1: The opening at the base of the skull that allows the brain to connect with the spinal cord is called the:
A: acetabulum.
B: occiput.
C: foramen magnum.
D: pinna.
2: The collection of blood under the skin is called a(n):
A: ecchymosis.
B: hematoma.
C: blister.
D: hematuria.
3: In caring for soft-tissue injuries around the mouth, be aware of the possibility of:
A: an airway obstruction.
B: minor bleeding.
C: injury to the cheeks.
D: injury to the orbit.
4: When caring for a patient with a nosebleed, the EMT-B should have the patient:
A: lie supine and keep his or her head in neutral position.
B: lie on his or her side while pressing the nostrils shut.
C: sit leaning forward and pinch the nostrils together.
D: sit back and place head backward.
5: The firm prominence in the upper part of the larynx formed by the thyroid cartilage is called the:
A: cricoid membrane.
B: laryngectomy.
C: vocal cords.
D: Adam's apple.
6: The part of the ear that connects the middle ear to the nasal cavity is the:
A: auditory canal.
B: tympanic membrane.
C: eustachian tube.
D: cochlea.
7: Fractures of the face are not usually acute emergencies unless:
A: there is more than one fractured bone.
B: the mandible is involved.
C: there is a fracture to the cheekbone.
D: there is serious bleeding.
8: Leakage of air into the soft tissue of the neck is called:
A: ecchymosis.
B: air embolism.
C: subcutaneous emphysema.
D: a bruise.
9: An air embolism results when:
A: air enters a vein.
B: air enters the soft tissue.
C: there is an open wound.
D: there is air in the trachea.
10: In bandaging a wound on the neck, it is important to remember to:
A: wrap the bandage carefully around the neck.
B: wrap the bandage around and under the patient's shoulder.
C: apply pressure to both carotid arteries only if needed.
D: use only one hand to control any external bleeding.
- C
- B
- A
- C
- D
- C
- D
- C
- A
- B