Bylaws Worksheet

The Local Church Constitution (LCC) provides the local church options for some articles or clauses in their bylaws. This worksheet has questions for you to consider and the LCC reference is included in parentheses.

Membership (Article II)

There needs to be a carefully kept membership list in order to establish the quorum required to make major decisions regarding the ministry of the church.

  1. Do you want different types of membership other than “voting members”? If so, they need to be defined.
  1. Are there certain privileges of membership other than those stipulated in the LCC to vote and hold office? If so, they need to be declared.
  1. Are there additional qualifications for membership other than what is stipulated in the LCC?


Page 1 of 4April 2017

Bylaws Worksheet

Government (Article III)

The annual meeting usually follows shortly after the end of the fiscal year.

  1. What is a convenient date for the fiscal year – calendar year (January – December), ministry year (September – August) or a different period?
  1. What business needs to be legislated for the annual meeting agenda other than that stipulated in the LCC? (e.g. a Board report on the ministry accomplishments of the church) Are they in keeping with your mission, vision, and values?
  1. Do you want a process for electing the Board other than that stipulated in the LCC?
  1. How much notice is required to call a meeting of members?

Board (Article IV)

  1. The LCC stipulates a Board of a minimum of four members,including the Lead Pastor, with the maximum established in the bylaws. This provides flexibility for the Board to adjust the number of elders to meet changing requirements of the church without changing the bylaws. How many members do you want on the Board?
  1. Do you allow women to serve on the Board? DEXCOM has ruled that it must be declared in the bylaws. If yes, the statement, “All Active Members are eligible to serve on the Board” will suffice. It doesn’t mean that all members are qualified. If no, the bylaws should remain silent.
  1. What additional officers, other than those stipulated in the LCC, are needed?

Property and Records (Article XII)

  1. Is there an evaluation process of the financial records other than that stipulated by the LCC that is preferred? It needs to be stated.

Nominating Committee (Article XIII)

  1. Are more members needed on the Nominating Committee other than that stipulated in the LCC?


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