Core descriptions for Fall 2015hjkhjk
Young Adult Core - we are a group of college age and recent grads who gather weekly to engage with scripture, pray for one another and build friendships. We meet weekly at OneLife Community Church. The group facilitators are Andrew Douglass and Brian Lake. Day and Location TBD
Martial Arts - We meet every Tuesday night from 6-8. This is a mix of traditional martial arts styles. All ages are welcome and all ages participate together. The cost is $25/ month for each person in a family up to $50. The group facilitator is Greg Di Loreto who has a third degree black belt and has been studying martial arts for 31 years.
Pub Night - This is a men's gathering. We get together every Sunday night at various local pubs to fellowship and enjoy each other's company. The time varies but usually starts anywhere from 7:30 - 8 and goes for at least an hour and half. The group facilitator is Dan Segars.
Shoreline Core Group – We will be meeting weekly to support and encourage each other through prayer, fellowship, and exploring scripture. Childcare is available. The group facilitator is Renee Laigo. Date and time TBD.
Women's Story Core - We are a group of women who gather together to engage with scripture, pray for one another, and enjoy time in fellowship together. We meet every other Tuesday from 7 - 9 at OneLife Community Church in the sacred space room. The group facilitators are Linda Carlson & Martha Wood
Parenting Core – We will be reading through the book blah blah blah and supporting each other through prayer, fellowship and discussion about parenting. Meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month at OneLife Community Church in the Sacred Space Room from ?
Reel Theology - We look at the stories that different movies tell and how those intersect with our stories and with God's story. We watch a movie and then spend time discussing it. Some of the content we discuss and engage with is for a mature audience so no one under 18 can attend this core group. We meet every other Sunday from 7 until whenever we get done. The group facilitator is Matt Jones.
Wedgwood Core Group - We meet biweekly for dinner, fellowship, and encouragement. We will be looking at various life issues that are practical and challenging. Childcare is provided. Core Facilitators – Rich and Jen Sclafani.Meets Tuesday nights 5:30-7 in Wedgwood.
The Long Way Round Core –We will be watching the documentary The Long Way Round, and discussing the different aspects and various stages of being on a journey. We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at OneLife Community Church in the Youth Room from 7-8:30. Snacks are included. No Children under 13. The group facilitator is Greg Di Loreto
Craft Night – Ladies! Do you have craft projects that you've always wanted to do, but just need a chance to make it happen? Bring your projects and join us as we share life and get creative! We'll enjoy lots of great conversation, prayer, good food, and fun.The group Facilitators are Julie Logosz and Jen Sclafani. We will be meeting once a month every 3rd Wednesday from 7-9 PM at Jen's house (Seattle, Wedgwood) and/or Julie's house (Lynnwood) depending on participants.
Family Game Night - We are looking to gather people of all ages to play board games, card games, and really any games! Bring whatever games you have and some food for the potluck, and be ready to have some fun. All ages are welcome. We will be meeting monthly on a Friday at OneLife Community Church in the commons from 6-8 (but some may stay and play later too!). The group facilitators are Brian and Yvonne Driscoll.