Health, Risk and Determinants of Health: Service and Collaboration to improve Multi-Disciplinary Applied Health and Social Research

Keating Millennium Centre

St. Francis Xavier University

Antigonish, Nova Scotia

March 20th-22nd, 2007

Session Objectives

v  To identify a model for international collaboration that (1) aligns with all of the participants’ mandates and organizational requirements; and (2) identifies a set of viable projects and operations; speaks to the public or population health needs of multiple actors, including Canada;

v  To explore opportunities for the model’s implementation by assessing the potential of one possibility from Lao PDR and others from within the WHO WPRO;

v  To identify factors critical to the success of this international collaboration;

v  To determine specific next steps and timelines to move this collaborative effort forward in terms of:

1)  Operations

2)  Funding

3)  Short and long term activities

4)  Spin-off collaborations

Sponsored by:

Collaborating Organizations:

Interdisciplinary Consortium for Global Health (ICGH)

National Collaborating Centre for the Determinants of Health (NCC-DH)

The World Health Organization WPRO


Coady International Institute (St. Francis Xavier University)

Session Outline

Welcoming Reception (Informal gathering, mix, mingle)

March 20, 2007, 18:30 – 21:00

Keating Millennium Centre, Conference Room A

Formal Welcome & Introductions

Dr. Sean Riley/Dr. Mary B. MacGillivray

Hon. Peter MacKay and Dr. Ponmek Dalaloy, Minister of Health, Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Day 1

March 21, 2007, 09:00-17:00

Keating Millennium Centre, Conference Room A

09:00-09:30 1. Opening Remarks (10 minutes each)

Welcome, Introductions & Background to the meeting -Dr. Lars Hallström

Greetings from Dr. Ed Clausen, Daemen College & ICGH

Comments from Minister of Health, Lao PDR – Dr. Dalaloy

09:30-10:40 2. Organizational Briefings and Background (10 minutes each + questions)

a.  The National Collaborating Centre for the Determinants of Health- Dr. Hallström

b.  The Interdisciplinary Consortium for Global Health - Dr. Clausen

c.  The World Health Organization WPRO – Dr. Cavalli-Sforza

d.  Lao PDR – Dr. Dalaloy

e.  Coady International Institute – M. Coyle

10:50-12:30 3. Empathy Exercise (90 minutes)

Four rounds of open-ended questions and active listening to understand:

(1) What other organizations need/do/desire;

(2) What others need/expect from this collaboration (FACILITATOR)

12:30-13:10 LUNCH

13:15-14:15 4. Debrief on the Morning (Facilitated, large group dialogue)

What do we have in common?

What would be defining or unique about each organizations’ interests and activities?

Are there themes for (1) applied research; (2) collaboration; (3) education/service learning; (4) capacity building; (5) thematically developed/organized projects

14:15-15:00 5. An Illustration: Silk Homes

What if we were setting out to work collaboratively on this project?

a)  Silk Homes Presentation – Giovannia Deodata and the Minister of Health, Lao PDR

b)  How would we make a project like this work? What are the operational factors and requirements?- Critical success factors? Risks? (SWOT Analysis – not of proposal – of this TYPE of project)

15:00-15:15 BREAK

15:15-16:30 6. Small Group Activity

16:30 7. Sober 2nd Thought & Closure

18:00 8.

Day 2

March 22,, 2007

Keating Millennium Centre, Conference Room B


1.  Given the previous discussion, identify projects that fit within the mandate of the NCC relative to knowledge synthesis, transfer, and exchange.

a)  Feedback and discussion of Silk Homes possibility

b)  Concept proposals from WHO WPRO – Dr. Cavalli-Sforza/Lao PDR – G. Deodata/Dr. Dalaloy

c)  Funding opportunities and strategies

2.  Identify near term priorities for follow-through

a)  If there were to be another meeting like this, what would the agenda look like?

b)  Where should it be?

c)  What would it do?

d)  Are there action items that MUST be pursued?

e)  Organizational and institutional capacity building?

Sober 2nd Thought, Formal Evaluation & Closure


*Continued discussion for those able to stay is possible during and after lunch*