Harriman InstituteAcademic Year Fellowship Application


The Institute's Junior, Pepsico Junior, MARSand named Fellowships are awarded annually for a period of one academic year or semester. Please see the Harriman Institute website for details regarding specific fellowships and general eligibility. ContactRebecca Dalton orBarbara Singletonfor questions regarding fellowships, eligibility, and the application process.

Applications and all supporting documents are due February 15th, 2017.

Please submit all materials attached as PDFs to one email. Email materials to Barbara Singleton at .

Decisions will be announced by email.

Student Information

Columbia PID number (C0…): UNI:

Last Name: First Name:

Local Address: Apt. #:

City, State, ZIP: Phone: ( ) –

Email Address:

Academic Information

I confirm the following:

•Graduate School:

•Year of entry: Department:

•Anticipated Graduation:

PhD Candidates:

•Date (or expected date) of orals or comprehensive exams:

MARS Candidates:

•Subject of Thesis:

Certificate Candidates:

•When will you complete your HI Certificate Essay?

•Subject of Essay:

•Certificate Advisor:

•What HI Certificate requirements are still outstanding?

Electronic Certification

I certify that the information on this application is complete and accurate.

Name:Date (mm/dd/yyyy): / /

Fellowship Information

Are you applying for:Harriman Junior Fellowship

Pepsico Junior Fellowship

Henry Ergas(Awarded to students conducting research in Turkic and Central Asian Studies)

Jaan Pennar(Awarded to students with an interest in Baltic Studies)

Bazarko Fellowship(Awarded to students with interest in Ukrainian studies)

John Hazard Fellowship(Awarded to students who have shown excellence in the study of Russian law)

Shkilnyk Fellowship (Awarded to students concentrating in Ukrainian history and/or social sciences)

MARS Student Fellowship

Visit the Harriman Institute Fellowship page for more details on each fellowship.

Please list all other sources of funding you have applied or will apply for (including Harriman summer funding, external funding, and SIPA DRA and MARS PA positions). Include anticipated dates of notification:

Please list all fellowship awards you have received from the Harriman Institute:


In order to complete the application, a current transcript must be provided from the Registrar's Office. Please request through SSOL that the transcript be delivered digitally to Barbara Singleton at . (If you are also applying for a Harriman Summer Fellowship, one transcript will suffice for both applications.)


Two academic recommendations are required. Please list recommender’s name, affiliation, and email address.

• (1):

Date recommendation requested:

• (2):

Date recommendation requested:

Date recommendation requested:

Recommendations may be submitted in hard copy or as a PDF by email. Recommendations must be submitted directly from the recommender.


Please indicate your academic goals for 2016-2017, and how Harriman Institute funding would support these goals. If you plan to focus on a specific country or region please make this clear in your essay. The Essay should be no longer than one page.

2016-17Application Due February 15th, 2017 to 1 of 3