Catholic Social Teaching Chapter 5 Large


1. Often considered a mild form of antilocution

6. Heightened emotions associated with prejudice often lead to ___ and the commission of hate crimes

9. Being rigid in one’s opinions about things can easily transfer to being negatively judgmental about ___

10. Jesus ___ for every human being

11. People sometimes hold prejudice because they are too ___ to think

12. Truly prejudiced persons who out of pride and stubbornness hold on to their beliefs contrary to evidence

14. Prejudice people have difficulty dealing with ___

19. Blaming an individual or group for something that the individual or group is not responsible for

21. Negative prejudice is ___ because it violates the dignity of others

22. The wrong opinion that one sex is superior to the other by the very nature of things

24. A form of prejudice in which persons will go to great extremes to avoid people they dislike

27. An oversimplified generalization

28. Saw the Christian message of God’s unconditional love for everyone as a possible solution to the Indian caste system

29. Involves harmful actions against disliked persons

31. Prejudice exhibited against the elderly because of their age

32. Prejudice makes people feel ___

33. We need to ___ cultural differences


2. God has blessed us with different gifts and ___

3. What appears to be a positive prejudgment about you can become a ___ prejudice towards others

4. Prejudice is a fault when it resists new information, when one is unwilling or unable to ___

5. The ultimate form of prejudice is killing of undesirables

7. At the root of prejudice against homosexuals is the belief that homosexual people choose their sexual ___

8. The American bishops pastoral letter on homosexuals: Always Our ___

13. God makes each person in his ___ and likeness

15. Many stereotypes are supported directly and indirectly by the ___

16. An unsubstantiated or preformed judgment about an individual or group

17. Negative speech that emerges almost unconsciously

18. Anti-Semitism is prejudice against the ___ people

20. Women suffer from the ______effect, that is, being able to advance only so far

23. Organized a community to serve people with mental illness

25. God’s plan is that every act of sexual intercourse be open to the possible creation of new ______

26. Elderly people can be a real treasure of ___ and experience for society

30. The central school for learning prejudice