FY17 Application Form
Your application for funding will need to include the following:
(A) TYPE OF APPLICATIONType / Individual (please fill in sections BI, BIV and C)
Organisation (please fill in sections BII, BIV and C)
Collective(please fill in sections BIII, BIV and C)
Name of Individual(as in NRIC)
Full Name / NRIC No.
Primary Country of Residence
Employer’s Name and Address / Date of Birth / Sex
Address / Contact
(H) (O)
ACRA Registered Company Yes / No
Name of Organisation
Registration No. (UEN/PRN)
Date of Incorporation
Organisation Type (e.g. LLP, CLG, NPO etc.)
Organisation Website / Mailing Address of Organisation
Name of Contact Person at your Organisation
Office Tel (HP)
Organisation Structure
Profile of staff
Staff Type / Full-Time / Part-Time
Technical and Design
Key Artistic and Management Staff
S/N / Name / ID Type / NRIC / Designation / Professional Qualifications/Expertise / Employment Status / Duties in Organisation
Board/Executive Committee Members
S/N / Name / ID Type / NRIC / Designation / Professional Qualifications/Expertise / Employment Status / Duties in Organisation
Artistic Vision and Activities
Tell us a little about how your group came about:
Major achievements:
Name of Collective
Formation Date
Number of people in core management team
Name of Primary Contact
Primary Contact’s Role in Group / Mailing Address of Organisation
Office Tel Home Tel HP
Co-Applicant (s)
Please list co-applicant (s).
S/N / Full Name / IC Number / Nationality / Country of Residence / Address / Email
Artistic Vision and Activities
Tell us a little about how your group came about:
Major achievements:
Australian Collaborators:
S/N / Full Name / Designation / Nationality / Country of Residence / Address / Email
Working title of project
Brief Description of Project (e.g. what is the theme/ concept of the project? What form will the project take? Etc.)
Project Start Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
start date] End Date (DD/MM/YYYY) / Venue
Seating Capacity (if applicable)
Total number of artistic personnel involved
Percentage of artistic personnelinvolved in project who are Singaporean / PR (%):
Type of Project
Creation Phase Presentation/ Tour of Completed Work Residency
Please input where applicable:
For Performances/ Mini-showcase (compulsory for supported projects in the creation phase)
Performance Date(s): Start End (DD/MM/YYYY)
Time of Performance(s): (e.g. 8pm – 10pm)
Number of Performances:
Is the Performance Ticketed: Yes / No
Ticket Prices
For Residencies
Number of activities (e.g. number of workshop sessions)
Number of iterations planned, if any (e.g. to repeat residency for 3 years)
Project Brief
i) What would you like to do?
- What is it you want to do? Explain the central idea of your activity, your objectives, milestones and the inspiration/ motivation behind the project.
- What will the success of your project look like to you?
- How will you manage and execute the main stages of your activity?
- Please share a detailed timeline of your project, with an indication of the various project milestones.
- What resources (financial or otherwise) have you identified to successfully complete the project? How do you plan to obtain these resources (e.g. do you have a sponsorship target)?
- Have you applied for other sources of funding?
- How does the project encourage and promote new Singapore work?
- How does the project engage new and existing audience both in Singapore and Australia?
- How does the project generate greater awareness and appreciation of your practice/artform/ Singapore artists/ Singapore dance scene?
- Who are the artists and other main people involved in your project? What are their experiences and backgrounds that will be beneficial to this project?
- Who are the partners and platforms you plan to collaborate with? What are their roles in this project? (Please include their CVs in your submission.)
- What will they contribute to the execution of your project?
- How did this SG-AUS collaboration come about and how do you intend to continue investing in this partnership after the project? Please share about any previous collaborative projects that you have done with the Australian artists (if any).
- What are the plans for further development and increasing international market reach of the work?
- [for residencies] What are the plans beyond this residency? What are your plans to use the residency material for further development? Please share with us a proposed timeline and plans for this.
Are you creating new works through this project? Yes / No
If so, please indicate the number of new works:
Total cost of project: S$ / Amount requested from NAC: S$
Have you applied for funding for this project from other sources? Yes / No
Have you received funding for this project from other sources? Yes / No
If you answered Yes to either question above, please include this in your budget and indicate if your other funding sources are pending or confirmed.
Have you made enquiries with any NAC officer prior to this application? Yes/No
If Yes, please provide the name of the officer
Annex 1 (A): CV
<Please attach your CV / biographical information of the key individuals (both Singaporean and Australian) involved in the project>
Annex 2 (B): Budget
<Please download the budget form, fill it up accordingly and attach it to your proposal.>
Annex 2 (C): Checklist
To ensure that your application gets a thorough and fair assessment, please ensure that you have submitted the following documents:
Applicant and Project Details FormCVs / biographical information of the key people involved in your project /
Budget breakdown of the project’s estimated expenditure
Annex 2(D): Declaration
I certify that the information given above, additional attachments and the budget form are accurate and complete.I agree to let NAC use this information for the purpose of assessment, which includes making the information available to an NAC-appointed panel of assessors. I acknowledge that the assessors will be bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Please email your application to , no later than 3 November 2017 (23: 59).
If you prefer, you can also mail your application in one package to:
Attn: Kimberly Cheng
National Arts Council
90 Goodman Road
Blk A #01-01
Singapore 439053
Alternatively, you may also drop off your application at the National Arts Council reception from Monday through Friday, 9am – 12pm or 2pm – 5pm.
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