Project: The Crusades

You will be completing a two-part project of the crusades: One a google slides presentation, another a crusades recruitment poster. This will be an overview of the crusades, its events, effects, etc as well as a poster trying to recruit soldiers to join the Christian Crusade.

Part I: Google Slides Presentation-An Overview of the Crusades

Sources:, Textbook

Slide 1: Title Slide, Picture, Names (3 pts)

Slide 2: What are the Crusades, and how did they start? (Overview in Source) (4 pts)

Who Fought, Why, and How did it Start?

Include a Picture

Slide 3: Muslim Realms (Muslim Realms in Source) (4 pts)

It was founded by Who?

What areas did they conquer?

2 Facts

Slide 4: Why go on the Crusade (4 pts)

Name 4 reasons why people joined the Crusade and their benefits

Slide 5: 1st/2nd Crusade (4 pts)

What happens in the 1st/2nd Crusade?

Explain what happens in each in detail

Slide 6: 3rd/4th Crusade (4 pts)

What happens in the 3rd/4th Crusade?

Explain what happens in each in detail

Slide 7: Effects of the Crusade (4 pts)

List 4 Effects of the Crusade and Explain each.

Slide 8: Western/Eastern Interpretations (4 pts)

Each how each side view the crusade and what the people thought of them.

At least 2 facts of each.

Slide 9: Children’s Crusade (4 pts)

What was the Children’s Crusade in 1212. Do some research and tell me about it in detail with 4 facts. We will compare it to other group’s findings

Slide 10: Famous Figure of Crusades (4 pts) (Use your textbook or another website online as a source)

Pick one of the following: Saladin, King Richard, or Pope Urban

Tell me why they are important, their effect, etc- 4 facts total

Slide 11: Famous Figure of the Crusades (4pts) (Use your textbook or another website online as a source)

Pick one of the following: Saladin, King Richard, or Pope Urban

Tell me why they are important, their effect, etc- 4 facts total

Total Presentation should have 5 pictures included.

Slide 1:_____/3

Slide 2:____/4

Slide 3:____/4

Slide 4:____/4

Slide 5:____/4

Slide 6:____/4

Slide 7:____/4

Slide 8:____/4

Slide 9:____/4

Slide 10:____/4

Slide 11:____/4


Extra Slides: Crusade PowerPoint

Search: Ducksters Catholic Church and Cathedrals

Using the article, devote 2 slides to the Catholic Church and what their cathedrals consisted of. Be sure to include what gothic architecture is, how they became rich and powerful, and their structure.

Also Search: Ducksters Byzantine Empire

The Byzantines are part of the Crusades, as they are attacked by the Turkish Muslims. Devote 2 slides to what the Byzantine Empire is all about, including-Constantinople, Justine Dynasty, and the Split from the Catholic Church