Tissue Review

What are the four types of tissues? What are there general functions?

What is a membrane composed of? What does a membrane do?

What are the four types of membranes in our body?

Where is the parietal layer of a membrane?

Where is the visceral layer of a membrane?

Cutaneous membranes/Integumentary System

-know the functions

-what are the two layers of skin?

-what is the hypodermis? What is its function?

-what types of tissues are found in skin and the hypodermis? Be able to identify them using a picture

-what are the layers of the epidermis?

-what is the difference between thick and thin skin?

-what are the layers of the dermis?

-what are keratinocytes, melanocytes? What are their functions?

-what is an exocrine gland? What is an endocrine gland?

-what do exocrine glands secrete? What do endocrine glands secrete?

-what types of exocrine glands are found in skin? Where are they located?

Osseous Tissue


-osteon structure and organization

-parts of an osteon

-cell types & functions

-matrix composition

-compact vs. spongy bone


-functions & organization

-types of bones: long, short etc…

-long bone – parts (epiphysis, medullary canal etc..)

-bone membranes: periosteum vs. endosteum

Cartilagenous Tissue


-types and locations

-cell types and matrix composition

-be able to identify the types using a picture

Muscle System Review

What are the three types of muscle?

What are the functions of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle?

What is a muscle? What is a fascicle? What is a muscle fiber? What is a muscle cell?

What is the epimysium, perimysium, endomysium?

Learn the structure of the sarcomere including its bands and zones.

What are the myofilaments and where are they found in the sarcomere?

What are the thin myofilament proteins?

What are the thick myofilament proteins?

What is the sliding-filament theory of muscle contraction? How does it work in contraction?

What is the role of troponin-tropomyosin? of calcium? of ATP?

What are the T-tubules? What is their role in muscle contraction?

What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum? What is its role in contraction?

What is a neuromuscular junction?

What is the role of acetylcholine?

What is a motor unit? What is its function?

Nervous System Review

What are the divisions of the nervous system?

What are the functional classification of neurons?

What are the parts of a neuron – what do they do?

What are the types of CNS glial cells and PNS glial cells? What do they do?

What is gray matter? What is white matter?

What is a tract?

What is a gray matter nucleus?

What is a ganglion/ganglia?

How does an action potential (AP) form?

What are the three types of ion channels that are found in a neuron?

What are the modes of conduction of an AP?

What is membrane potential?

What is Depolarization? Repolarization? Hyperpolarization? What happens to the membrane potential during these events?

Know the two types of synapses

What are the major types of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides?

What is CSF? Where is it formed? What cells form CSF? Where does it circulate? What is its function?

What are the 3 cranial/spinal meninges and what are their functions?

What are the spaces called?

What are arachnoid trabeculae? Denticulate ligaments?

What is an arachnoid villus? What does it do?

What are the 3 connective tissue coverings of the spinal nerves?

What are the major parts of the brain? What are there general functions?

What are the lobes of the cerebrum?

What is a sulcus? A gyrus?

Where is the primary motor area/precentral gyrus located? Where is the primary somatosensory area/postcentral gyrus located? Where is the central sulcus?

What are the 5 components of the basal ganglia/nuclei found in the cerebrum?

What are the 3 components of the brain stem? What do they basically control?

What are the 2 main components of the diencephalon?

What is the major function of the thalamus?

What are the 5 functions of the hypothalamus?

What is the epithalamus and what does it do?

What does the cerebellum do? What is the arbor vitae? What is the vermis?

What are the gray horns and white columns of the spinal cord composed of? What are the basic functions of these areas?

What kind of information travels up the SC? What kind of information travels down?

What are the 12 cranial nerves and their specific numbers? What do each of them they do?

What is a spinal nerve composed of? What kind of information does it carry? In what direction do these types of information travel?

What is afferent? What is efferent?

What is the difference between a spinal ramus and a spinal root? Know the rami and the roots and what kind of information travels through them

What is found in the dorsal root ganglion?

What are the basic components of a reflex arc?


1.  Describe the mechanism of smell. What are the functions of the olfactory receptors, supporting cells, olfactory glands & basal cells? Be able to identify the olfactory receptors, olfactory glands and supporting cells in a diagram of olfactory tissue. What cranial nerve is involved in smell?

2.  What is a taste bud? What are the 4 major classes of taste buds? Where are they located on the tongue? What types of papillae contain taste buds? Where are they found on the tongue and in the mouth? How do we taste? Be able to identify the parts of a taste bud from a diagram. What cranial nerve(s) is/are involved in taste?

3.  Describe the mechanism of vision.

-What are the three layers of the eye?

-What are the components of the fibrous tunic? Of the vascular tunic?

-What is the optic disc?

-What is the macula lutea? The fovea centralis?

-What are the parts of a ciliary body?

-What are the two types of photoreceptors? What is the visual pigment called?

-How does the iris change shape?

-How does the lens change shape?

-How does the lens function in focusing light? What shape is it when focusing on a close object? On a far object?

-How does the cornea function in focusing?

-Where are the aqueous and vitreous humor located? What structure makes aqueous humor?

-What are the chambers and cavities of the eye?

-What cranial nerve is involved in vision?

-What cranial nerves move the eyes?

- What lobe processes vision?

4.  Describe the mechanism of hearing.

-What are the three main divisions of the ear?

-What are the components of the outer ear? The middle ear? The inner ear?

-How does the tympanic membrane connect to the inner ear?

-What are the two windows of the inner ear?

-What are the three scala of the cochlea? What fluids are found in them?

-What are the membranes of the Organ of Corti?

-What nerve is involved in hearing? What lobe processes hearing?

5.  Describe the mechanisms of equilibrium?

-What types of equilibrium are there? What structures are involved in each?

-What is in the vestibule of the inner ear?

-How does the utricle and saccule work in balance?

-How many semicircular canals do we have? What is the ampulla of the SC canal? What is it for?