Planning 2010/11 Memorandum

Date / 24th May 2010
To: / All Budgetholders
From / Lawrence Jenkins – Director of Finance
CC: / SMT; Mark Joy

Dear Colleagues

We are in the midst of the planning cycle for 2010/11 and finalising the outturn picture for 2009/10.

Please find attached two documents:

  1. Planning Timetable;
  2. Income and Expenditure Budget Template (more than one if you manage different cost centre areas).

Comprising of three sheets: Notes, Report, and Parameters – all information should be entered into Report with additional comments in Notes if insufficient space is available

Information Required

Two sets of information shouldbe entered for each cost centre.:

A.2009/10 Out-turn

B.2010/11 Budget

  1. 2009/10 Out-turn

Please complete in COLUMN E your best estimate of your expected closing balances for all relevant Income and Expenditure sources on the cost centre. Any relevant comments for this estimate should be included in COLUMN F. Even if you are unsure about whether something has been included, include the figures on the sheet and add a suitable comment so that checking of this figure can be verified.

To assist you in your estimates, the template has been populated with this year’s annual budget COLUMN C and

the results up to the end of April (Month 9) in COLUMN D. These figures are also available on the Staff Intranet under Finance, and previous years information is available should you need it.

  1. 2010/11 Budget

Using “Zero Based Budgeting” i.e. setting all budgets to nil and calibrating figures from scratch complete the budget template with estimates for Non-Curriculum Income and Non-Pay Expenditure ONLY.The annual budget should be entered in COLUMN H, with any related comment in COLUMN AN. Pay budgets should be left blank as these will be finalised with you separately, and for Curriculum will reflect Curriculum plans being agreed this week.

Please remember that all costs should be justifiable and should not be based on last years figures with an uplift. Ensure that costs include VAT at the expected 20% rate.

Specific Non-Pay Costs:

Some costs are centrally managed by a budget-holder for the whole College, figures you enter against the following areas will be collated to determine a central pot.

  1. Marketing – spend on Advertising, Brochure and Prospectuses,etc
  2. Maternity and Sickness Cover – spend budget for in Personnel
  3. Staff Training

Costs for these areas should be justified so the central budget-holder is aware of your requirements. The College as a whole cannot guarantee that these budgets will be fulfilled in their entirety and budget-holders will be allocated department allocations at a later date once the College budget has been finalised.

When completing your budget remember to look at the budget profile or spread across the year from August to July.

Each line can be adjusted by adjusting the profile code in COLUMN AK. A key to all profiles can be found on the parameters sheet at cell L1.


No Capital Budgets will be available in 2010/11 as resources have been utilised as part of the extensive fitting out for the new Campuses this year.


Due to the tight timetable for next years budget

Completed templates should be e-mailed to myself at as follows:

  1. Service Divisions- 26/05/2010 (end of close)
  2. Curriculum Divisions– 27/05/2010 (end of close)


A first draft meeting to review your submissions will be undertaken this week with Service Divisions, and next week with Curriculum Divisionsin order to hit the key dates. Please give me call to organise an hour long meeting to go through your submissions. Some of you may need longer dependent on the complexity of your budget area e.g. Facilities.

Follow-up meetings maybe required between 9th and 11th June, please make yourself available if you are called.

Finalised budgets will be submitted to Corporation together with the revised out-turn for 2009/10 on the 1st July, with you signing off your final approved budgets on 7th – 8th July.

If you have any questions please give me a call on x8332 or 07850-929720, or in my absence Mark Joy.

Lawrence Jenkins