Kindergarten Reading Workshop 2013/2014

Unit of Study: Launching the Reader’s Workshop

Unit A Begin Date: Sept 9 End Date: Oct 4 Reading Time Expectations: 8 minutes

Students will be able to:
·  Understand what types of things readers read
·  Understand why we read
·  Get to and from the rug respectfully
·  Hold a book properly
·  Sit properly at the rug and at their seats
·  Understand good manners
·  Understand how to look at book: cover, pages left to right, finding the title, finding the words, looking at the pictures
·  Identify author and Illustrator as well as each of their roles
·  Understand where we read: reading spots
·  Sit next to a partner at the rug
·  Understand how to turn and talk to a partner
·  Look at the person who is speaking
·  Understand class management signals
·  Raise your hand to share information
·  Wait until called upon to speak
·  Choose a book from a table bin
·  Sit quietly and read
·  Return books and choose new ones
·  Properly use whisper phones in small groups or whole class
·  Make reading goals – stamina chart
·  Answer questions about who the story is about and what happened / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
The Kissing Hand
The Gingerbread Man
The Crayon Box That Talked
Bucket Filling Books
Don’t Eat the Teacher / Partnership Work:
·  Turn and talk to their partner, with eye contact and whisper voices
Classroom Supports:
·  Reading stamina chart
·  What reader’s workshop looks like & sounds like
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK1, RLK.6, RLK.7, RLK.10
Foundational Skills: RFK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  Reading
·  Book
·  Good manners
·  Partner
·  Picture walk
·  Turn and talk eye contact
·  Signal
·  Reading stamina

Unit of Study: The Reading Life

Unit 1 Begin Date: Oct 7 End Date: Nov 15 Reading Time Expectations: 8-10 min

Students Will Be Able To:
·  Sit back to back for reading
·  Understand what independent reading: looks like, sounds like
·  Ask for help, or ask questions in a group
·  Choose a just right book
·  Understand the roles of a conference
·  Turn and talk to a partner
·  Share a book with a partner
·  Understand what it means to listen and look at the speaker
·  Take responsibility for yourself as a reader: self monitoring, listening skills, reflecting on your role during reading workshop
·  Understand their role in the ‘sharing’ part of the workshop
·  ‘Read’ the room (environmental print)
·  Identify different types of texts / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
My Friends
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Cat’s Colors
Flower Garden
Friends at School
Whistle For Willie / Partnership Work:
·  Turn and talk
·  Eye contact
·  Staying on topic
·  Using a quiet voice
·  Asking questions
Classroom Supports:
·  Reading together chart
·  Turn and talk chart
·  Independent reading chart
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK1, RLK.5, RLK.6, RLK.7, RLK.10
Foundational Skills: RFK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  Partner
·  Reading
·  Conference
·  Turn and look
·  Turn and talk
·  Reading spots/rug spots
·  Back to back
·  Independent
·  Eye contact
·  Cover

Unit of Study: Making Connections

Unit 2 Begin Date: Nov 18 End Date: Dec 20 Reading Time Expectations: 10 min

Students Will Be Able To:
·  Study the pages and pictures in their books
·  One to one match as they read
·  Get their minds ready for reading, studying the cover and illustrations
·  Understand what a title and an author is
·  Understand how we read books without words
·  Identify words and sounds we know/recognize (initial sounds)
·  Identify how a character is feeling
·  Find a page where they felt the same way as the character (text to self connections)
·  Compare the experiences of characters across different texts
·  Identify important ideas in the story
·  Answer questions to understand a story
·  Understand and use the Readers Toolbox as a tool to help them read independently:
- 1:1 match
-read from left to right / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
When Sophie Gets Angry, Really, Really Angry
I Was So Mad
Noisy Nora
The New Puppy
Friends / Partnership Work:
·  Ask questions/answer questions
Classroom Supports:
·  Independent reading chart
·  Reader’s Toolbox
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK.1, RLK.3, RLK.4, RLK.5, RLK.6, RLK.7, RLK.9, RLK.10, RLK.11
Foundational Skills: RKK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  Title
·  Author
·  Illustrator
·  Feeling
·  Character
·  sounds

Unit of Study: Retelling

Unit 3 Begin Date: Jan 2 End Date: Jan 24 Reading Time Expectations: 10-12 Min

Students Will Be Able To:
·  Make connections: text to self
·  Sequence events to retell a story
·  Retell a story across their fingers
·  Determine the importance of story events when retelling
·  Identify and use patterns to help them as they read
·  Understand and use the Readers Toolbox as a tool to help them read independently:
-Using pictures
-Getting your mouth ready
for reading
-Find a pattern
Identify first sound
-  Identify last sound What would make sense
-  Word Wall Words / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Pumpkin Pumpkin
Maisy’s Pool
Charlie Needs a Cloak
The Very Hungry Caterpiller
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Waking Up
Too Much Stuff
Frog Food
Sam and Papa
Ant Can’t / Partnership Work:
·  Ask partners for help
·  Listen to their partner and respond to them
Classroom Supports:
·  Reader’s Toolbox
·  Independent reading chart
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK.1, RLK.2, RLK.3, RLK.4, RLK.5, RLK.6, RLK.7, RLK.9, RLK.10, RLK.11
Foundational Skills: RFK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  Text to self
·  Sequence
·  Retell
·  Tapping
·  Sounds
·  Patterns
·  Toolbox

Unit of Study: Visualizing Poetry and Fiction

Unit 4 Begin Date: Jan 27 End Date: Feb 14 Reading Time Expectations: 12-15 min

Students Will Be Able to:
·  Visualize what they hear to make sense of text
·  Activate their schema to help them visualize (prior knowledge)
·  Make inferences as they visualize
·  Respect each other and their ideas
·  Listen to each other and respect one another’s time to think
·  Using clue words from the author to help the visualize
·  Connect their mental images to a poem
·  Focus on their listening skills
·  Sketch their mental images
·  Understand and use the Readers Toolbox as a tool to help them read independently:
-  Tapping Out
-  Finding A Word Within a Word / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Cat’s Colors
Cookie’s Week
Mrs. Wishy Washy
I Went Walking / Partnership Work:
·  Think pair share/turn and talk
·  Listen to each other’s visualizations
Classroom Supports:
·  Reader’s Toolbox
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK.1, RLK.2, RLK.3, RLK.4, RLK.5, RLK.6, RLK.7. RLK.9, RLK.10, RLK.11
Foundational Skills: RFK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  Prior knowledge
·  Reader’s toolbox
·  Visualize
·  Inference
·  Sketch
·  Clue words
·  respect

Unit of Study: Wondering Fiction

Unit : 5 Begin Date: Feb 24 End Date: March 21 Reading Time Expectations: 15-18 min

Students Will Be Able To:
Week 1
·  Use wonderings to help us comprehend a story
·  Refer back to the story to support their thinking, support their wonderings
·  Relate the value of responsibility to their behavior
·  Develop the group skills of sharing ideas with one another
·  Understand what an idea is (a thought that you have, in reading, related to what you have read) starting with “I think…”
·  Take turns talking with their partners
Week 2
·  Retell part of a story, using their own words
·  Use a post it note to mark their wondering (question mark)
·  Understand that rereading is an important skill to find support for your ideas/wonderings
Week 3
·  Connect their thinking to the story with their partners (supporting their wonderings)
·  Use wondering to drive their reading and find answers for their wonderings
·  Identify the feelings the characters feel in the story and determine why they feel that way.
·  Make connections to the feeling characters feel in the story / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Brave Bear
A letter to Amy
Henry’s Wrong Turn
No David / Partnership Work:
·  Share their ideas/wonderings with a partner
Classroom Supports:
·  wondering/idea chart (lightbulb)
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK.1, RLK.2, RLK.3, RLK.4, RLK.5, RLK.6, RLK.7, RLK.9, RLK.10, RLK.11
Foundational Skills: RFK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  Wondering
·  Idea
·  Rereading
·  Comprehend
·  Support
·  reflection

Unit of Study: Making Connections

Unit 6 Begin Date: March 24 End Date: April 25 Reading Time Expectations: 18 -20 min

Students Will Be Able To:
·  explore text features of non fiction books
·  identify what they learn from nonfiction books
·  make connections to help them understand non fiction books
·  explore the difference between fiction and non fiction
·  relate the value of caring to their behavior
·  develop the group skill of looking at the speaker in whole class discussions
Week 2 (same as above and…)
·  understand reasons we reread great books
·  acknowledge the speaker, saying something back to them
·  understand what makes a good conversation
·  understand that some nonfiction books do not need to read cover to cover
·  stop periodically as we read to think about what we are learning
·  use a smiley face post it to mark text to self connections
·  use a table to contents to find information and plan your reading
·  Use a post it to mark favorite part and connections
·  Understand the importance of bold words and the purpose of a glossary
·  Understand how to identify labels in non-fiction
·  Understand that the text and pictures support each other
·  Compare two texts on the same topic / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
A Day with a Doctor
A Day with a Mail Carrier
On the Go / Partnership Work:
·  respond to something their partner has said, before moving forward with what they want to share
Classroom Supports:
·  accountable talk stems ( I agree with you because…, I disagree with you because…, )
·  talk towers (unifex cubes)
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK.1, RLK.2, RLK.3, RLK.4, RLK.5, RLK.6, RLK.7, RLK.9, RLK.10, RLK.11
Reading Informational Texts: RIK.1, RIK.2, RIK.3, RIK.4, RIK.5, RIK.6, RIK.7, RIK.9, RIK.10
Foundational Skills: RFK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  Table of contents
·  text feature
·  non fiction
·  fiction
·  acknowledge
·  accountable talk
·  conversation
·  speaker
·  glossary
·  table of contents
·  labels

Unit of Study: Wondering Expository Non Fiction

Unit 7 Begin Date: April 28 End Date: May 22 Reading Time Expectations: 20 min

Students Will Be Able To:
Week 1
·  Explore text features of expository non fiction
·  Understand how to add their own ideas that are different from others in the group
·  Understand what expository non fiction is
Week 2 (same as above and…)
·  Understand how to respond neutrally (not looking to teacher for validation)
Week 3 (same as above and…)
·  Understand how to constructively disagree with someone’s idea
·  Explain their ideas (I think… because…)
·  Stop and reflect on what they have learned from their reading
·  Mark what they have learned with a post it
·  Identify the role of titles
·  Identify how the author ‘show’ and ‘tell’ the facts / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Knowing about Noses
I Want to be a Vet
A tiger Cub grows up / Partnership Work:
·  Reflect on what they have learned with a partner
·  Continue to expand on their conversations
Classroom Supports:
·  Text features chart
·  Accountable talk stems (talk bubbles)
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK.1, RLK.5, RLK.6, RLK.7, RLK.10, RLK.11
Reading Informational Texts: RIK.1, RIK.2, RIK.3, RIK.4, RIK.5, RIK.6, RIK.7, RIK.8, RIK.9, RIK.10
Foundational Skills: RFK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  expand
·  agree/disagree
·  reflect
·  expository
·  title
·  sub-title

Unit of Study: Exploring Text Features Expository Non Fiction

Unit 8 Begin Date: May 27 End Date: June 13 Reading Time Expectations: 20-25 min

Students Will Be Able To:
Week 1
·  Use text features to help them understand their reading
·  Identify what they learned from non fiction books
·  Make connections to help them understand the books
·  Take responsibility for their behavior
·  Continue to use post its to mark their thinking
Week 2 (same as above and…)
·  Use text features like table of contents, heading, photographs,
Week 3 (same as above and…)
·  Use text features like diagrams index, labels, / Mentor Texts/Read Alouds:
Getting Around By Plane
Building Beavers / Partnership Work:
·  Identify what they learned from a non-fiction book and share it with the partner
·  Share what they have learned from text features in the books they read
Classroom Supports:
·  chart for text features (using photocopies from books as examples)
Common Core Standards
Reading Literature: RLK.1, RLK.5, RLK.6, RLK.7, RLK.10, RLK.11
Reading Informational Texts: RIK.1, RIK.2, RIK.3, RIK.4, RIK.5, RIK.6, RIK.7, RIK.8, RIK.9, RIK.10
Foundational Skills: RFK.4
Speaking and Listening: SLK.1, SLK.2, SLK.3, SLK.4, SLK.6
Language: LK.1D, LK.6
·  Text features
·  Table of contents
·  Heading
·  Photographs
·  Diagram
·  Label
·  Index

Unit of Study: Revisiting the Reading Life