Date: September 15, 2015
Venue: Avison Management Ltd., Vanderhoof, BC
TIME: 10:00 to 13:09
Prepared by: Lana Ciarniello
Tel: (250) 923-8881; E-mail:
Wayne Salewski / ……………………………… / CWG Chair & BC Wildlife FederationBrian Frenkel / ……………………………… / Avison Management Ltd.
Justus Benckhuysen / ……………………………… / Rio Tinto Alcan
Christina Ciesielski / ……………………………… / Carrier Sekani Tribal Council
Cory Williamson / ……………………………… / Freshwater Fisheries Society BC; TWG Chair
Trevor Ford / ……………………………… / Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Fisheries
June Wood / ……………………………… / BC Nature Federation
Michelle Roberge / ……………………………… / M.R. Concepts
Bill Dobbs / ……………………………… / District of Vanderhoof
Lianne Olson / ……………………………… / Rio Tinto Alcan
Lana Ciarniello / ……………………………… / NWSRI Coordinator
The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the CWG outreach initiatives scheduled to be completed this year, progress on initiatives currently underway, and determine what projects we should focus on for the next funding cycle. The CWG was asked to review their Communications Plan. Updates from the 2015 TWG research projects as well as a discussion of the status of the Recovery Facility were also provided.
1. Introduction and Review of Agenda (Wayne)
The agenda was reviewed. Lana added an update on the Website posting of data from the sturgeon release event for the Where is My Fish page (Section 2.I a). She also added a discussion of potential 2016-17 HSP projects under Section 6.1.
Wayne introduced new members Trevor Ford, FLNRO, Lianne Olson, RTA, and Recovery Facility volunteer Bill Dobbs.
2. CWG Outreach and Harm Reduction Programs for 2015-16
I. HSP projects:
a. Website Posting of Data from the Sturgeon Release Event - Where Is My Fish Page
Initially funding for the May 4 release event was sought from the Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP). However, HSP grants were announced after the 4th May and HSP cannot be spent retroactive before the date of their letter.
· Lana requested permission from Environment Canada to use the funding to compile the recorded data on the ~600 juvenile fish released at the event for the purpose of updating the “Where is my Fish” portion of the NWSRI website.
· All release participants with parental permission also had their picture taken with their fish. Those pictures will be added to the Where is My Fish page so a picture of the participant with their fish will appear when they seek information on their fish.
· The NWSRI web page will also be updated to include a write-up of the event with pictures (Events Page). This task also includes updating the photo gallery page.
· Environment Canada agreed to the changes and Lana updated the HSP work plan. The data and photos have been submitted to Sticky Wicket web-providers. The Where is My Fish page is anticipated to be functional by the end of this week.
The CWG also discussed the problem with the announcement of HSP grants and how that affects our work each year.
· Lana noted that we could try for a multi-year grant for programs such as the Boat Kit and Release Events but the problem is having the matched funding in place since our funding is dependent upon fiscal years.
· HSP grants must be matched with at least 1 to 1 funding. Further, in the guidelines for HSP grants it notes that it is preferable if at least 50% of the matched funds are in cash from sources other than Federal funds and 50% can be in-kind.
· The CWG discussed how much cash we need to have guaranteed each year to secure the HSP grant.
The CWG decided that we should try to secure $12,500 in cash for each year.
The CWG decided that we need to understand how we can increase our cash flow to eliminate the bottleneck with HSP funding and allow us to apply for multi-year funding.
· We need to dedicate some of our time to finding funding.
ACTION: Lana to contact Minister Rustand’s office (567-6820) to determine what funding is available for organizations such as the NWSRI.
Wayne discussed the gaming grant. He noted that we have support from our MLA to apply for that grant.
· The gaming grant has an environmental component and we could get into the cue.
· There is a database out there for funds we can access.
b. Boat kit program (Christina & Ashley)
The Boat Kit program is also funded by HSP. The contract for monitors is run through CSTC.
· Hire one sturgeon bycatch monitor that lives within each of the 7 targeted First Nation communities (Takla, Saik'uz, Nak'azdli, Tl'azt'en, Nadleh Whut'en, Stellako and Lheidli T’enneh).
· The program will extend into the fall for those communities that fish char and ling cod (Tl'azt'en, Nak'azdli and Talka).
· Ashley was hired as an overall monitor that can be available to visit communities as required. She is responsible for training the community monitors as well as dedicated to the distribution, monitoring and collection of kits.
· The boat kit program contains a significant in-kind contribution from the CSTC.
Nadleh and Takla still need a boat kit monitor. Takla does not have a catch monitor this year and that is presenting a problem for us.
· Lana contacted Rose at Nadleh and they were supposed to get someone in place.
· Christina does not know if Ashley has been to Nadleh and talked with Rose.
· Wayne will go to Nadleh and talk with Rose about releases.
Fishing season is over in some places, such as Takla, but is still occurring in Nadleh.
· Carl with LTH still needs to get his contract.
· Wayne noted that he has contacts in Nadleh and in Takla.
Lana noted that she was feeling frustrated with the program and each year trying to get it into place.
· Justus noted the success of the program with 49 sturgeon live released since 2011. We do not want to end up like the news program on the Lower Fraser where 6 juvenile sturgeon were left to die in a net that had been pulled up to shore.
· We need to move this program along because it has been successful.
· Cory noted the hatchery fish we release into the river are going to be subject to the FSC fishery; more fish are going to be caught each year because we are putting more into the river. He thinks the program is very important to promote live releases of those fish.
· June thinks the learning process associated with releasing the fish is worth carrying on the program. She thinks the educational portion of the program is also very important. We need to continue to provide the kits.
· The number of people we have educated and the number of contacts made should be our measure of success rather than the number of sturgeon released.
· Justus noted that there is still room around the table to help the program.
ACTION: Wayne to go to Nadleh and talk with Rose about the sturgeon boat kit program.
ACTION: Wayne to contact the people he knows in Takla and talk with them about the sturgeon boat kit program.
c. Promotion of the school program (Michelle)
Michelle Roberge has been hired to provide an evaluation of the grade 4 to 7 "Healthy Watersheds for Sturgeon School Curriculum Program". The program increases awareness of the connection between maintaining healthy rivers, riparian areas and watersheds to benefit sturgeon and all organisms. The program was provided to all elementary schools within SD91 and 2014-15 was its first full year of implementation.
Michelle has been asked to:
· Determine the number of schools using the curriculum level healthy watersheds units and/or lesson plans within SD91.
· Provide effective evaluation of the program by soliciting feedback from teachers and students that used the program.
· Suggest ways to improve the program whether in content, delivery or promotion of the program to schools.
· Further promote the program within SD91, which also promotes stewardship of sturgeon.
· If the program was not used, determine why; how to further promote the program; and, determine and evaluate the overall effectiveness of the program in promoting stewardship.
· The project will result in a report that summarizes findings of evaluation.
To date, Michelle has drafted a letter to communicate with the schools.
· The CWG asked about timing of the program completion. Michelle will provide a mid-term report to the CWG by October and a final report by Christmas.
Wayne noted that he talked with Ken Young of Nechako Valley Secondary school (and DOV council member) and Ken would like to use the program in their high school. The program would begin in grade 8 and then follow the kids through the grades as they advance years.
· The CWG discussed how we could better support teachers in developing a relationship with the university where graduate students could talk about these issues with the students.
· The CWG asked if Michelle could investigate developing a high school – University/College network within this contract funds. Lana believes a healthy watershed lecture series would fit within our current HSP funding grant.
i. Upper Fraser E-Learning tool
The Fraser Basin Council put together an Upper Fraser E-learning tool. They approached Wayne to ask if we would put it on our website.
· The website address is
· The intent is to highlight watershed health issues in that region. It includes narration, visuals and interactive games to solidify learning and can be used in app form on a touchscreen smartphone or tablet.
· The CWG was not familiar with the program.
· Lana will send the link to the CWG with the draft meeting minutes. The CWG will review the program.
· Michelle will evaluate its usefulness towards our school curriculum program.
d. Update and make brochures (Lana)
As part of HSP we have funding to update our First Nation oriented brochure developed in 2010-11 (HSP5633). We will also develop a brochure specific to the Boat Kit program that we can distribute at outreach events.
· Justus would like the CWG to review the brochures before they are distributed.
· The brochures should focus on the success of the boat kit program.
· Lana and Christina to develop the brochure and provide a draft to the CWG by December 15.
ACTION: Lana and Christina to develop a brochure for the boat kit program and update our existing First Nation brochures. Brochures will be sent to the CWG for review by 15 December.
II. Educational Stewardship Plans for the Conservation Centre (Justus, Cory)
The goal of the project is to enhance the experience for visitors. The Centre would like to do a better job of showcasing what they are about.
· There is $85,000 available through RTA.
· Proposed is a trail system around the site with signs showing interesting aspects of the forest.
· Also proposed is a covered area for people to gather complete with information signs.
· Cory would like to provide an opportunity for people to have a self-directed tour because they have to turn away people that come at non-tour times if they are busy. He suggested adding windows so people could view the sturgeon in off tour hours.
· Cory would like to put a screen out front for people that come by on off-tour times.
· The hatchery is going to have locked access so people cannot drive away with the tanks. They will be putting a gate in place but will not be closing the doors to the public. In the original design there was a chain link fence but Cory did not want that.
· The proposed site for the stewardship centre (current grassy lawn) remains a possibility but at this time the centre is not being built.
· Also potentially proposed under the FFSBC learn to fish program may be a project to promote stewardship for fishing. That project would tie with our sturgeon stewardship projects.
· As soon as Cory gets quotes for the work (tank windows, signage) they will decide on the work to be completed. Currently they are proposing options and gathering quotes.
Wayne talked about the Conservation Centre tours this past year.
· The average group size is ~25 people but Wayne has taken >30 people on tour.
· On the tours Wayne provided some information on the management of the land and how that links to what is happening in the river. He noticed a lot of uptake from the visitors.
· Wayne thought the visitors enjoyed participating in conversations about how actions on the land affect the river.
· A volunteer that leads tours must know the subject matter quite well and project their voice to gather the groups’ attention.
· Wayne and Brian approached Mayor and Council about having full time tour guides available that could provide successful tours. The DOV has made an application to have two students available for the coming season.
· Wayne thinks there are as many visitors from out of town as in town. They had 2-3 groups from Burns Lake, Swedish Foresters (31 of them), the Prince George Naturalist Club, school groups, and etcetera.
· Wayne highly supports the tours. He thinks they are an excellent educational opportunity.
Cory would like to know the total demand for tours and how we can structure it so it works for the Facility and the visitors. The group discussed our target for tours. Cory believes that if the door was open the Facility would be flooded with people wanting tours.
· Justus thinks we need to better advertise the tours and how to reach us to arrange a tour.
· Our best opportunity is guided tours but it would be nice to offer self-guided tours as well.
The CWG discussed obtaining contacts for building a sturgeon sculpture. Lana will forward the email from Envision 3D regarding sturgeon sculptures (complete).
· Justus thought that we should contact the museum or use a local artist. He noted that the sculptures are extremely expensive so working with a local artist may help with the costs.