Appendix 7
Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Inc.
341 N. Mills Ave., Orlando, FL32803
(407) 896-4475 or (800) 367-3906 / FAX (407) 894-0966
Volunteer Position Description/ Position Agreement
Position Title:AssociationNominating / Resource Committee Member
Area of Responsibility:Association Chair supportTerm:two years
Reports To:Association Chair
Purpose: The Bylaws of Girl Scouts of Citrus Council provide that the Board of
Directors establish geographic subdivisions, known as associations, throughout the council’s jurisdiction. The Bylaws further stipulate that there be for each association a five member Nominating / Resource Committee elected by the association membership. The Nominating / Resource Committee is responsible to the Association Chair.
Staff Interface: none
Endorsed By: President/ Chair of the Board
Summary:Responsible for assisting Association Chair in securing slate of nominees for election and presenting that slate at the Fall Association Meeting.
Functions and Responsibilities:
- Elect chair of the nominating / resource committee.
- Solicit and Promote referrals for elected positions from all areas within the association.
- Receive referrals from the association chair.
- Prepare and present a single slate for election at Fall Association Meeting.
- Assist association chair in organizing and facilitating association meetings.
- Help promote and maintain open communication among all association members.
- Refer names of qualified persons to the Council Nominating Committee.
I understand that I am protected from civil liability for any act or omission which results in personal injury or property damage under the 1993 Volunteer Protection Act (CS/HB 21) when I am acting in good faith and when I am performing within the scope of my official duties by adhering to Citrus Council Policies and Standards; observing the standards, guidelines and activity checkpoints in Safety-Wise and carrying out the responsibilities of this position as defined in this Volunteer Position Description/ Position Agreement.
I certify that I have reviewed the description of the duties for the position(s) for which I have applied and that I will be able to perform these duties and obligations. I understand that the appointment of a volunteer to a volunteer position exists for a stated term as long as both Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Inc., and the volunteer determine it is in their respective best interest.
If I am appointed as a volunteer, I further understand and agree that all information that I receive in the performance of my duties for the Girl Scouts of Citrus Council, Inc. (the “Council”), is and shall remain confidential. This confidentiality obligation relates to and includes any and all information regarding the Council, its finances, its business operations, its staff, other volunteers and girl and adult members including, but not limited to names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. I agree that I will use such information as may be reasonably necessary in the performance of my duties and will not disclose such information to any other person or entity nor will I use such information for my own personal gain, benefit, orpurposes.
Association Nominating/Resource Committee Member- Name (Please Print) Term Period
Association Nominating/Resource Committee Member- SignatureDate
Association ChairDate