Number of values / 4 / 4
Minimum / 0.80 / 9.1
25% Percentile / 3.3 / 9.5
Median / 7.6 / 11
75% Percentile / 10 / 14
Maximum / 11 / 15
Mean / 6.7 / 12
Std. Deviation / 4.5 / 2.8
Std. Error / 2.3 / 1.4
Lower 95% CI of mean / -0.44 / 7.3
Upper 95% CI of mean / 14 / 16
Sum / 27 / 47
Supplementary data provided: Arterial blood gas data.
Subject (patient) / PaO2 / PaCO2 / FiO2 / PaO2/FiO2 / Ventilated1, at second CT, PET / 93.0 / 41.0 / 0.4 / 232.5 / Yes
2, at second CT, PET / 91.0 / 45.0 / 0.3 / 303.3 / No
3, at second CT, PET / 87.0 / 39.0 / 0.4 / 217.5 / Yes
4, at second CT, PET / 89.0 / 42.0 / 0.3 / 296.7 / No
5, at second CT, PET / 86.0 / 46.0 / 0.4 / 215.0 / Yes
5, at ARDS diagnosis / 82.0 / 43.0 / 0.5 / 164.0 / Yes
6, at second CT, PET / 81.0 / 44.0 / 0.4 / 202.5 / Yes
6, at ARDS diagnosis / 75.0 / 48.0 / 0.7 / 107.1 / Yes
7, at second CT, PET / 74.0 / 45.0 / 0.3 / 246.7 / Yes
7, at ARDS diagnosis / 78.0 / 43.0 / 0.5 / 156.0 / Yes
8, at second CT, PET / 86.0 / 47.0 / 0.4 / 215.0 / Yes
8, at ARDS diagnosis / 89.0 / 45.0 / 0.5 / 178.0 / Yes
Note that:
Subjects 1-4 did not develop ARDS
Subjects 5-8 did develop ARDS
ABG “at second CT, PET” refers to the blood gas obtained closest to the second CT scan
ABG “at ARDS diagnosis” refers to the blood gas from which the diagnosis of ARDS was first made.
Notation is made regarding which subjects were mechanically ventilated at the time of the “second CT and PET scan”, which included all of those subjects who ultimately were diagnosed with ARDS and 2 of the 4 subjects who did not subsequently develop ARDS.
The exact ventilator settings for the precise time of the second CT and PET scan, and from the time of diagnosis of ARDS, could not be identified for all patients.