The Aims of MAFIA are:
- To advance the education of the pupils in Millburn Academy by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education not normally provided by the Education Authority.
- To foster relationships between pupils, staff, parents and others associated with the School.
- To engage in activities which support the work of the School.
During the Academic year 2016/17, the Committee have worked hard to achieve these aims. Key outcomes include:
- Funded a number of extra-curricular activities/groups and funded additional sports and outdoor equipment to increase opportunities and experiences for pupils;
- Worked hard to engage the wider parent body through ensuring a presence at the school at parent evenings to promote the work of MAFIA and fundraising events;
- Hosted a number of diverse fundraising events aimed at different interests, both inside and outside of school to engage pupils, teachers, parents/carers and the wider public in fundraising on behalf of the school;
- Worked closely and in partnership with the senior prefect group over the past year, ensuring the great success of two of the Committee’s fundraisers;
- Established a discretionary fund to help support pupils who would find it harder to participate in out of school trips alongside their peers.
Support for Gym Fest Millburn Academy Drama Group at the Burns Supper
The Committee
The Committee has been successful in maintaining a core membership, a number of whom regularly attend meetings, with a few other members attending as they are able and helping out at events. We were very lucky to attract four new members during this year, whilst one existing member departed. The Committee have met a total of 7 times during the year and use this time to agree and plan fundraising priorities and actions, review bids for funding and agree on the allocation of funds to departments, clubs and groups within the school. The Treasurer’s report will cover the activities supported and amounts allocated during this academic year.
Maths ChallengeHockey Club
Fundraising activities/events
The following events were held this year:
September 2016 – Cinnamon Curry Night – although fewer numbers than in the previous year, an enjoyable and eventful evening was had,with great food, cookery demonstrations, quizzes and challenges, courtesy of the maths department. Great attendance and support from the teaching staff as well as other guests and friends helped to make this a very successful fundraiser.
December 2016 – Christmas Raffle and Dress down day – A first for the Committee and planned to try and engage the wider school in MAFIA and raise its profile. This proved to be our most successful fundraising activity this year in terms of profits made.
There was great participation by pupils and staff in the dress down day on the 16th December and huge support from the prefect group in selling raffle tickets throughout the school over a number of weeks. MAFIA members also attended a number of parent evenings to capture the parents/carers with raffle ticket sales. The wider business community were very supportive in the donation of a range of attractive raffle prizes, demonstrating their commitment to Millburn Academy.
Pupil performers Caledonian Ceilidh BandCeilidh Dancing
February 2017 - Burns Supper and Ceilidh - A highly successful evening, with excellent speeches from the top table sixth year pupils. Further support was provided by the sixth year group who ensured an excellent table service on the evening to complement the great meal catered by Good Food Highland. The evening commenced with guests being piped into the room with other entertainment as well as the speeches including, pupil solo singers, a performance from the drama group, set up with MAFIA funds the previous year and to end off, a ceilidh provided by the Caledonian Ceilidh band, in which two pupils played the fiddle. The Romania team 2017 helped set up the room and clear away the following morning in return for funding support from the Committee.
March 2017 – Wine Tasting evening –Proving highly popular, six different wines were sampled under the guidance of two excellent wine tasters, Alison and Donald whilst members of the school’s senior leadership team excelled in their wine serving skills assisting MAFIA members to host this great evening.
Senior Leadership team support the Wine Tasting evening Donald and Alison – wine tasting experts
The Committee have received positive feedback on all events hosted this year and look forward to planning next year’s events. As always, we also learn from each event and look to improve on them each year and to introduce new ideas as well as revisiting some of the more traditional events.
Other Committee highlights this year have included hearing from Samantha about the 2016 Romania team visit and the support they hope to give during 2017 with help from MAFIA. The Committee also heard from Mrs Fraser who shared stories and photos of the 2016 Tanzania trip. MAFIA funds donated last year had been used to help purchase beds for two families in their new homes built through the work of the school with the Vine Trust and letters from the young people supported demonstrated the huge difference that the support of the school has made to their lives and future.
Emma and Antony Emma and Antony’s home being built
It has been a very busy year for MAFIA members with a number of very successful fundraisers and sincere thanks go to all Committee members for their commitment, hard work, enthusiasm and willingness to embrace new ideas as well as attend a number of additional evening sessionsthis year in an attempt to raise the profile of MAFIA to parents/carers.
With new members joining during the year, we are in a very positive place to plan our fundraising strategy for the new academic year and continue to raise the profile of MAFIA throughout the school and to the wider community. As always, however, we are open to further new members and hope that we may welcome new people during 2017/18.
Finally, on behalf of the Committee, I would like to extend a huge thanks to the members of teaching and support staff who have offered support to the MAFIA Committee, our fundraising events and the work of the Committee in general over the past year. Our aim and purpose is to support the work of the school and we hope to build on that further in the year ahead.
Emily Stokes
Images from Burns Supper & Ceilidh and Wine Tasting evening