*Book published by Women’s Health Foundation, creator of Total Control®
For additional information on sponsorship or to reserve your exhibitor table, please contact:
Betty Lustig, Director of Development, Brooks College of Health | Phone: (904) 620-2810 | Email:
Grand Presenter - Brooks Rehabilitation
$30,000 (Fair Market Value $720)
Patron$15,000(FairMarket Value $360)
Recognition onBCHWebpage
Mentionfromthe podiumasaPatron
Recognition onthepresentationscreen
8 Tickets/1 Tableatluncheon
Benefactor$7,500 (FairMarketValue $320)
Recognition onBCHWebpage
Mentionfromthe podiumasaBenefactor
Recognition onthepresentationscreen
8 Tickets/1 Tableatluncheon
Grand Host$5,000(FairMarketValue $280)
Name/logo eventinvitation
Recognition onBCHWebpage
Mentionfromthe podiumasaGrandHost
Recognition onthepresentationscreen
8 Tickets/1 Tableatluncheon
Host$2,500(FairMarketValue $240)
Recognition onBCHWebpage
Mentionfromthe podiumasaHost
Recognition onthepresentationscreen
8 Tickets/1 Tableatluncheon
Friend $1,500(FairMarketValue $200)
Recognition onBCHWebpage
Mentionfromthe podiumasaFriend
Recognition onthepresentationscreen
8 Tickets/1 Tableatluncheon
Table Underwriter $400 (Fair Market Value $200)
- 8 Tickets/1 Table at luncheon
Exhibitor for 2013 - $250 (Fair Market Value $60)
*LimitedAvailability.SeeExhibitorPackage Details
- Name/logo on luncheon program
Recognition onBCHWebpage
1 Exhibitortableinvenue lobby
2luncheon tickets
*Book published by Women’s Health Foundation, creator of Total Control®
For additional information on sponsorship or to reserve your exhibitor table, please contact:
Betty Lustig, Director of Development, Brooks College of Health | Phone: (904) 620-2810 | Email:
Exhibitor for 2013 - $250
Name/logo on luncheon program
Recognition on Brooks College of Health Webpage
1 Exhibitor tableinUNFHerbert University CenterLobby
Exhibitortablesareprominentlylocatedat the entrance of theGrandLobby
1 Exhibitortable and2chairs willbe providedforeachexhibitor
Includestablecoverand skirt
Exhibitorsarewelcome tobringtable-top display materials
Exhibitorsareresponsibleforanysignage tobedisplayed
Pleasecontact usifyouneed additionalexhibitorspace forstand-alone displays
Complimentary promotionalmaterialsmay bedistributed (no sales on day of event)
EventInformation, Set-Upand Venue
Time:11:30a.m.- 1:30p.m.
Registrationopensat 10:45 a.m.
Location:UNF’sHerbert UniversityCenter GrandLobby
Jacksonville,Florida 32224
Freeparkingat the UNFHerbert University Center
Set-Up Time:9:00a.m.- 11:00a.m.
Break DownTime:2:00p.m.
*Book published by Women’s Health Foundation, creator of Total Control®
For additional information on sponsorship or to reserve your exhibitor table, please contact:
Betty Lustig, Director of Development, Brooks College of Health | Phone: (904) 620-2810 | Email:
Name: / ______Contact Person: / ______
Mailing Address: / ______
Email Address: / ______
Phone Number: / ______
*Book published by Women’s Health Foundation, creator of Total Control®
For additional information on sponsorship or to reserve your exhibitor table, please contact:
Betty Lustig, Director of Development, Brooks College of Health | Phone: (904) 620-2810 | Email:
Underwriting Levels / Cost / Tax Deductible Amount /Patron / $15,000 / $14,590
Benefactor / $7,500 / $7,130
GrandHost / $5,000 / $4,670
Host / $2,500 / $2,210
Friend / $1,500 / $1,250
Table / $400 / $200
Exhibitor / $250 / (2 Tickets & Exhibitor Table in / Grand Lobby of / University Center)
___ Iwishto declinethebenefitsassociated withmygiftand receive the full amount of tax deductibility
Additional Tickets
IndividualTicket:$50 ($25taxdeductible)
# Tickets x$50Total:
Pleaseselect payment option:
Mycheck isenclosed(Please make check payable toUNFTicket BoxOffice(note in Memo for “Us Group”)
For credit card reservations, contact UNF TicketBox Officeat(904) 620-2878
*Book published by Women’s Health Foundation, creator of Total Control®
For additional information on sponsorship or to reserve your exhibitor table, please contact:
Betty Lustig, Director of Development, Brooks College of Health | Phone: (904) 620-2810 | Email: