alongside churches over a period of time: to continually keep the vision of faith in the home, in the forefront of parents' minds, so that“new habits” can take root.
We have developed interactive workshops which root “new habits” that cultivate faith in the home. All of the workshops offer a vision with practical steps and ideas on how to get there. They are designed to be concise, with ample time for dialog. Assignments and challenges are given to start a “newhabit” each month. Accountability groups can be set up and we can be available by phone or email for follow up in between sessions.
Here are some examples of workshops we offer:
- Raising Children with a Faith that Lasts.
Parents, grandparents, and single parents will explore the reasons why impressing the Word in the home is vital to a child's faith. We will explore the Scriptures, examine research and expose statistics regarding why so many parents in the church are losing their children to the world and we will share a vision for intentionally raising children to serve the Lord. We send out the participants with a list of "Home Impressions," simple ideas parents can apply immediately to "impress" the Word on their children. Deuteronomy 6:4-9
- Can't Pass What You Don't Possess
“These commands are to be upon your hearts." Deut. 6:5. Parents often get swept away by the demands of daily life and neglect their own relationship with the Lord. But we will not be able to pass on to our children a faith that we don’t first posess. This workshop challenges parents by asking tough questions: What does our heart reveal to our children? Are you seeking to please God or people as you live, work, play. This time is focused on their relationship with God, calling them to love Him with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
- Family Devotions
“Faith comes from hearing; hearing the word of God." How can we have effective family devotions with our young children and teenagers? How can parents teach the Bible, when they may be new to faith themselves? As families run the marathon of life together, family devotions build strength, character, and grace. This session offers practical advice that will help parents persevere through the trials of scheduling and executing family devotions.
- Faith Conversations & Teachable Moments
The majority of college students said they attribute their lasting faith to faith conversations in the home. How can busy families have conversations centered on the things of God and filled with His Word in an authentic and loving way? Learn how to use media, books, and creative play to build character in your children.
Some of the best learning happens in those unplanned moments life brings our way. How can take advantage of these great opportunities “when we get up, walk on the road, sit at home and lay down?”
- Seeing God at Work: Prayer
Learn how to encourage your child to pray and to see God answer prayer. Holding a child’s hand, in faith, as he/she approaches the unknowns of life, initiates a relationship of trust, obedience, and blessing. Children may hear of how God did miracles in the past in their Sunday School Class, but do they see what God is doing now? How can families depend upon God continually?
- Serving
Boldly statedin James,“Faith without works is dead." Are we living our faith as a God-ordained adventure? What is your family mission? How do you cast a vision for serving the Lord together? Serving together, as a family, powerfully impacts children and helps them realize that Godwants to and can work through them, no matter their age. How can families serve together if they have young children? Teens?
- Memorizing Scripture
"I have hidden your word in my heart, thatI might not sin against thee." Do we really believe the Bible is God's Word? Why is memorizing scripture important? How can we make it fun and relevant?
- Parenting for Purity
With over 50% of marriages ending in divorce and the church’s marriages faring no better, how can we improve the odds? Is the world’s way of dating working? What does the Bible say about it? Even from a young age, how can our children remain pure in an impure world? What can we do to equip our children for marriage? This workshop will help you rethink your directioninpreparing your children for alife-changing choice:their future spouse.
- Boundaries and Child Training
One of the biggest frustrations parents have can be prevented through child training. Before we can influence our children to hear God’s voice, we must train them to hear our voice. We can’t expect our children to sit through worship or a family devotion without preparing them to do so. We can’t expect our teens to be respectful, without proper expectations. With 20 years of experience working with teens and parents, Jonathan will conduct a separate seminar for parents of teenswhile Carrie shares with parents of younger children.
- The Discipline of Worship
How do children learn to worship? Why do children feel lost when they graduate from high school and seek out a church community for the first time as an adult? Why is it important for children to worship with their parents, at services, or together with others at home?
Annual Parenting conference or Family Retreat...
Make memories that will last a lifetime. Jump start the whole process of developing spiritual habits by bringing families together for a weekend, away from the normal routine and distractions of life to build relationships, worship, hear God’s Word, and play together.
Build confidence as parentsdive into leading a family devotion and prayer together as a family. Dialog with other parents; sharing victories and shortcomings with others who can relate to similar parenting experiences.
Or, if it isn’t feasible for your congregation to get away for a family retreat, enjoy the convenience of a weekend parenting conference. Over the course of a Friday night and Saturday, we will cover the important principles learned at the retreat in a concentrated dose. Parents will be sent out inspired and equipped to begin practicing “Home Impressions” with their entire family.
Coaching staff and leaders
An eagle’s eye view from an unbiased party can help in shaping the programs and culture of the church for long term benefits. With experience in multiple denominations and church cultures, Jonathan and Carrie can help staff choose curriculum, programs, and activities which will build the Church and its families. Coaching and consulting are periodic and as needed. These settings can be in staff meetings, over lunch, or even staff retreats.
We can assist pastors in helping staff see the bigger picture, bringing the different "silos" together to purposely plan programs and events with the family in mind.
Help pastors and staff tweak existing programs and traditions to instill a vision for parents to take back the reigns of discipling their children in the home (Membership, baptisms, children in worship, confirmation, retreats, children's ministry, student ministry, missions, etc.)
Family Events
We will also work with leaders to plan family events with purpose, either new events or existing events planned for families.
Direct Emails
Devotions, encouragement, parenting/grand-parenting support directly sent to their inbox for ongoing, regular support.